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Console app to call mvc controller action to real time process: Console app to call mvc controller action to real time process

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Console app to call mvc controller action to real time process


Picture of Ritesh Upadhyay by Ritesh Upadhyay - 10 months ago (2015-03-24)

Console app to call mvc controller action to real time process

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Yii i use console to call controller action Console app to call mvc controller action to real time process Pcntl is advatage for this process my problem is my controller action inside some other action that take too much time bacause inside i call update and api multiple curl call so please guide me what i do

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1 Recommendation

PHP Async Task: Execute asynchronous tasks in the background

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This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Dmitry Mamontov by Dmitry Mamontov package author package author Reputation 260 - 10 months ago (2015-04-06) Comment

Here there is a good class that when it was written by me. It is intended for the asynchronous execution of the action. See an example, there's simple. Most importantly, note that from the web interface it will not work, but if a strong desire, you can call the class of the function exec() or other analogs. If you need to process after launch to get rid of the console outside the class at the end add the function posix_setsid(). Aluchshe just read the article, it will help you.

  • 1 Comment
  • 1. Picture of Ritesh Upadhyay by Ritesh Upadhyay - 10 months ago (2015-04-07) Reply

    Hello can you help me how to develop process like when i open my detail page it controller/action with unique id pass into browser inside action id related update and calculation api call in background but same type or other id of request more than 10000 so use background this process how develop.please guide me thanks in advance

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