PHP Classes

What is the best PHP text mining class?: Bayes text mining

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What is the best PHP text mining class?


Picture of Hanif Fuadi Nurdin by Hanif Fuadi Nurdin - 1 year ago (2015-01-20)

Bayes text mining

This request is clear and relevant.
This request is not clear or is not relevant.


I want to have a solution for text mining.

  • 1 Clarification request
  • 1. Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos - 1 year ago (2015-01-21) Reply

    What exactly are you looking for? Could it be a solution for classifying text? Or maybe detect spam in text using a Bayesian solution?

    Ask clarification

    1 Recommendation

    PHP Text Classifier: Classify text in categories using Bayesian method

    This recommendation solves the problem.
    This recommendation does not solve the problem.


    Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 11100 - 1 year ago (2015-01-22) Comment

    If you want to analyse texts and classify them to group in categories, this class provides a solution using a Bayesian approach.

    Recommend package