PHP API Server Builder: Build a REST server API from custom classes

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Version License PHP version Categories
api-builder 1.0.1GNU General Publi...5.0PHP 5, Web services
Description Author

This package can build a REST server API from custom classes.

It can register classes that will handle API calls under given server URI.

The main class can handle the requests to the API server and call the respective handler classes.

Optionally a custom class can validate the key value that clients may be required to pass as authorized clients to access the API.


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Picture of Rodolfo Pereira Romano
Name: Rodolfo Pereira Romano <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: Brazil Brazil

APIBuilder - PHP REST API Builder

This framework make easy the developmente of an REST Api for others developers can acsses information on your system.

Este framework torna fácil o desenvolvimento de uma REST API para que outros desenvolvedores podssam acessar informações de seus sistema.

This package can build a REST server API from custom classes.

It can register classes that will handle API calls under given server URI.

The main class can handle the requests to the API server and call the respective handler classes.

Optionally a custom class can validate the key value that clients may be required to pass as authorized clients to access the API.


Any Help is welcome!

Toda Ajuda é bem vinda!

O que é REST API (REpresentational State Transfer (REST)) ?

Sobre REST

Primerios Passos / First Steps

- includes:
- Criar uma classe que extende de ApiCommandBase
	- Implementar _getURIName()
	- Implmentar os métodos públicos que estarão disponíveis para o usuário
- Registrar a nova classe usando: registerClass()

- Instanciar APIApp
	- Parametrizar
	- executar run()
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Files folder imageapibuilder (5 directories)
Accessible without login Plain text file doc.php Example Example script
Accessible without login Plain text file example.php Example Example script
Accessible without login Plain text file readme.txt Doc. Documentation
Accessible without login Plain text file sampleclass.php Example Example script
Accessible without login Plain text file _.htaccess Data Auxiliary data

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For more information send a message to info at phpclasses dot org.