PHP Classes

Stream IO: Access files with classes similar to Java IO

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2011-12-22 (4 years ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot enough user ratingsTotal: 252 All time: 7,386 This week: 1,081Up
Version License PHP version Categories
stream-io 0.9BSD License4.3PHP 5, Files and Folders, Text proces...
Description Author

This package can access files with classes similar to Java IO package.

It provides several types of interfaces to access read and write streams of data like InputStream, OutputStream, Socket, DataOutputStream, EncryptedOutputStream, etc..

It can be used also to read and write text streams with characters encoded in ASCII (7 bit) and UTF-8.

Picture of Tobias Marstaller
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  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imagecharset (3 files)
Plain text file Example Example Example code for the main classes.
Plain text file PHP_IO.Lib.php Aux. Loads all classes of the library.
Plain text file PHP_IO.php Aux. Loads default classes if __autoload is defined otherwise defines __autoload to load all required classes.
Plain text file BigEndian.php Class Provides a bigendian conversion interface.
Plain text file BufferedReader.php Class Buffers a php-native stream for performance increasements. (Is currently slower as InputStreamReader; is to be imporved)
Plain text file Closable.php Class Implemented by all closable streams.
Plain text file CryptoException.php Class Thrown whenever Encrypted(Input/Output)Stream encounters errors during the en/de-cryption
Plain text file DataInputStream.php Class Provides the option to read complex data such as nested arrays and objects from a stream
Plain text file DataOutputStream.php Class Provides the option to write complex data such as nested arrays and objects to a stream
Plain text file EncryptedInputStream.php Class Provides the functionality to read encrypted data from a stream.
Plain text file EncryptedOutputStream.php Class Provides the functionality to write encrypted data to a stream.
Plain text file File.php Class Represents a file or directory.
Plain text file FileFilter.php Class Filters files according to their contents.
Plain text file FilenameFilter.php Class Filters files according to their filename/extension.
Plain text file FileOutputStream.php Class Provides the option to write raw bytes to a file
Plain text file Flushable.php Class Implemented by all flushble streams.
Plain text file InputStream.php Class Interface for simple read functionality.
Plain text file InputStreamReader.php Class Provides read functionality using different charsets.
Plain text file IOException.php Class Thrown whenever an error occurs.
Plain text file OutputStream.php Class Interface for simple write functionality.
Accessible without login Plain text file Class Contains all classes; No need to include anything else.
Plain text file PrintWriter.php Class Provides the option to write characters to a stream using different charsets
Plain text file RawInputStream.php Class Class for simple read functionality.
Plain text file RawOutputStream.php Class Class for simple write functionality.
Plain text file Socket.php Class Creates a Socket to the given computer/port and provides stream-interfaces.
Plain text file TemporaryFile.php Class Represents a temporary file. 32KB
Downloadstream-io-2011-12-22.tar.gz 20KB
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Needed packages  
Class DownloadWhy it is needed Dependency
Anti_Mcrypt Download .zip .tar.gz Needed for EncryptedInputStream and EncryptedOutputStream Conditional
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