PHP Classes

PHP Ajax Voting system: Manage a vote polling system

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2009-05-15 (7 years ago) RSS 2.0 feedStarStarStarStar 79%Total: 1,530 All time: 2,482 This week: 1,113Up
Version License PHP version Categories
phpajax_voting 1.0GNU General Publi...3.0Databases, Content management
Description Author

This class can be used to manage a vote polling system.

It can record in a MySQL database the votes of the users in several possible options also defined in a database table of poll options.

It uses cookies to keep track of votes done by each user to prevent users voting again.

The class can also retrieve the statistics of votes done for each poll option.

Picture of Nick Asenov
Name: Nick Asenov <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: Bulgaria Bulgaria

Thank You for choosing PHP Ajax Voting system,
Distributed under GPL license (please, read license.txt)
      Author: Nickolay Asenov
* Insert InstallDB.sql in your database;
* Set appropriate constants in /php/defined.php file;
* Edit index.php to meet your design, place there your ads and you are ready to go.
 PHP Ajax Voting system is build as PHP OOP (object oriented style) with relational transactional MySQL database back-end and jQuery scripting,
 handles one or multiple products voting-one vote per 24 hours per product. 
Depending on your hosting PHP version, PHP Ajax Voting system loads automatically appropriate class ( vote.php for PHP 5 or better and vote_php4.php for PHP 4.x ) .
 Products list is present in table articles and can be updated before importing InstallDB.sql line 18 :
 INSERT INTO articles (product) VALUES('orange'),('banana'),('potatoes');
or later via phpMyAdmin ect.
 All management of  PHP Ajax Voting system can be done using phpMyAdmin, console or other MySQL tools: 
changes, made on table articles reflects on relational table vots and you’ll not lose any statistical data.
 You can see online demo here
 Hoping you like PHP Ajax Voting system I’ll appreciate you bug reports and suggestion
 Best wishes: Nickolay

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imagephp (7 files)
Files folder imagejs (2 files)
Files folder imagecss (1 file)
Accessible without login Plain text file Readme.txt Doc. Installation instructions
Plain text file InstallDB.sql Data MySQL database installation
Accessible without login Plain text file index.php Example Index demo page
Plain text file license.txt Lic. GPL license

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Congratulations !! looool Thats a very good and useful class .
7 years ago (José Filipe Lopes Santos)