PHP Composer: Render image of musical score of RTTL ring tones

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phpcomposer 1.0.0Free for non-comm...Wireless and Mobile, Text processing, A...
Description Author

This class is meant to render images of the musical score of ring tones notes used in cellular phones, defined in the RTTL format.

It parses the RTTL ring tones string to extract the information about the author, duration, scale, beats per minute and the notes of the tune.

Then it renders the score image using a customizable logo and an appropriate TrueType font to render the notes in the score.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2004
Number 4

Prize: One copy of DWeb Pro Lifetime License
In the latest years, selling ring tones to users of cellular phones has become an interesting business.

These ring tones are usually popular tunes that people enjoy hearing, often associating a different tune according to the number that is calling their cellular phones.

There are many companies selling ring tones via Web sites. They list the available ring tone tunes in their Web site and make them available for download to their cellular phone device after a normal e-commerce purchase.

This class is capable of processing ring tones files in the RTTL format and present the information about a ring tone tune in the form of a nice musical score that can be use to enhance the presentation of sites that list ring tones.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Ben Yacoub Hatem
Name: Ben Yacoub Hatem <contact>
Classes: 18 packages by
Country: Tunisia Tunisia
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 4x

PHP Composer
Author : Ben Yacoub Hatem

This class is meant to convert RTTL music notes to an image formatted partition.
PHP Composer is an experimental interface and your feedback will be all welcomed.

PHP 4 or PHP 5 + GD installed with ttf support

Chmod utils/ folder to 0777. The first execution of the script will generate the PHP Composer logo and a TTF font 

1 - Adjust page-setting
2 - Fix the write_note() function to support complex notes
3 - Add multiple pages support

Ben Yacoub Hatem <hatem at php dot net>
  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imageutils (1 file)
Plain text file composer.class.php Class Composer class
Accessible without login Plain text file index.php Example index and sample usage of the class
Accessible without login Plain text file readme.txt Doc. Readme file

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