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How to Implement a PHP CVS Import Library that Can Import Large CSV Files without Exceeding PHP Memory Limit using the Package APL Test: Process large CSV files using Laravel queues

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This package can process large CSV files using Laravel queues.

It implements an application that provides command classes to process CSV files passed from the command line using Laravel Artisan and extract lists of users contained in CSV files.

The application uses Laravel queues to process large CVS files without using too much memory.

Picture of András Zoltán-Gyárfás
Name: András Zoltán-Gyárfás <contact>
Classes: 7 packages by
Country: Romania Romania
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APL nextED aptitude test

The Goal

Create a small sample application using common APL tools & languages. The application will need to import a large CSV file (100k records) into a queue, where a background worker will process each individual record.


  • Use a public Git repository
  • Set up a Homestead & VirtualBox VM environment for the application
  • Use the native Laravel framework as much as possible (Models, Routes, Config, Storage, DB)
  • Use Laravel Queue (your choice of queue)
  • Use MySQL as the destination database - Create a DB migration to setup a Users table - Use the native Laravel timestamps - Use the SoftDelete feature
  • Write a script to create a CSV file with 100k records containing a list of users - Names, emails, passwords and phone numbers (can be fully randomized) - Include a ?deleted? column, with a few records having a value set
  • Create a CSV file importer, that will accept the generated CSV file and insert the records into the Queue
  • Create a Console Command that processes the records in the queue, and update the database with the data.
  • Setup PHP Unit / Functional Tests on the importer and queue worker.


  • _Homestead_, _Valet_ or any other local setup.
  • Laravel 8.x

Local setup

  • Clone this repository
  • Download and install `Homestead` and `VirtualBox`
  • Install the dependencies from the project folder
composer install

  • Generate the Homestead configuration file by running the
php vendor/bin/homestead make

or by copying the attached _Homestead.yaml_ file to your project directory and run

vagrant up

  • In order to connect to your virtual machine, run:
vagrant ssh
  • Go to your project folder listed in the Homestead.yaml file and create the `.env` file, than update the database connection data
copy .env.example .env

  • Run the migration
php artisan migrate

  • Add the Jobs table:
php artisan queue:table

Application Usage

Generate users to file

This application can generate users in csv, json format.

To generate a list of users, use the following command:

php artisan generate:users {format} {count=10} {filename=users}

This command will generate a users.csv file containing 100000 users to the default storage directory.

Currently there are two formats supported: json and csv. For more info, see the app/Extension/HandleItemsList and app/Extension/HandleItemsList folders for more info about further format implementations.


This will generate a users.csv file with 100000 user data

php artisan generate:users csv 100000

This command will generate a users.json file with 100000 users data.

php artisan generate:users json 100000

Load file into users table

Start the workers:

php artisan queue:work --queue=users

To load a file into the users table, run the below command

php artisan load:users {format=csv} {filename=users}


This will load the users.csv file into the users table

php artisan load:users csv users

This will load the users.json file into the users table

php artisan generate:users json 100000

Testing the app

In order to properly run tests, the .env.testing file has to be completed. After the above is completed, run:

php artisan test


Andras Zoltan Gyarfas - Zoli

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imageapl-csv-handler (12 files, 8 directories)
Accessible without login Plain text file Homestead.yaml Data Auxiliary data
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