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Simple PHP Logger: Log messages to storage implemented by streams

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2024-03-30 (6 days ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot enough user ratingsTotal: 36 This week: 36All time: 10,919 This week: 2Up
Version License PHP version Categories
simple-php-logger 1.0.0MIT/X Consortium ...5Debug, Logging, Performance and optim..., P...


This package can log messages to storage implemented by streams.

It provides a class that can be taken as a parameter, a stream object that will handle the storage of the log message.

The log class uses a log result class to format the log message before sending the formatted log message to the stream object.

The package provides several stream classes that can store log messages in regular files:

1. Synchronously waiting for the messages to be stored in the files

2. Asynchronously without waiting for the messages to be stored in the files

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2024
Logging application messages is helpful to debug issues that those applications may have.

Developers may check the application logs to discover details that may be incorrect and causing issues that must be fixed as soon as possible.

This package can generate log messages in two ways. One way is synchronous. That is the slower way because the applications need to wait for the messages to be stored in files to carry on with the execution of the application code.

The other way is asynchronous. This way, applications can send messages to log files and continue with the execution of the application code without waiting for the messages to be stored in the files.

The asynchronous way of storing log messages is faster.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Mateo
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 10x

Winner: 3x




declare (strict_types=1);

SimpleLogger\streams\{CollectionStream, FileStream, StdoutStream};

__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$logger = new Logger(stream: new CollectionStream([
FileStream::async(__DIR__ . '/log.log'),

$logger->info('This is an info message', ['exception' => new Exception('This is an exception')]);
$logger->warning('This is a warning message');
$logger->debug('This is a debug message with {msg}', ['msg' => 'parameters']);


Simple psr logger


composer require mateodioev/simple-logger


use SimpleLogger\Logger;
use SimpleLogger\streams\{CollectionStream, FileStream, StdoutStream};

$logger = new Logger(stream: new CollectionStream([
    new StdoutStream(),
    FileStream::async(__DIR__ . '/log.log'),

$logger->debug('The debug message');

Creating a new stream

A stream is a class that implements the SimpleLogger\streams\LogStream interface. You can create your own stream by implementing the write method.

use SimpleLogger\streams\LogStream;

class MyStream implements LogStream
    public function write(LogResult $message): void
        // Write the message

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