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Complex Heart PHP Criteria: Compose several filters using fluent interface

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Version License PHP version Categories
php-criteria 1.0Custom (specified...8.1Databases, PHP 8


This package can compose query conditions from criteria clauses.

It provides several classes that can be used to compose conditions by implementing several types of condition clauses.

Currently, the package supports conditions clauses of type:

- Filter

- Filter group

- Operator

- Order

- Order type

- Page

The Criteria Design Pattern is a potent instrument for crafting an application's adaptable and recyclable query specifications.

When integrated with the tenets of Clean Architecture, this pattern advocates for the segregation of concerns and enhances maintainability.

Please note that this package only provides the Criteria object.

Implementing the Criteria Parser is outside the scope of this package.

You can implement as many criteria parsers as possible, one per database system.

The Criteria object does not contain any references to tables; the repository is responsible for applying it within the Aggregate context.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2024
When developers need to perform queries to databases or object repositories to access data records that match a given criteria, they need to define the conditions the data must match.

For relational databases, developers use SQL to define the record-matching conditions.

Another type of query condition definition needs to be used for other types of object repositories.

This package implements an abstraction to the query condition criteria that uses different objects to define the types of query condition criteria.

This way, the package can define criteria to query different types of object repositories besides relational databases.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Unay Santisteban
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 3x

Winner: 1x




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Small implementation of a criteria pattern in PHP for Complex Heart SDK. Compose several filters using fluent interface.


Just install the package from Packagist using composer:

composer require complex-heart/criteria


Import the class and use the fluent interface:

namespace ComplexHeart\Domain\Criteria;

// Match the users with status active and more than 7k followers and from Spain and France
$g1 = FilterGroup::create()        
    ->addFilterEqual('status', 1)
    ->addFilterGreaterThan('followers', 7000)
    ->addFilterIn('country', ['es', 'fr']);

$criteria = Criteria::default()

$users = $repository->match($criteria);

// alternative, same as above
$criteria = Criteria::default()
        ->addFilterEqual('status', 1)
        ->addFilterGreaterThan('followers', 7000)
        ->addFilterIn('country', ['es', 'fr']))

// In SQL, we may have something like:
// WHERE status = 1 AND followers >= 700 AND country in ('es', 'fr')

$users = $repository->match($criteria);

A FilterGroup is a set of filters or conditions that must match all together (AND). To match one group or another (OR), just add more FilterGroup.

// Match articles with given term in title, or in tagline, or in content.
$criteria = Criteria::default()
    ->withFilterGroup(FilterGroup::create()->addFilterContains('title', $term))
    ->withFilterGroup(FilterGroup::create()->addFilterContains('tagline', $term))
    ->withFilterGroup(FilterGroup::create()->addFilterContains('content', $term))

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