PHP Classes

PHP Line Length Detector: Detect the line length of PHP source code files

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2023-05-14 (2 months ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 49 All time: 10,534 This week: 109Up
Version License PHP version Categories
php-line-length-dete 1.0The PHP License7Algorithms, Utilities and Tools, Text..., L..., P...


De Gracia Mathieu


This package can detect the line length of PHP source code files.

It provides an application running from the shell command line console to analyze one or more PHP source files.

The package can process the given PHP source files to obtain statistics about the length of the lines of PHP code.

It generates HTML to display a report on a Web page that shows the maximum and the average number of characters used in the lines of the PHP source code files.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2023
Number 3
Many developers look at other developers' code to determine if they can understand what the code does to decide if it is helpful to use in their projects.

The readability of PHP code is one factor that may help other developers to understand the code that one developer writes.

One aspect of the readability of the code is the length of the line of code. PHP code that has very long lines is tough to read.

This package can analyze the PHP code of given source files to return valuable statistics about the length of the lines of code of those source files.

This way, other developers may know how easy or hard to read the code of a PHP project can be.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of DeGraciaMathieu
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 10x

Winner: 1x


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Files folder image.github (1 directory)
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Files folder imagetests (3 files, 2 directories)
Accessible without login Plain text file .editorconfig Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file box.json Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file composer.json Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file composer.lock Data Auxiliary data
Plain text file line-length-detector Class Class source
Accessible without login Plain text file Makefile Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file phpstan.neon Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file phpunit.xml.dist Data Auxiliary data
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All time:10,534
This week:109Up