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PHP Wallet API and Application: Application to manage a wallet by calling an API

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2022-01-20 (8 days ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 28 This week: 14All time: 10,413 This week: 10Up
Version License PHP version Categories
wallet-app 1.0.0GNU Lesser Genera...5PHP 5, Web services, Finances
Description Author

This package provides an application to manage a wallet by calling an API.

It implements an API that performs operations on user wallets like creating payment requests for clients, setting payment and deposit methods, approving or rejecting transactions, checking the wallet balance, etc..

The package also provides a Web application that allows registered users to perform operations on their wallets supported by the wallet API.

Picture of mohammad anzawi
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 2x



Wallet App

this app created with * Laravel 8 * React <typescript> * tailwindCss

pleas note :

all files (Classes, methods) are documented well, so you can open any file and read comments if you want to know how things going.

server directory -> Back-End (API)

client directory -> Front-End (APP)

run this app

### Requriments: * composer * Node >=v14.18.1 <=v16.13.1 (v17.2.0 cause errors) * PHP v7.4.0+ * Database :

* Mysql v5.7+
* PostgreSQL 9.6+
* SQL Server 2017+

to run this app on your computer please follow steps,

  • clone this repo or download it.
  • open /server/.env file and setup your database information
  • dont forget to change (APP_URL) from .env file
  • `JWT_TTL` key for JWT token expiration.
  • open your tirminal or CMD and navagate to project directory
  • navagate to /server directory
  • run `composer install` to install dependencies (wait to finish)
  • run `php artisan key:generate` to generate app key
  • run `php artisan jwt:secret` to generate JWT key
  • run `php artisan migrate` to migrate tables to database
  • run `php artisan db:seed` to insert some data into database
      # create user with admin persmissions
          name: Admin, 
          passowrd: admin123
    # create init payment method
  • run `php artisan storage:link` to link storage with public directory.
  • now your api is ready to deploy
  • you can use (homestead or valet) or for fast you can run `php artisan serve` now your api in http://localhost:8000
  • ----------------------
  • navigate to /client directory
  • run `npm install` to install dependencies (wait to finish)
  • if your back-end url not (http://localhost:8000) :
  • open `/client/src/app/api/agent.ts` file and change
  • `axios.defaults.baseURL = 'http://localhost:8000/api'`
  • to be axios.defaults.baseURL = 'your-url/api'
  • now run `npm start` to start application on http://localhost:3000
  • open http://localhost:3000 in your browser and start testing :)

first thing you want to do is (login as admin and create payment method) if you register as a user , you cant create any transactions if theres no payment methods.


how to setup your database

  • first thing create database -call it anything you want-
  • open your database management tool and run `CREATE DATABASE {database_name}`
  • open /server/.env file and change
  • if .env file not exists copy .env.example and rename it to .env
DB_CONNECTION={database_driver} #(by default its mysql)
DB_PORT=={database_port} # by default (3306)

other configuration

in /server/.env file

# set app url

# set setion limit
JWT_TTL=120 # for 2 hours


This version of the application does not specify the allowed currencies, due to time constraints only.

the main idea its create table currencies related with payments table when user creating transaction just check if the currency he choose is allowd in selected payment method or not, thats it

About the application

wallet management system that has two types of users: admin and client.

Admin section: ? Admin can create a new payment method that will be offered to the clients, the clients can use the predefined payment methods to deposit or withdrawal to their wallet, payment method interface includes the following: Payment method name, payment method image, allowed currencies, min deposit, `max deposit,min withdrawalandmax withdrawal`. ? Admin can approve or reject the transaction (deposit or withdrawal), created by the user. ? Admin can see all users, and he has the power to block any user. ? Admin can show the total transactions with a chart and filtration.

Client section: ? Client can make any transaction (deposit or withdrawal), and wallet will be reflected after admins approval. ? The client can see the wallet balance and he can see the transactions he requested with the status.



when we have only 2 types of users (admin/user) I just make it simple, so I created very simple permission roles its column called (is_admin) in users table.

I know its basic but it does the trick here

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imageclient (6 files, 2 directories)
Files folder imageserver (11 files, 8 directories)
Accessible without login Plain text file Doc. Documentation

 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
This week:14
All time:10,413
This week:10Up

For more information send a message to info at phpclasses dot org.