PHP Slug Generator Function Class: Generate a slug text to use in a URL from a string

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Version License PHP version Categories
slug 1.0The PHP License5PHP 5, Text processing
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This is a simple class that can generate a slug text to use in a URL from a string.

It can text string as parameter to lower the case of capital letters and replaces space characters by dashes.

The class returns the resulting string, it it can be used as part a Web site page URL to make it more readable to humans.

Picture of Channaveer Hakari
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About Simple Slug Generator

Hi with the help of this page you can generate simple Slug

Working Basic Example To Generate Slug

require_once './vendor/autoload.php';

use Channaveer\Slug\Slug;

$string = "How To Create A Composer Package? Test It Locally And Add To Packagist Repository";

echo Slug::create($string);

Generate UNIQUE Slugs Example

require_once './vendor/autoload.php';

use Channaveer\Slug\Slug;

$title  = "How To Create A Composer Package? Test It Locally And Add To Packagist Repository";

$slug   = Slug::create($title);

/ Following is the simple PDO Query to check the 
 total number of blog with similar slug name/
$blog_count_stmt = $pdo->prepare("
                        COUNT(`id`) slug_count
                        `slug` LIKE :slug

    ":slug" => "%".$slug."%"

$blog_count = $blog_count_stmt->fetchObject();

if ($blog_count && $blog_count->slug_count > 0) {
    $article_increment = $blog_count->slug_count + 1;
    $slug = $slug . '-' . $article_increment;

echo 'Your unique slug - <br/>'. $slug;
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