PHP Classes

PHP Manager Classes: Manage the access to multiple driver classes

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2020-03-02 (3 days ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 2 This week: 2All time: 9,877 This week: 186Up
Version License PHP version Categories
manager 1.0The PHP License7Language, Design Patterns, PHP 7
Description Author

This package can be used to manage the access to multiple driver classes

It provides an abstract class that can take as parameter the name of a given driver class to be accessed.

Implementation classes should used this manager class to extend it so they provide different functions that create all types of supported driver objects.

The implementation classes can also provide a function to return the name of the default driver class in case no driver name was previously specified.

The manager class returns the object of the selected driver class object, so it an be called directly by the application.

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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 2x



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Implementation of the Manager pattern existing in Laravel framework.


composer require degraciamathieu/manager


This package offers an abstract class Manager which needs to be extended to implement the creation of various Driver classes.

use DeGraciaMathieu/Manager/Manager;

class LoggerManager extends Manager {

    public function createMonologDriver(): LoggerDriver
        return new MonologDriver();

    public function createMockDriver(): LoggerDriver
        return new MockDriver();

    public function getDefaultDriver()
        return 'monolog';

The getDefaultDriver method should also be implemented in your class Manager, in order to determine which driver has to be created by default. It's also the right spot to determine the default driver from an environment variable, or a configuration.

public function getDefaultDriver()

In a matter of consistency, all Driver creations (createClientDriver, createMockDriver...) should return a class which itself implements the same interface, the LoggerDriver contract in this here case.

interface LoggerDriver {
    public function doAnything();

class MonologDriver implements LoggerDriver {

    public function doAnything()
        echo 'i do anything from the monolog driver';

class MockDriver implements LoggerDriver {

    public function doAnything()
        echo 'i do anything from the mock driver';

From now on, it's possible to use your Manager, either by using the default driver:

(new LoggerManager())->doAnything(); // i do anything from the monolog driver

Or by simply specify the driver which needs to be instantiated.

(new LoggerManager())->driver('monolog')->doAnything(); // i do anything from the monolog driver
(new LoggerManager())->driver('mock')->doAnything(); // i do anything from the mock driver

Example with Laravel:

Usage example of the pattern manager in a Laravel project.

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