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Check PHP Requirements: Verify conditions for a PHP application to run

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Version License PHP version Categories
php-requirements-che 1.0.0MIT/X Consortium ...5PHP 5, System information, Utilities ...
Description Author

This package can verify conditions for a PHP application to run.

It provides a fluent interface to define conditions that need to be verified in the current PHP environment in order to check if an application can run properly.

Currently it can check the following types of conditions:

- PHP version number
- Available PHP extensions
- Available PHP functions
- Available Apache servers modules
- Available files
- Accessible directories
- PHP configuration values that may have been set in the php.ini file
- Current operating type

The class returns whether all the required conditions are met, or returns a list of errors if one or more conditions are not met.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2020
Every PHP application has requirements to be able to run properly.

Many developers spend a lot of time trying to install and run applications that have requirements which are not possible to satisfy in the current environment without making changes.

This package helps verifying many types of application requirements. It can be used to tell in advance to the developers that try to install them what they need to change in their environment before they get started installing and running an application.

Manuel Lemos
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 4x



PHP Requirements Checker

PHP Requirements Checker

A PHP library to check the current environment against a set of defined requirements. Currently it supports checking for PHP version, OS, extensions, php.ini values, functions, classes, apache modules and local files and folders.

Install via composer

composer require mirazmac/php-requirements-checker dev-master

Manual Install

Download the latest release. Extract and require src/Checker.php in your code. But it's highly recommended to use Composer.

require 'src/Checker.php';


use MirazMac\Requirements\Checker;

$checker = new Checker;

// Define requirements
        ->requirePhpExtensions(['ffmpeg', 'mbstring'])
        ->requireFile('../composer.json', Checker::CHECK_FILE_EXISTS)
        ->requireDirectory('../src', Checker::CHECK_IS_READABLE)
            'allow_url_fopen' => true,
            'short_open_tag' => true,
            'memory_limit'  => '>=64M',

// Runs the check and returns parsed requirements as an array
// Contains parsed requirements with state of the current values
// and their comparison result
$output = $checker->check();

// Should be called after running check() to see if requirements has met or not
$satisfied = $checker->isSatisfied();

if ($satisfied) {
    echo "Requirements are met.";
} else {
    echo join(', ', $checker->getErrors());

Supported Requirement Checks

Every supported requirements check begins with the word require. They return the class instance that means they're chain-able. These are the supported checks:

requirePhpVersion(string $version);

You can check if current PHP version matches your desired version using this method. The parameter `$version` should be a string containing your desired PHP version. Comparison operators can be prepended at the very beginning of the string.


// Note the comparison operator
// Supports comparison operators: <, >, =, >=

requireOS(string $os);

You can check if current OS matches with your desired operating system. The parameter `$os` must have one of the following values: `Checker::OS_UNIX,Checker::OS_DOS`


requireIniValues(array $values)

Use this to validate a set of php.ini config values to compare against your provided values. The parameter `$valuesshould be an array as key => value fashion, where the key would contain the php.ini config var and the value should be the desired value. LikerequirePhpVersion();` comparison operators can be prepended at the very beginning of the value. To keep things simple and neat, use `booleaninstead of usingOn/1/Off/0` for the check.

    // Will check if file_uploads is enabled or not
    // Notice the usage of boolean instead of On/Off/1/0
    'file_uploads' => true,

    // Note the comparison operator > before the desired value
    // This means the library will check if post_max_size is greater than 2M or not
    'post_max_size' => '>2M',

    // Set a value to `NULL` to just skip the check for that value
    // Useful when you don't wanna compare but want to fetch the
    // current value on the parsed requirements array
    'safe_mode'   => null,

requirePhpExtensions(array $extensions)

To make sure provided extensions are loaded. Parameter `$extenstions` should be an array with the extension names.

    'openssl', 'mbstring', 'curl'

requireFunctions(array $functions)

To make sure provided functions are loaded. Parameter `$functions` should be an array with the function names.

    'apcu_fetch', 'mb_substr', 'curl_init'

requireClasses(array $classes)

To make sure provided classes are loaded. Parameter `$classes` should be an array with the class names (namespaced or global namespace will be used).

    'PDO', 'finfo', 'stdClass'

requireApacheModules(array $modules)

To make sure provided modules are loaded. Parameter `$modules` should be an array with the module names. NOTE: This check will only run if current server is Apache.

    'mod_rewrite', 'mod_mime'

requireFile(string $path, string $check = self::CHECK_FILE_EXISTS)

To check permissions and existence of certain files and directories. The parameter `$path` should be path to any file or directory. The parameter `$check` is the check name that would be performed on the path. The supported values are: * `Checker::CHECK_IS_FILE- Runsis_file()` on the path.

  • `Checker::CHECK_IS_DIRRunsis_dir()` on the path.
  • `Checker::CHECK_IS_READABLERunsis_readable()` on the path.
  • `Checker::CHECK_IS_WRITABLERunsis_writable()` on the path.
  • `Checker::CHECK_FILE_EXISTSRunsfile_exists()` on the path.

NOTE: `requireDirectory()` is an alias of this method.

$checker->requireFile('app/config.ini', Checker::CHECK_IS_FILE)
        ->requireFile('app/cache', Checker::CHECK_IS_WRITABLE);
        ->requireDirectory('app/cache', Checker::CHECK_IS_DIR);


  • Write tests
  • Write extended docs
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