PHP Classes

PHP Count Array by Value Type: Get the number of values in array of a given type

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countval 2.0.1The PHP License5PHP 5, Data types


This class can get the number of values in array of a given type.

It can traverse a given array and count the number of values like the array_count_values function but it returns only those that have a given type.

The class can also count values of a type in variables objects of classes that act like arrays and implement the Traversable interface.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2018
Number 7
Array entries can have values of many types. PHP can return the count of entries in an array but if you just want to get the count of elements of a given type, PHP does not provide a direct means to achieve that.

This class not only can count the elements of a given type, but it also can handle nested arrays.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of zinsou A.A.E.Moïse
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 23x

Winner: 2x




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Extends PHP array_count_values native function to count any PHP type value in iterable variables

Requires: PHP 5.3+

Why use this instead of native PHP array_count_values function?

Typically you would use it:

  1. You need to count values not only in arrays but also in iterator ,generator.
  2. You want to count values of other types than integer and string. .

How to use it

Require the library by issuing this command:

composer require manuwhat/avc

Add require 'vendor/autoload.php'; to the top of your script.

require 'AVC.php';//require helpers file

var_dump(count_values(array_merge(range(0, 5), array(array()), array(array()), array(array(6)))));

/* output
array(8) {
  array(2) {
  array(2) {
  array(2) {
  array(2) {
  array(2) {
  array(2) {
  array(2) {
    array(0) {
  array(2) {
    array(1) {


AS you may see the result is a multi-dimensional array and this is great but not very convenient. So the package provide an iterator to easily handle the result.One can use it this way:

require 'AVC.php';//require helpers file

$x=count_values(array_merge(range(0, 5), array(array()), array(array()), array(array(6))),true);

foreach ($x as $value=>$count){
		var_dump(stream_get_meta_data ($value));
		echo "$value=>$count<br>";


When the handled variable doesn't contain type other than integer or string the function return exactly the same output as the native array_count_values function except if an iterator have been required.

Note that when the handled variable contain types other than integer and string and an iterator has been required as result, you can access the count using array access syntax .For example:

require 'AVC.php';//require helpers file

$x=count_values(array_merge(range(0, 5), array(array()), array(array()), array(array(6))),true);

echo $x[array()];

3 helpers are provided in the AVC.php file


To run unit tests

phpunit  ./tests

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