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PHP Lazy Copy Summary Text: Parse text copy to extract most relevant phrases

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lazy-copy-summarizer 1.0.0Custom (specified...5PHP 5, Text processing


This class can parse text copy to extract most relevant phrases.

It can take a text of a summary of a book, an article or anything else that contains text to be understood and returns a summary.

The summary can be the most relevant phrase or phrases, paragraph or
paragraphs, the shortest or the longest to summarize your content.

The number of phrase or paragraph to show can be configured.

Picture of zinsou A.A.E.Moïse
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 23x

Winner: 2x



Article summarizer
A class or a function which should summarize the given text


require_once 'KeywordGenerator.php';
set_time_limit(0);//useless in most of cases;

$kwObj =new summarizer( new KeywordGenerator);


$str="How to Create Your Own Software Product Business Without Quitting Your Day Job?

Many developers want to create their own software product business but they still need money to support themselves, and so cannot quit their day jobs.

Watch this very short video to learn about a simple tip on how you still can create your own business without having to quit your current job.

How to Create Your Own Software Product Business Without Quitting Your Day Job
The idea to have your own software product is business is compelling but not every developer is ready to make this step. Often they have families supports, loans or mortgages to pay, etc., so they cannot drop their current job immediately because they need the money.

Fortunately it is not mandatory to drop your current job to start your own software product business.

The video below gives you one simple tip that can help you to start your own business while keeping your current job.

Insights on How to Create Your Own Software Product Business Without Quitting Your Day Job
On this video several insights were presented:

1. Develop your product in your free time
2. Do not seek investment initially. Be patient. Develop your product as your time permits until you have a working prototype.
3. Insight 3: Develop a little bit of your product every day. Avoid wasting time on things that you really do not need.
Free Workshop of Software Product Business Creation
For the last 15 years I have been working full time in the PHP Classes site as my full time business. Many of the things I know I learned by doing it.

I made lots of mistakes, but I also got many things right to the point of gathering a large PHP community. Over the last 17 years of existence it reached 1.4 million registered users. It keeps growing at the pace of about 5.000 new registered users every month.

So I would like to share what I learned, so you do not have to spend 15 years in error and trial like I did to learn about software product business.

My goal is to build a community of successful developers that not only create nice software that they like, but also are independent and have autonomy to work on what you want. As a community we can help each other and be more successful then when we work alone.

So, to get you started, soon there will be a free workshop online in video that you can watch and learn these methods and everything else you need to know to create your own software product business the right way with low risk of failure.

To be notified of when this workshop will start, go to the video page, and below the video click on the link to signup quickly with your Facebook account or signup with your email address. As a bonus you will also get access to a new video on which I teach you how to make highly desired software products.

Watch the next video on How to Create Software Products that Will Be Perfect for Your Customers
The next video will about a method for creating software products that will be perfect for your customers. It teaches you a method that, when well applied, allows you to design software products that customers really want and pay for when it is launched.

This method can avoid the problem of taking the risk of spending a lot of time developing a product that may not have great acceptance in the market.

At the time of this writing, this video is still being edited. In the page of the video on \"How to Create Your Own Software Product Business Without Quitting Your Day Job\" there is a link to signup with your Facebook account or signup with your email address, so you can be notified when the new video is ready.

Watch the Video on How to Create Your Own Software Product Business Without Quitting Your Day Job
How to Create Your Own Software Product Business Without Quitting Your Day Job"

echo (
'<div style="width:800px">'.$kwObj->getSummary($str).$kwObj->getSummary($str,'',true,true,null,true,6).$kwObj->getSummary($str,'',false,true,null,true,6).$kwObj->getSummary($str,'paragraph',false,true,null,true,6).$kwObj->getSummary($str,'paragraph',true,true,null,true,6).'<div>');



Many articles on Internet are alike but they do not have at all the same importance as they don't have the same content.Because the advices for choose a good title are always the same, bloggers and other copy-writers are inclined to choose similar titles when they come to talk about the same theme. Users hate wasting their time.For many,time is money.And they won't read all the articles they see on the same theme exactly like you won't never click on every links on a search results page.Sometimes they click on a link that leads to your article but unfortunately they return because your article is very long and the start is boring... How then,bring the users to know what to choose and give them not the feeling of waste of time but the good feeling and the desire to read again many articles or just your articles? The present package is built with the intention to summarize copy and show your article in its best angle. You can use it to get a summary of a book, an article or anything else that contains text to be understood. This package can return the most relevant phrase or phrases , paragraph or paragraphs ,the shortest or the longest to summarize your content. And the number of phrase or paragraph to show can be chosen. ------------------------------How to use----------------------------------- <?php require_once 'KeywordGenerator.php'; require_once 'summarizer.class.php'; set_time_limit(0);//useless in most of cases; $kwObj =new summarizer( new KeywordGenerator); $str =" Many articles on Internet are alike but they do not have at all the same importance as they don't have the same content.Because the advices for choose a good title are always the same, bloggers and other copy-writers are inclined to choose similar title when they come to talk about the same theme. Users hate wasting their time.For many,time is money.And they won't read all the articles they see on the same theme exactly like you won't never click on every links on a search results page.Sometimes they click on a link that leads to your article but unfortunately they return because your article is very long and the start is boring... How then,bring the users to know what to choose and give them not the feeling of waste of time but the good feeling and the desire to read again many articles or just your articles? The present package is built with the intention to summarize copy and show your article in its best angle. You can use it to get a summary of a book, an article or anything else that contains text to be understood. This package can return the most relevant phrase or phrases , paragraph or paragraphs ,the shortest or the longest to summarize your content. And the number of phrase or paragraph to show can be chosen. "; //show the most relevant paragraph. echo ('<div style="width:800px">'.$kwObj->getSummary($str,'paragraph').'</div>'); //show most relevant phrase. echo ('<div style="width:800px">'.$kwObj->getSummary($str).'</div>'); //show 3 short most relevant phrases echo ('<div style="width:800px">'.$kwObj->getSummary($str,'',true,true,null, true,3).'<div>'); //show 3 long most relevant phrases echo ('<div style="width:800px">'.$kwObj->getSummary($str,'',false,true,null ,true,3).'<div>'); //show the short most relevant phrase echo ('<div style="width:800px">'.$kwObj->getSummary($str,'',true,true,null, true,1).'<div>'); //show the long most relevant phrase echo ('<div style="width:800px">'.$kwObj->getSummary($str,'',false,true,null, true,1).'<div>'); //show 3 short most relevant paragraphs echo ('<div style="width:800px">'.$kwObj->getSummary($str,'paragraph',true ,true,null,true,3).'<div>'); //show 6 long most relevant paragraphs echo ('<div style="width:800px">'.$kwObj->getSummary($str,'paragraph',false, ,true,null,true,6).'<div>'); //show the short most relevant paragraphs echo ('<div style="width:800px">'.$kwObj->getSummary($str,'paragraph',true, true,null,true,1).'<div>'); //show the long most relevant paragraphs echo ('<div style="width:800px">'.$kwObj->getSummary($str,'paragraph',false, true,null,true,1).'<div>'); /***remove the last parameter will lead to show a full summarize of your content with only all relevant paragraphs or phrases, longest or shortest according respectively to parameter 2 and 3.When you specify a language be sure to have first create the ignore_language file to avoid fatal error *************/ ?> for some how to use example : see the files testsummarizer{$i}.php ... Report improvement, bugs and other in the forum or feel free to contact me at

  Files folder image Files (16)  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Plain text file ignore_cs.txt Data config
Accessible without login Plain text file ignore_de.txt Data config
Accessible without login Plain text file ignore_en.txt Data config
Plain text file KeywordGenerator.php Class class source
Accessible without login Plain text file license.txt Lic. license file
Accessible without login Plain text file readme.txt Doc. readme
Plain text file summarizer.class.php Class class source
Accessible without login Plain text file testsummarizer.php Example example script
Accessible without login Plain text file testsummarizer1.php Example example script
Accessible without login Plain text file testsummarizer2.php Example example script
Accessible without login Plain text file testsummarizer3.php Example example script
Accessible without login Plain text file testsummarizer4.php Example example script
Accessible without login Plain text file testsummarizer5.php Example example script
Accessible without login Plain text file testsummarizer6.php Example example script
Accessible without login Plain text file testsummarizer7.php Example example script
Accessible without login Plain text file testsummarizer9.php Example example script

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