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PHP Similar Text Percentage: Compare two strings to compute a similarity score

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Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
StarStarStarStar 69%Total: 417 All time: 6,427 This week: 47Up
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similar-text 4.0.0MIT/X Consortium ...5Algorithms, PHP 5, Text processing


This class can compare two strings to compute a similarity score.

It takes the text of two strings and analyze them using pure PHP code to evaluate how equal they are.

The class returns a number that represents a percentage of the two strings to tell the level of similarity.

It achieves that by sorting words, ignoring white space and punctuation, removing or adding word, strip URLs, replace words by acronyms or expanding acronyms into the original words, compare words with similar sounds using stems, checking parts of the strings, replace words by abbreviations or using anagrams.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2018
Number 6
PHP comes with built-in functions for comparing strings and determine how similar they are.

This package provides a pure PHP solution that works in a more sophisticated way by performing text comparison on a sentences basis, rather than on a word by word basis.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of zinsou A.A.E.Moïse
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 23x

Winner: 2x



check similariries between text files
i want to check different text documents to find similarities


PHP Similar Text Percentage: Compare two strings to compute a similarity score ============================================================================== [![Build Status](]( [![Scrutinizer Code Quality](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Code Intelligence Status](]( ### Library which help to Compare two strings to compute a similarity score and get stats on how linked are the strings. **Requires**: PHP 5.3+ ### What this library exactly does? this library can compare two strings to compute a similarity score. It takes the text of two strings and analyze them using pure PHP code to evaluate how equal they are. The class returns a number that represents a percentage of the two strings to tell the level of similarity. Based on the stats provided It actually can help to detect similarity even if these cases occurred : WORD REORDER,WHITESPACE AND PUNCTUATION,REMOVE WORDS,ADD WORDS,URL STRIPPING, FORM ACRONYM,EXPAND ACRONYM,STEMMING,SUBSTRING ,SUPERSTRING,ABBREVIATION ,ANAGRAM ### How to use it Require the library by issuing this command: ```bash composer require manuwhat/similar-text ``` Add `require 'vendor/autoload.php';` to the top of your script. Next, use it in your script, just like this: ```php use ezama/similar-text; 100.0===similarText('qwerty', 'ytrewq') ``` This is an example of how to use the stats to check a special case.Here we will use them to check about anagrams (note that this has already been implemented in the library check the file similar_text.php to know more about all available implementation) ```php function areAnagrams($a, $b) { return Ezama\similar_text::similarText($a, $b, 2, true, $check)?$check['similar'] === 100.0&&$check['contain']===true:false; } areAnagrams('qwerty', 'ytrewq');// return true; ``` Nb: some functions and methods are more subtle than one can think. For example the method simpleCommonTextSimilarities::aIsSuperStringOfB and its helper aIsSuperStringOfB are not at all equal to the usual checking functions built on top of preg_match ,stripos and PHP similar functions a simple example is : ```php function aisSuperStringOfB_stripos($a, $b) { return false!==stripos($a,$b); } function aisSuperStringOfB_PCRE($a, $b) { return preg_match('#'.preg_quote($b).'#i',$a); } require './vendor/manuwhat/similar-text/similar_text.php'; aIsSuperStringOfB('mum do you want to cook something', 'do you cook something mum');//return true; aIsSuperStringOfB_stripos('mum do you want to cook something', 'do you cook something mum');//false; aIsSuperStringOfB_PCRE('mum do you want to cook something', 'do you cook something mum');//return false; ``` ### How To run unit tests ```bash phpunit ./tests ```

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