PHP File Manipulation Class: Manipulate files and directories in several ways

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php-files-manipulati 3.5MIT/X Consortium ...5.6PHP 5, Files and Folders
Description Author

This package can manipulate files and directories in several ways.

It can perform several types of operations. Currently it can:

- Create directories
- Generate random text strings
- Change file permissions
- Copy files or folders
- Move files and folders
- Delete files and folders
- Upload files validating several parameters
- Read and write files
- Setting default directory and sub directory


file php class pdo
I need manipulate files

Picture of Muhammad Umer Farooq
Name: Muhammad Umer Farooq <contact>
Classes: 46 packages by
Country: Pakistan Pakistan
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 4x


PHP Files Class

This package can manipulate files and directories in several ways.

This package can manipulate files and directories in several ways.

It can perform several types of operations. Currently it can:

  1. Create directory
  2. Generate random string
  3. Change file permission
  4. Copy Files or folders
  5. Move files and folders
  6. Delete files and folders
  7. Upload files with validation
  8. Multiple file upload with validation
  9. read/write files ## Requirement
  • PHP
  • Composer


run this command

## usage


use Lablnet\Files;

require_once "../vendor/autoload.php";

$files = new Files();

//Write on file $files->open('test.txt','writeOnly')->write("I am test files");

// read the file var_dump($files->open('test.txt','readOnly')->read('test.txt'));

//delete the file $files->delete('test.txt');

//Make dir $files->mkDir('name');

//Change premission $files->permission('test.txt',0774);

//Delete files $files->deleteFiles(['test.txt']);

//Copy files $files->copyFiles('/name','dir/',['test.txt']);

//Move files $files->moveFiles('/','dir/',['test.txt']);

//Delete dirs $files->deleteDirs(['test.txt']);

//Copy dirs $files->copyDirs('/','dir/',['test.txt']);

//Move dirs $files->moveDirs('/','dir/',['test.txt']);

//File upload $status = $files->fileUpload($_FILES['file'],'/','image'); var_dump($status);

//Multiple file upload $status = $files->filesUpload($_FILES['file'],'/','image',count($_FILES['file']['name'])); var_dump($status);

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imageexample (2 files)
Files folder imagesrc (1 file)
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