PHP Classes

PHP Mailing List Sanitizer: Validate a list of email addresses

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pmls 1.0.0Custom (specified...5Email, PHP 5, Validation


This package can validate a list of email addresses.

It can take a list of email addresses from an array or load a list of email addresses from a given CSV file .

The class validate each email address and write a CSV file with the addresses that are valid.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
November 2017
Many applications require that users enter email addresses that are valid during registration, so the users can be contacted by email.

However, when you need to use email addresses of users already registered in the past, you may need a solution to validate many addresses of existing registered users.

This class can validate many email addresses of many users in a single process.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of zinsou A.A.E.Moïse
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 23x

Winner: 2x



I need a bulk email verifier php script
I need php email verifier script to install on server

email validation
Bulk email validation


<title>Test for PHP MailingList Sanitizer</title>
<h1 align="center">Test for PHP MailingList Sanitizer</h1>
$x=new EmailChecker();
'<h2>Uploaded file</h2>';
    if( isset(
print_r($x->Uprocess(time().'.csv'));//uploaded file sanitizer...sanitize and save to timestamp.csv(you can choose your own name provided that the file doesn't exist)

<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
        <input type="file" name="file">
        <input type="submit" value="Submit">
        echo '<h2>Local File</h2>';
        print_r($x->LFprocess('r.csv',time().'.csv'));//local file sanitizer...sanitize and save to timestamp.csv(you can choose your own name provided that the file doesn't exist)
        echo '<h2>Data in Array</h2>';
        print_r($x->ARprocess($ar,time().'.csv'));//array sanitizer...sanitize and save to timestamp.csv(you can choose your own name provided that the file doesn't exist)
//ps: Omitting the parameter name will make all the functions just return the array of valid and broken and avoid saving in file.


PHP MailingList Sanitizer is a package based on Manuel lemos package PHP E-mail validation that allows to sanitize a Mailing List by removing all non deliverable emails. It can take a local file with values separated by just a comma and sanitize the file before saving the sanitized data to a new file with a given name or return the result as array of arrays with broken and valid email. It can also take an uploaded file ,with values separated by just a comma ,sanitize it before saving the sanitized data to new file with a given name or return the result as array of arrays with broken and valid email. It can also take as paramater a simple array containing only emails address and sanitize the array returning the result as array of arrays with broken and valid email. Before using the package in a production environment be sure to change this two lines: const User='info' ; const Domain=''; by your own user details to build your default email(here just for the test) in the EmailChecker.class.php file. For how to use example see the testing_mailing_sanitizer.php file... For feedbacks, suggestions or bugs reporting use the Forum or contact me at

  Files folder image Files (16)  
File Role Description
Plain text file DNS.php Class class source
Plain text file EmailChecker.class.php Class class source
Accessible without login Plain text file emaildomainswhitelist.csv Data auxilliary data
Plain text file email_validation.php Class class source
Accessible without login Plain text file fetchdns.c Aux. auxilliary C script
Accessible without login Plain text file getmxrr.php Aux. auxilliary script
Accessible without login Plain text file invalidemaildomains.csv Data auxilliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file invalidemailservers.csv Data auxilliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file invalidemailusers.csv Data auxilliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file license.txt Lic. license file
Accessible without login Plain text file makebcc.bat Aux. command windows file
Accessible without login Plain text file makegcc.bat Aux. command windows file
Accessible without login Plain text file r.csv Data auxilliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file readme.txt Doc. license file
Accessible without login Plain text file rrcompat.php Aux. auxilliary script
Accessible without login Plain text file test_mailinglist_sanitizer.php Example example script

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