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PHP Realtime Clock: Display clock or timer updated in real time

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m7 1.0.1Custom (specified...5HTML, PHP 5, Time and Date


This class can display clock or timer updated in real time on a Web page.

It generates HTML and JavaScript to display either a clock with the current time or a timer showing the time that elapsed since the beginning.

The JavaScript code will make the clock or timer be updated on the page in real time.

Picture of zinsou A.A.E.Moïse
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Create a real time timer which tell the time spend on page
Time spent on the page will help in billing the user

i need an automztic clock with php code


<?php session_start();?>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <title>DYNAMIC NUMERICAL CLOCK</title>

    <style type="text/css">

         #clock {
            font-family: verdana;
            font-weight: bold;
            font-size: 24px;
            background-color: green;
            width: auto;
            margin-left: 60%;
         #other {
            font-family: verdana;
            font-weight: bold;
            font-size: 14px;
            color: #FFFFFF;
            background-color: grey;
            width: auto;
            margin-left: 15%;
            margin-right: 15%;
<div id="clock">
     * Example file
// $numericalclock1 = new numericalclock(explode('-',date('H-I-s')),0,1,true);//simple exemple to make a true clock
    // $numericalclock1 = new numericalclock(isset($_SESSION['time'])?$_SESSION['time']:null,0,1);//timer without buttons allways procede like this on every page you use it
    // $numericalclock1 = new numericalclock('',1,1,0,'$numericalclock1');//timer with button
    // $numericalclock1 = new numericalclock(array(23,59,55));//timer without buttons but which will always start from 23:59:55 instead of keep in memory time
$numericalclock1 = new numericalclock('',1,1);//timer with button and no specification of which instanceof numericalclock class; you could just use this to allow the same timer on all the chosen pages
echo $numericalclock1->chronoscript();
</div><div id="other">
<h1>About the String Foreach class</h1>
Stringforeach class is a usefull way to handle some actions over the string type of PHP.<br>
It allows user to look and go trough a string just like an array and then make easier the manipulation like
search, replacement, deletion,explosion,case transformation .<br>

<h2>About the String Foreach class methods</h2>

class Stringforeach{<br>
        protected $str, $length;<br>
                    public function __construct($string){<br>
                        the constructor<br>
                    public function explodemore ($separate=''){<br>
                    can be used to explode the string in array<br>
                    $separate can be chosen in this set of values {word,ponctuation,phrase} or any string or even a numeric<br>
                    when $separate is a numeric the string is split in array of string of which the length is equal to the chosen numeric<br>
                    when $separate is a string==word the string will be split in array of words<br>
                    when $separate is is a string==ponctuation the string will be split before ponctuation in array of string <br>
                    when $separate is a string==phrase the string will be split in array of phrases.<br>
                    when $separate is a string=="" the string will be split in array before any space type character<br>
                    when $separate is just any other string, the method will just act like the function explode of PHP.<br>
                    public function strforeach(){<br>
                        can be used to explode the string in array of characters<br>
                    public function strposall($s){<br>
                        can be used to find all the occurences of the string $s and their precise position in the string<br>
                    public function strposreplace($s,$s2,$pos){<br>
                        can be used to replace the occurence of the string $s in the position $pos by the given string $s2<br>
                    public function strposadd($s,$s2,$pos,$before=true){<br>
                    can be used to add $before or after the occurence of the string $s in the position $pos , the given string $s2<br>

                    public function addstratpos($s,$pos,$before=true){<br>
                        can be used to add $before or after the position $pos , the given string $s<br>
                    public function upper_1stletter(){<br>
                        can be used to upper the first letter of all the phrases contained in the string<br>
                    public function upper_pos($pos){<br>
                        can be used to upper the letter in the position $pos in the string<br>

                    public function lower_pos($pos){<br>
                    can be used to lower the letter in the position $pos in the string<br>
                    public function upper_strpos($s,$pos){<br>
                        can be used to upper the occurence of the string $s in the position $pos in the string<br>
                    public function lower_strpos($s,$pos){<br>
                        can be used to lower the occurence of the string $s in the position $pos in the string<br>
                    public function upper_preciseletter($s){<br>
                        can be used to upper all the occurences of the letter $s in the string<br>
                    public function lower_preciseletter($s){<br>
                        can be used to lower all the occurences of the letter $s in the string<br>
                    public function delete_posletter($s,$pos){<br>
                        can be used to delete the occurence of the letter $s in the position $pos in the string<br>
                    public function delete_pos($pos){<br>
                        can be used to delete the character in the position $pos in the string<br>
                    public function delete_preciseletter($s){<br>
                        can be used to delete all the occurences of the letter $s in the string<br>
                    public function delete_strpos($s,$pos){<br>
                        can be used to delete the occurence of the string $s in the position $pos in the string<br>
                    public function delete_strelements($offset,$length){<br>
                        can be used to delete some string's elements by specifying the starting point $offset and the $length to specify the precise number<br>
                        of characters to delete<br>
                    public function delete_last(){<br>
                        can be used to delete the last character in the string<br>
                    public function delete_first(){<br>
                        can be used to delete the first character in the string<br>
                    public function wordmatches($pattern){<br>
                        can be used to control if the given pattern is in the string<br>
                        $pattern must use the pcre language<br>
                    public function patternsmatches($patterns){<br>
                        can be used to control if the given $patterns in array are in the string<br>
                        $patterns must be an array of which each value use the pcre language<br>
                    public function wordmatchespos($pattern){<br>
                    can be used to find all the occurences and the postions of the given pattern in the string<br>
                        $pattern must use the pcre language<br>
                    public function patternsmatchespos($patterns){<br>
                        can be used to find all the occurences and the postions of each given pattern in the array of $patterns in the string<br>
                        $patterns must be an array of which each value use the pcre language<br>
                    public function len(){<br>
                        return the string length<br>
                    public function numberdetect($lan='php'){<br>
                        return the first occurence of special format number in the string and its offset<br>
                        $lan is used to specify if the numbers in the string are in french format with a comma instead of point for float number<br>
                        (example: 25.000,025) <br>
                        or if numbers are in english format (example: 25,000.025) or simply in PHP format (example: 25000.025) <br>
                    public function allnumberdetect($lan){<br>
                        return all the occurences of special format number in the string and their offset<br>
                        $lan is used to specify if the numbers in the string are in french format with a comma instead of point for float number<br>
                        (example: 25.000,025) <br>
                        or if numbers are in english format (example: 25,000.025) or simply in PHP format (example: 25000.025) <br>

for some examples of use see the teststrforeach.php script file<br>
bug reporting qnd feeback to or just use the dedicated forum of the package.<br>



Hi, Numerical clock class is a built in PHP-JS class which allows user to: -Display digital clock on his website -display a real time timer with start ,stop ,pause and resume buttons and which keep track of the time even when user reload the page without database use...You can use this class to display the same timer on all your pages. This feature is specially made for that but you can also use different timers on each page of your website -diplay a real time timer without any button and which start once user start to navigate in your page and stop automatically when user leave your page.You can use this class to display the same timer on all your pages. This feature is specially made for that. class numericalclock { protected $code1,$code2,$hide=0; public function __construct($time='',$button=0,$nothiden=1,$trueclock=false,$buttonify=''){ $time can be an array or can just be an empty string.If you specify an array, you must specify 3 index first for hour,second for minute and third for second.The timer or clock will then start from this specified time.But if it is the empty string the clock or the timer will start at 00:00:00; $button is used for specify if you want a timer with button(1) or no(0). $nothiden is above all usefull in the case of a timer without buttons.It is used to specify if you want to hide the timer to user.You may in this case keep the track of leave and enter and timer in your database then you just need to add a few line in the ajax.php file to upload the database. Put $nothiden to 0 will hide the timer or even the clock but it's not really usefull in the last case and for a timer with buttons... $trueclock is used to tell the timer if it just a simple clock or not $buttonify is used to specify for which instanceof Numerical clock class the 'timer with buttons' is... This allows to use seperate timer on different page or the same... } public function chronoscript(){ return the main js script to handle clock, timer and button; } public function displayclock() { displays the clock or the timer } } What you must generally keep in mind is: We use a lot the global variable in JS so you must read the code to know what name to choose for your JS variables in order to avoid confusion and ambigity. We use the PHP session to keep the time of the timers in memory so without S_SESSION globals you couldn't make the class keep track of anything You must know that different types of optical pointer like mouse exist so the feature without buttons could be sometimes unstable due to the user use of optical tool This is not a bug but this is above all due to the peripherics and the reactivity of the browser and even of the client computer capacities. Anyhow we will work to find some technics to correct that in the future. For a real example on how to use it see the testnumericalclock.php file. You could use the dedicated forum of phpclasses to report bugs and ask your questions or contact me personally at for feedback.

  Files folder image Files (9)  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Plain text file ajax.php Aux. ajax file
Accessible without login Plain text file ajax2.php Aux. ajax file
Accessible without login Plain text file buttontimer.php Aux. ajax file
Accessible without login Plain text file license Lic. license
Plain text file numericalclock.class.php Class class source
Accessible without login Plain text file readme Doc. readme
Accessible without login Plain text file testnumericalclock.php Example example script
Accessible without login Plain text file testnumericalclock2.php Example example script
Accessible without login Plain text file truebuttontimer.php Aux. ajax file

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