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hookr: Register and call action hooks and filters

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hookr 1.0MIT/X Consortium ...5.6PHP 5
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This package can register and call action hooks and filters.

It can register callback functions that will be called when certain action events are triggered.

It can also register multiple callback functions that will be called in sequence when a filtering event is triggered.

The return value of a filter callback will be passed to the next filter that may have been registered, so the filtering actions are chained.

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PHP hookr

A PHP package for action and filter hook. Its helps to you fire any event with your desire action. Its a similar service as WP action and filter.


Write these command from you terminal.

composer require nahid/hookr

Laravel Configuration

After complete installation go to config/app.php and add this line in providers section


and add this line in aliases section

'Hook'  =>  Nahid\Hookr\Facades\Hook::class,

Thats all


Its so easy to use. Just follow the instruction and apply with your laravel project.


You want to extra control with your application without touching your code you apply Action. Suppose you have a blog editor panel. Where you want add extra buttons from others developer without rewrite your code. so lets see.

  <!-- post.blade.php -->
      <div class="form-group">
          <label for="title">Title</label>
          <input type="email" class="form-control" id="title" placeholder="Email">

      <div class="form-group">
          <label for="blog">Blog</label>
          <textarea id="blog" cols="30" rows="10" class="form-control"></textarea>

      <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Publish</button>


See, here we use hook_action() helper function which is register as named buttons So if others developer is want to add more buttons with this form they will do this

  use Nahid\Hookr\Facades\Hook;
  class BlogController extends Controller
        public function getWritePost()
            Hook::bindAction('buttons', function() {
                echo ' <button class="btn btn-info">Draft</button>';
            }, 2);
            return view('post');

After run this code add new button will add with existing button.


You can also bind multiple action with this hook. Hookr also support filter. Remind this when you bind multiple filter in a hook then every filter get data from previous filters return data. Suppose you want to add a filter hook in a blog view section.

  {{hook_filter('posts', $blog->content)}}

So we register a filter as 'posts'. Now another developer wants to support markdown for blog posts. so he can bind a filter for parse markdown.

  use Nahid\Hookr\Facades\Hook;
  class BlogController extends Controller
        public function getPosts()
            Hook::bindFilter('posts', function($data) {
                return parse_markdown($data);
            }, 2);
            return view('post');

Note: In filter, every callback function must have at least one param which is represent current data

so if you want to bind multiple data then

  use Nahid\Hookr\Facades\Hook;
  class BlogController extends Controller
        public function getPosts()
            Hook::bindFilter('posts', function($data) {
                return parse_markdown($data);
            }, 2);

            Hook::bindFilter('posts', function($data) {
                return parse_bbcode($data);
            }, 3);
            return view('post');

Now then given data is parse by markdown and bbcode. See, here is second param for bindFilter() is a priority for binding. Both bindAction() and bindFilter() has this feature.

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