PHP Classes

NewWay PHP File Manager: Manage files and directories with AJAX interface

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Version License PHP version Categories
newway-file-manager 1.0.17Custom (specified...5PHP 5, Files and Folders, Content man...


This package can be used to manage files and directories with AJAX interface.

The main class can perform several types of operations on files and directories on the server.

Currently it can handle uploaded files, view and delete files and directories.

Picture of naveen
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 2x

Winner: 2x



file php class pdo
I need manipulate files



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What newway filemanager does?

Newway is a file manager for servers written with PHP. To install it, just download this repo and place the folder in your root and access it by https://yourwebsitename/foldername. You will be asked to set up an email and password to access the file manager. This application doesn't require a database. Instead, it uses a flat files as its database, which will be generated and placed outside your root directory after the completion of setup. Other things in this file manager are pretty self explantory.


Version 3.0

PHP >= 7.3

Version 2.0

PHP >= 7.2

It is to be noted that version 2.0 is no longer supported and no bug fixes shall be made.

Do i need to have a database?

Newway uses the presence of the newway_users.json file to detect whether an email ID and password has been registered. If you forget the email ID or password registered for Newway, the only way to reset it is to delete the newway_users.json file (thus deleting the existing registered information). After doing so, you'll be able to register a new email ID and password for Newway.

Steps to install

  1. Download or clone the repo and extract it to your server root
  2. Make sure the server is the owner of server root (which is very much essential for newway to function, if not then use ` chmod www-data:www-data /var/www/html`, assuming www-data is your server user name and /var/www/html is your server root
  3. If you are using cpanel without SSH access, then you cant really follow step 2, in that case set the permission of server root to `755`, make sure to recurse the permissions in to subdirectories
  4. Open the url , you will be asked to register now login with the registered information

Screenshots from Newway

Main UI (List View)


Main UI (Grid View)


Like to contribute?

I appreciate your interest to contributing to newway, please follow the below steps - The entire codebase is developed with tdd(test driven development), and all paths in api/all_classes.php are covered in it - Newway file manager uses codeception testing framework for running tests (download from here -> - After downloading, go to newway file manger directory and enter php /path/to/codeception/binary run unit in terminal, it will run the tests and it will pass all the tests (it should, unless some file tests may fail in some operating systems) - Write the test and then make your change - Run the tests again if it passes, push it to your branch - send the pull request. - if the test fail after making your change it indicates it broke some part of the working application - so in that case you need to refactor the code and make sure the tests always pass

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imageapi (2 files)
Files folder imagecomponents (18 files)
Files folder imagecss (2 files)
Files folder imagefonts (2 files)
Files folder imagejs (6 files)
Files folder imagetests (3 files, 2 directories)
Plain text file codeception.yml Data Auxiliary data
Plain text file Data Auxiliary data
Image file favicon.ico Data Auxiliary data
Plain text file index.php Aux. Auxiliary script
Plain text file LICENSE Lic. License text
Plain text file Doc. Documentation

 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
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All time:4,290
This week:152Up
User Ratings User Comments (2)
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unusable probably due to the many errors open the browser c...
5 years ago (adriano ghezzi)
Very good job
6 years ago (Juan Carlos Guerra)