PHP Classes

It doesn't seem to handle escaping quotes and special charact...

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Subject:It doesn't seem to handle escaping...
Summary:Package rating comment
Author:Nic Peck
Date:2013-03-07 01:38:28
Update:2013-03-07 15:42:40


Nic Peck rated this package as follows:

Utility: Good
Consistency: Not sure
Examples: Sufficient

  1. It doesn't seem to handle escaping...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Nic Peck Nic Peck - 2013-03-07 01:38:28
It doesn't seem to handle escaping quotes and special characters in the way that I expected - for instance when I export my table <p> becomes &lt;p&gt; and this breaks my application unfortunately. There are also some fields that get truncated after a single quote, and I think some character encoding issues. These are reasonable minor issues in the scheme of things and I really like what you've done.

  2. Re: It doesn't seem to handle escaping...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Raul Raul - 2013-03-07 15:42:41 - In reply to message 1 from Nic Peck
Thank you for your report.
I will see what I can do. You helped me a lot.