 Shahzad Name - 2007-12-14 13:34:35
I want to find prayer timmings of Pakistan. Can you please help me for this. What changes i have to do in code. It will be a great help in this noble work
 Khaled Al-Shamaa - 2007-12-16 11:34:20 - In reply to message 1 from Shahzad Name
You have to know the city Coordinates, for example:
Latitude: 34.28472
Longitude: 71.58389
(Decimal degrees)
Latitude: 24.86667
Longitude: 67.05
(Decimal degrees)
As well as your timezone, I guess it is +5 in Pakistan, is it?
So, you can simply call the "setLocation" method like this:
$Salat->setLocation($lat, $long, $zone);
And you have to set the date when you want to calculate Salat time in it like this:
$Salat->setDate($day, $month, $year);
After this you are able to get Salat times array using "getPrayTime" method like this:
$times = $Salat->getPrayTime();
For more information please see Example file ... even you can add two small lines to the example data file "ArabCapitals.txt" to add your cities like this:
 Shahzad Name - 2008-01-03 14:42:39 - In reply to message 2 from Khaled Al-Shamaa
First of all, thank you for your reply. I am still not getting proper result. Result is like this
Fajr: 10:0
Sunrise: 0:0
Zuhr: 14:56
Asr: 0:0
Maghrib: 0:0
Isha: 19:53
Can you please help
 Shahzad Name - 2008-01-08 13:55:41 - In reply to message 2 from Khaled Al-Shamaa
Please help me for this matter. I am realy in trouble. Can you help me for this noble cause
 Khaled Al-Shamaa - 2008-01-15 09:26:54 - In reply to message 4 from Shahzad Name
My dear friend,
I just add the following line to the ArabCapitals.txt file:
Then I run example file, select Islamabad city, then set today date Jan 15, 2008, the I set the timezone as 4 (I am not sure if this is the correct timezone in your country), then I click on submit button and got those values:
Fajr: 4:51
Sunrise: 6:19
Zuhr: 11:22
Asr: 14:47
Maghrib: 16:25
Isha: 17:53
Please tell me if it is close enough values in your case!
Best regards,