PHP Classes

results in text area

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Subject:results in text area
Summary:How can I use a text area?
Author:Bruce Therrien
Date:2006-03-02 14:04:28


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Picture of Bruce Therrien Bruce Therrien - 2006-03-02 14:04:28
I would like the results from the second level select box to show in third level, but not as a select box. As the final result would be one item, I would like it to be a textarea box, so the results show as a paragraph, not as a long line. Been trying to change the third select box code to a textarea, but no success yet. Can anyone help?

Code for third select:

//Create the Java Script for Loading the result LIST BOX
echo "\rfunction changeResult(obj){\r";
echo "\rif(obj.value == '".$this->arrResult[$i][0]."'){\r";
echo "\r\t/* Loading Values for the result Drop Down */\r";
echo "\tdocument.$this->FrmObjName.result.options.length = 0;\r";
// echo "\t$DocResultElement.options[$DocResultElement.options.length] = new Option('--Select--','--Select--');\r";
//Check the Condition and create the Statement to Load Value for the List Boxes
if ( $this->arrType[$i][0] == $this->arrResult[$j][2]){
echo "\t$DocResultElement.options[$DocResultElement.options.length] = new Option('".$this->arrResult[$j][1]."','".$this->arrResult[$j][0]."');\r";
echo "\tdocument.$this->FrmObjName.result.disabled = false;\r";
echo "\treturn true;\r";
echo "}\r";