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File: examples/callback_echo.php

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  Classes of Lars Moelleken   PHPMailer Bounce Mail Handler   examples/callback_echo.php   Download  
File: examples/callback_echo.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: PHPMailer Bounce Mail Handler
Handle bounced messages in a IMAP mailbox
Author: By
Last change: Update of examples/callback_echo.php
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 4,014 bytes



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/* This is a sample callback function for PHPMailer-BMH (Bounce Mail Handler).
 * This callback function will echo the results of the BMH processing.

 * Callback (action) function
 * @param int $msgnum the message number returned by Bounce Mail Handler
 * @param string $bounceType the bounce type:
 * 'antispam','autoreply','concurrent','content_reject','command_reject','internal_error','defer','delayed'
 * =>
 * array('remove'=>0,'bounce_type'=>'temporary'),'dns_loop','dns_unknown','full','inactive','latin_only','other','oversize','outofoffice','unknown','unrecognized','user_reject','warning'
 * @param string $email the target email address
 * @param string $subject the subject, ignore now
 * @param string $xheader the XBounceHeader from the mail
 * @param bool $remove remove status, 1 means removed, 0 means not removed
 * @param bool|string $ruleNo bounce Mail Handler detect rule no
 * @param bool|string $ruleCat bounce Mail Handler detect rule category
 * @param int $totalFetched total number of messages in the mailbox
 * @param string $body Bounce Mail Body
 * @param string $headerFull Bounce Mail Header
 * @param string $bodyFull Bounce Mail Body (full)
 * @return bool
function callbackAction($msgnum, $bounceType, $email, $subject, $xheader, $remove, $ruleNo = false, $ruleCat = false, $totalFetched = 0, $body = '', $headerFull = '', $bodyFull = ''): bool
$displayData = prepData($email, $bounceType, $remove);
$bounceType = $displayData['bounce_type'];
$emailName = $displayData['emailName'];
$emailAddy = $displayData['emailAddy'];
$remove = $displayData['remove'];
$msgnum . ': ' . $ruleNo . ' | ' . $ruleCat . ' | ' . $bounceType . ' | ' . $remove . ' | ' . $email . ' | ' . $subject . "<br />\n";


 * Function to clean the data from the Callback Function for optimized display
 * @param $email
 * @param $bounceType
 * @param $remove
 * @return mixed
function prepData($email, $bounceType, $remove)
$data['bounce_type'] = \trim($bounceType);
$data['email'] = '';
$data['emailName'] = '';
$data['emailAddy'] = '';
$data['remove'] = '';
    if (\
strpos($email, '<') !== false) {
$pos_start = \strpos($email, '<');
$data['emailName'] = \trim(\substr($email, 0, $pos_start));
$data['emailAddy'] = \substr($email, $pos_start + 1);
$pos_end = \strpos($data['emailAddy'], '>');

        if (
$pos_end) {
$data['emailAddy'] = \substr($data['emailAddy'], 0, $pos_end);

// replace the < and > able so they display on screen
$email = \str_replace(['<', '>'], ['&lt;', '&gt;'], $email);

// replace the "TO:<" with nothing
$email = \str_ireplace('TO:<', '', $email);

$data['email'] = $email;

// account for legitimate emails that have no bounce type
if (\trim($bounceType) == '') {
$data['bounce_type'] = 'none';

// change the remove flag from true or 1 to textual representation
if (\stripos($remove, 'moved') !== false && \stripos($remove, 'hard') !== false) {
$data['removestat'] = 'moved (hard)';
$data['remove'] = '<span style="color:red;">' . 'moved (hard)' . '</span>';
    } elseif (\
stripos($remove, 'moved') !== false && \stripos($remove, 'soft') !== false) {
$data['removestat'] = 'moved (soft)';
$data['remove'] = '<span style="color:gray;">' . 'moved (soft)' . '</span>';
    } elseif (
$remove == true || $remove == '1') {
$data['removestat'] = 'deleted';
$data['remove'] = '<span style="color:red;">' . 'deleted' . '</span>';
    } else {
$data['removestat'] = 'not deleted';
$data['remove'] = '<span style="color:gray;">' . 'not deleted' . '</span>';
