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  Classes of Lars Moelleken   PHP Anti XSS Filter   Download  
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Class: PHP Anti XSS Filter
Remove tags from HTML that may cause XSS attacks
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:secret: AntiXSS

"Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in Web applications. XSS enables attackers to inject client-side script into Web pages viewed by other users. A cross-site scripting vulnerability may be used by attackers to bypass access controls such as the same origin policy. Cross-site scripting carried out on websites accounted for roughly 84% of all security vulnerabilities documented by Symantec as of 2007." -



1) Use filter_input() - don't use GLOBAL-Array (e.g. $_SESSION, $_GET, $_POST, $_SERVER) directly

2) Use html-sanitizer or HTML Purifier if you need a more configurable solution

3) Add "Content Security Policy's" -> Introduction to Content Security Policy


5) READ THIS TEXT -> XSS (Cross Site Scripting) Prevention Cheat Sheet

6) TEST THIS TOOL -> Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP)

Install via "composer require"

composer require voku/anti-xss


use voku\helper\AntiXSS;

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; // example path

$antiXss = new AntiXSS();

Example 1: (HTML Character)

$harm_string = "Hello, i try to <script>alert('Hack');</script> your site";
$harmless_string = $antiXss->xss_clean($harm_string);

// Hello, i try to alert&#40;'Hack'&#41;; your site

Example 2: (Hexadecimal HTML Character)

$harm_string = "<IMG SRC=&#x6A&#x61&#x76&#x61&#x73&#x63&#x72&#x69&#x70&#x74&#x3A&#x61&#x6C&#x65&#x72&#x74&#x28&#x27&#x58&#x53&#x53&#x27&#x29>";
$harmless_string = $antiXss->xss_clean($harm_string);
// <IMG >

Example 3: (Unicode Hex Character)

$harm_string = "<a href='&#x2000;javascript:alert(1)'>CLICK</a>";
$harmless_string = $antiXss->xss_clean($harm_string);
// <a >CLICK</a>

Example 4: (Unicode Character)

$harm_string = "<a href=\"\u0001java\u0003script:alert(1)\">CLICK<a>";
$harmless_string = $antiXss->xss_clean($harm_string);
// <a >CLICK</a>

Example 5.1: (non Inline CSS)

$harm_string = '<li style="list-style-image: url(javascript:alert(0))">';
$harmless_string = $antiXss->xss_clean($harm_string);

// <li >

Example 5.2: (with Inline CSS)

$harm_string = '<li style="list-style-image: url(javascript:alert(0))">';
$antiXss->removeEvilAttributes(array('style')); // allow style-attributes
$harmless_string = $antiXss->xss_clean($harm_string);

// <li style="list-style-image: url(alert&#40;0&#41;)">

Example 6: (check if an string contains a XSS attack)

$harm_string = "\x3cscript src=\x3e\x3c/script\x3e";
$harmless_string = $antiXss->xss_clean($harm_string);



// true

Example 7: (allow e.g. iframes)

$harm_string = "<iframe width="560" onclick="alert('xss')" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>";


$harmless_string = $antiXss->xss_clean($harm_string);

// <iframe width="560"  height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Unit Test:

1) Composer is a prerequisite for running the tests.

composer install

2) The tests can be executed by running this command from the root directory:


AntiXss methods

<p id="voku-php-readme-class-methods"></p><table><tr><td><a href="#adddonotclosehtmltagsstring-strings-this">addDoNotCloseHtmlTags</a> </td><td><a href="#addevilattributesstring-strings-this">addEvilAttributes</a> </td><td><a href="#addevilhtmltagsstring-strings-this">addEvilHtmlTags</a> </td><td><a href="#addneverallowedcallstringsstring-strings-this">addNeverAllowedCallStrings</a> </td></tr><tr><td><a href="#addneverallowedjscallbackregexstring-strings-this">addNeverAllowedJsCallbackRegex</a> </td><td><a href="#addneverallowedoneventsafterwardsstring-strings-this">addNeverAllowedOnEventsAfterwards</a> </td><td><a href="#addneverallowedregexstring-strings-this">addNeverAllowedRegex</a> </td><td><a href="#addneverallowedstrafterwardsstring-strings-this">addNeverAllowedStrAfterwards</a> </td></tr><tr><td><a href="#isxssfound-boolnull">isXssFound</a> </td><td><a href="#removedonotclosehtmltagsstring-strings-this">removeDoNotCloseHtmlTags</a> </td><td><a href="#removeevilattributesstring-strings-this">removeEvilAttributes</a> </td><td><a href="#removeevilhtmltagsstring-strings-this">removeEvilHtmlTags</a> </td></tr><tr><td><a href="#removeneverallowedcallstringsstring-strings-this">removeNeverAllowedCallStrings</a> </td><td><a href="#removeneverallowedjscallbackregexstring-strings-this">removeNeverAllowedJsCallbackRegex</a> </td><td><a href="#removeneverallowedoneventsafterwardsstring-strings-this">removeNeverAllowedOnEventsAfterwards</a> </td><td><a href="#removeneverallowedregexstring-strings-this">removeNeverAllowedRegex</a> </td></tr><tr><td><a href="#removeneverallowedstrafterwardsstring-strings-this">removeNeverAllowedStrAfterwards</a> </td><td><a href="#setreplacementstring-string-this">setReplacement</a> </td><td><a href="#setstripe4bytecharsbool-bool-this">setStripe4byteChars</a> </td><td><a href="#xss_cleanstringstring-str-stringstring">xss_clean</a> </td></tr></table>

addDoNotCloseHtmlTags(string[] $strings): $this

<a href="#voku-php-readme-class-methods">?</a> Add some strings to the "_do_not_close_html_tags"-array.

Parameters: - string[] $strings

Return: - $this

addEvilAttributes(string[] $strings): $this

<a href="#voku-php-readme-class-methods">?</a> Add some strings to the "_evil_attributes"-array.

Parameters: - string[] $strings

Return: - $this

addEvilHtmlTags(string[] $strings): $this

<a href="#voku-php-readme-class-methods">?</a> Add some strings to the "_evil_html_tags"-array.

Parameters: - string[] $strings

Return: - $this

addNeverAllowedCallStrings(string[] $strings): $this

<a href="#voku-php-readme-class-methods">?</a> Add some strings to the "_never_allowed_call_strings"-array.

Parameters: - string[] $strings

Return: - $this

addNeverAllowedJsCallbackRegex(string[] $strings): $this

<a href="#voku-php-readme-class-methods">?</a> Add some strings to the "_never_allowed_js_callback_regex"-array.

Parameters: - string[] $strings

Return: - $this

addNeverAllowedOnEventsAfterwards(string[] $strings): $this

<a href="#voku-php-readme-class-methods">?</a> Add some strings to the "_never_allowed_on_events_afterwards"-array.

Parameters: - string[] $strings

Return: - $this

addNeverAllowedRegex(string[] $strings): $this

<a href="#voku-php-readme-class-methods">?</a> Add some strings to the "_never_allowed_regex"-array.

Parameters: - string[] $strings

Return: - $this

addNeverAllowedStrAfterwards(string[] $strings): $this

<a href="#voku-php-readme-class-methods">?</a> Add some strings to the "_never_allowed_str_afterwards"-array.

Parameters: - string[] $strings

Return: - $this

isXssFound(): bool|null

<a href="#voku-php-readme-class-methods">?</a> Check if the "AntiXSS->xss_clean()"-method found an XSS attack in the last run.

Parameters: __nothing__

Return: - bool|null <p>Will return null if the "xss_clean()" wasn't running at all.</p>

removeDoNotCloseHtmlTags(string[] $strings): $this

<a href="#voku-php-readme-class-methods">?</a> Remove some strings from the "_do_not_close_html_tags"-array.

<p> <br /> WARNING: Use this method only if you have a really good reason. </p>

Parameters: - string[] $strings

Return: - $this

removeEvilAttributes(string[] $strings): $this

<a href="#voku-php-readme-class-methods">?</a> Remove some strings from the "_evil_attributes"-array.

<p> <br /> WARNING: Use this method only if you have a really good reason. </p>

Parameters: - string[] $strings

Return: - $this

removeEvilHtmlTags(string[] $strings): $this

<a href="#voku-php-readme-class-methods">?</a> Remove some strings from the "_evil_html_tags"-array.

<p> <br /> WARNING: Use this method only if you have a really good reason. </p>

Parameters: - string[] $strings

Return: - $this

removeNeverAllowedCallStrings(string[] $strings): $this

<a href="#voku-php-readme-class-methods">?</a> Remove some strings from the "_never_allowed_call_strings"-array.

<p> <br /> WARNING: Use this method only if you have a really good reason. </p>

Parameters: - string[] $strings

Return: - $this

removeNeverAllowedJsCallbackRegex(string[] $strings): $this

<a href="#voku-php-readme-class-methods">?</a> Remove some strings from the "_never_allowed_js_callback_regex"-array.

<p> <br /> WARNING: Use this method only if you have a really good reason. </p>

Parameters: - string[] $strings

Return: - $this

removeNeverAllowedOnEventsAfterwards(string[] $strings): $this

<a href="#voku-php-readme-class-methods">?</a> Remove some strings from the "_never_allowed_on_events_afterwards"-array.

<p> <br /> WARNING: Use this method only if you have a really good reason. </p>

Parameters: - string[] $strings

Return: - $this

removeNeverAllowedRegex(string[] $strings): $this

<a href="#voku-php-readme-class-methods">?</a> Remove some strings from the "_never_allowed_regex"-array.

<p> <br /> WARNING: Use this method only if you have a really good reason. </p>

Parameters: - string[] $strings

Return: - $this

removeNeverAllowedStrAfterwards(string[] $strings): $this

<a href="#voku-php-readme-class-methods">?</a> Remove some strings from the "_never_allowed_str_afterwards"-array.

<p> <br /> WARNING: Use this method only if you have a really good reason. </p>

Parameters: - string[] $strings

Return: - $this

setReplacement(string $string): $this

<a href="#voku-php-readme-class-methods">?</a> Set the replacement-string for not allowed strings.

Parameters: - string $string

Return: - $this

setStripe4byteChars(bool $bool): $this

<a href="#voku-php-readme-class-methods">?</a> Set the option to stripe 4-Byte chars.

<p> <br /> INFO: use it if your DB (MySQL) can't use "utf8mb4" -> preventing stored XSS-attacks </p>

Parameters: - bool $bool

Return: - $this

xss_clean(string|string[] $str): string|string[]

<a href="#voku-php-readme-class-methods">?</a> XSS Clean

<p> <br /> Sanitizes data so that "Cross Site Scripting" hacks can be prevented. This method does a fair amount of work but it is extremely thorough, designed to prevent even the most obscure XSS attempts. But keep in mind that nothing is ever 100% foolproof... </p>

<p> <br /> <strong>Note:</strong> Should only be used to deal with data upon submission. It's not something that should be used for general runtime processing. </p>

Parameters: - TXssCleanInput $str <p>input data e.g. string or array of strings</p>

Return: - string|string[]


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For status updates and release announcements please visit Releases | Twitter | Patreon.

For professional support please contact me.


  • Thanks to GitHub (Microsoft) for hosting the code and a good infrastructure including Issues-Managment, etc.
  • Thanks to IntelliJ as they make the best IDEs for PHP and they gave me an open source license for PhpStorm!
  • Thanks to Travis CI for being the most awesome, easiest continous integration tool out there!
  • Thanks to StyleCI for the simple but powerfull code style check.
  • Thanks to PHPStan && Psalm for relly great Static analysis tools and for discover bugs in the code!


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