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File: assets/js/tictactoe_2.js

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  Classes of Neeraj Thakur   PHP Tic Tac Toe Game Code   assets/js/tictactoe_2.js   Download  
File: assets/js/tictactoe_2.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Tic Tac Toe Game Code
Tic Tac Toe game based on CodeIgniter
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 14,950 bytes


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gstruct = [["","0-1-2|0-3-6|0-4-8"], ["","1-0-2|1-4-7"], ["","2-1-0|2-4-6|2-5-8"], ["","3-0-6|3-4-5"], ["","4-1-7|4-3-5|4-0-8|4-2-6"], ["","5-4-3|5-2-8"], ["","6-7-8|6-3-0|6-4-2"], ["","7-4-1|7-6-8"], ["","8-4-0|8-5-2|8-7-6"]] var counter=0; var vagainst="friend"; $(document).ready(function() { $("."+vagainst).css("background","#ddd"); $(".box").click(function() { var selectedid = $(this).attr("id"); gamestatus=gamearea.executeStep(selectedid); console.log("against: " + vagainst); if ( gamestatus == "cont" && vagainst == "computer" ) { var offensivevar = gamearea.offensiveMove(); if ( offensivevar != "" ) { moveid=offensivevar; } else { moveid=gamearea.intelligentMove(selectedid); } console.log("FINAL MOVE ID : " +moveid); setTimeout(function(){ gamearea.executeStep(moveid); }, 300); } }); $(".computer").click(function() { if ( vagainst == "computer" ) { return; } $(this).css("background","#ddd"); $(".friend").css("background","#ccc"); vagainst="computer"; gamearea.clearBoard(); }); $(".friend").click(function() { if ( vagainst == "friend" ) { return; } $(this).css("background","#ddd"); $(".computer").css("background","#ccc"); vagainst="friend"; gamearea.clearBoard(); }); }); gamearea = { executeStep: function (selectedid) { /*clear board if game is over and reset counter to 0*/ if ( counter === -1 ) { gamearea.clearBoard(); return; } var isValue=$("#"+selectedid).html(); if ( !isValue ) { var setvalue = ""; if ( counter %2 === 0 ) { var player = "1"; $("#"+selectedid).html("<i class='fa fa-times' aria-hidden='true'></i>"); setvalue="X"; } else { var player = "2"; $("#"+selectedid).html("<i class='fa fa-circle-thin' aria-hidden='true'></i>"); setvalue="0"; } gamearea.chgTurn(player); var gamestatus = gamearea.gameLogic(selectedid, setvalue); console.log("gamestatus:"+gamestatus); if ( gamestatus == "stopgame") return gamestatus; } else { return; } counter++; /*gamearea.fInOutEffect(selectedid);*/ if ( counter == 9 ) { gamestatus=gamearea.stopGame(counter); } return gamestatus; console.log("player #" + player + " Box id: "+selectedid + " counter : "+counter); }, offensiveMove: function() { /*check if there is any computer winning move*/ var offval=""; $.each ( gstruct, function ( index, value ) { if ( value[0] == "0" ) { console.log("value ------>>>> " + value); var intell_arr = value[1].split("|"); $.each ( intell_arr, function ( nindex, nvalue ) { var tra_arr = nvalue.split("-"); /*console.log(" ------ " +gstruct[ tra_arr[1] ][0] + " ----- " + gstruct[tra_arr[1]][0] );*/ console.log(nindex + " tra_arr ====>>> " + tra_arr); if ( gstruct[ tra_arr[1] ][0] == "0" && gstruct[ tra_arr[2] ][0] == "" ) { offval=tra_arr[2]; return true; } if ( gstruct[ tra_arr[1] ][0] == "" && gstruct[ tra_arr[2] ][0] == "0" ) { offval=tra_arr[1]; return true; } }); } } ); console.log("OFFENSIVE move : " + offval ); return offval; }, intelligentMove: function (selectedid) { availableboxes = new Array(); v=0; $.each( gstruct, function(index, value) { if (value[0] == "") { availableboxes[v++] = index; } }); var moveid=""; /*find intelligent box from available boxes*/ bestmove=gamearea.getIntersection(availableboxes, selectedid); if ( bestmove.length > 0 ) { console.log("RANDOM from preferred combinations: "+bestmove[0]); moveid=bestmove[0]; }else { /*find random box if all intelligent available boxes are filled*/ randomboxid=Math.floor(Math.random() * availableboxes.length); console.log("random box id: " +randomboxid + " ** availableboxes " + availableboxes + " value "+ availableboxes[randomboxid]); moveid=availableboxes[randomboxid]; } return moveid; }, getIntersection: function(availableboxes, selectedid ){ /*console.log("SELECTED ID : "+selectedid); console.log("SELECTED ID > Combinations of selected id: " + gstruct[selectedid][1]); console.log("available boxes: "+availableboxes);*/ var intell_arr = gstruct[selectedid][1].split("|"); var bestmove = Array(); var i = 0 ; $.each( availableboxes, function ( index, value ) { $.each ( intell_arr, function ( nindex, nvalue ) { var tra_arr = nvalue.split("-"); $.each ( tra_arr, function(nnindex, nnvalue) { if ( nnindex == 0 ) return true; if ( value == nnvalue) { /*console.log("=> nnindex : " + nnindex+ " available value : " + value + " intelligent value :" + nnvalue);*/ bestmove[i++]=value; } }) }) }); console.log("bestmove : "+bestmove+ " bestmove length: "+bestmove.length); newbestmove=gamearea.complexMove(bestmove, selectedid); console.log("newbestmove : " +newbestmove); //check if bestmove == -1 the return previous else return bestmove return newbestmove; }, complexMove: function(bestmove, selectedid){ console.log("SELECTED ID : "+selectedid); console.log("SELECTED ID > Combinations of selected id: " + gstruct[selectedid][1]); var intell_arr = gstruct[selectedid][1].split("|"); var specialval=""; $.each ( intell_arr, function ( nindex, nvalue ) { var tra_arr = nvalue.split("-"); /*console.log(" ------ " +gstruct[ tra_arr[1] ][0] + " ----- " + gstruct[tra_arr[1]][0] );*/ console.log(" tra_arr[1] " + tra_arr[1]); /*console.log( " FIRST VALUE : " + gstruct[ tra_arr[1] ][0] ); console.log( " SECOND VALUE : " + gstruct[ tra_arr[2] ][0] );*/ if ( gstruct[ tra_arr[1] ][0] == "X" && gstruct[ tra_arr[2] ][0] == "" ) { specialval=tra_arr[2]; return true; } if ( gstruct[ tra_arr[1] ][0] == "" && gstruct[ tra_arr[2] ][0] == "X" ) { specialval=tra_arr[1]; return true; } }); console.log("DEFENSIVE move : " + specialval + " & length: " + specialval.length); console.log("bestmove ===>>> "+bestmove); if ( specialval.length == 0 ) { return bestmove; } else { return specialval; } }, stopGame: function(player) { $("#turn").addClass("bg-info"); if ( player == 9 ) { //if counter is complete / 9 then its TIE $("#turn").text("TIE!"); gamearea.saveGame("TIE"); } else { playername=(player=="X")?"Player 1":(vagainst=="computer")?"Computer":"Player 2"; $("#turn").text("("+ player +") WINNER! - "+playername); var gameresult="("+player+") "+playername; gamearea.saveGame(gameresult); } $("#turn").fadeIn("slow"); counter=-1; console.log("now counter is : "+counter); $("#turn").animate({ fontSize: '+120%' }); return "stopgame"; }, saveGame: function(gameresult){ /*console.log("<?php echo base_url(); ?>");*/ $.ajax({ method: 'POST', url: base_url+'index.php/scores/create', data: { against: vagainst, winner: gameresult }, success: function(data) { gamearea.renderScores(data); } , error: function() { }, progress: function(e) { $("#scores").html('<div class="text-center"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin" style="font-size:24px"></i></div>'); } }); /*$.post("scores/create", { against: vagainst, winner: gameresult }, gamearea.renderScores );*/ }, renderScores: function(data){ var dataarray = $.parseJSON(data); var strcontent =""; $.each(dataarray, function(index,value) { strcontent += '<div class="row">'; strcontent += '<div class="col-md-3">' + value.against + '</div>'; strcontent += '<div class="col-md-3">' + value.winner + '</div>'; strcontent += '<div class="col-md-6">' + value.created_at + '</div>'; strcontent += '</div>'; }); $("#scores").html(strcontent); }, fInOutEffect: function(selectedid){ $("#"+selectedid).fadeOut("slow"); /*$("#"+selectedid).fadeIn("3000");*/ }, chgColor: function(selectedid) { $("#"+selectedid).addClass("text-info"); }, chgTurn: function(player){ var playervalue = (player==1)?"0":"X"; /*player=(player==1)?"2":"1";*/ $("#turn").text("("+ playervalue +") Turn"); }, clearBoard: function(){ for ( i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i ++ ) { $("#"+i).text(""); gstruct[i][0]=""; $("#"+i).removeClass("text-info"); } counter=0; console.log("clearBoard: "+gstruct); console.log("counter: "+counter); $("#turn").text("(X) Turn"); $("#turn").css("font-size","14px"); /*$("#turn").css("color","black");*/ $("#turn").addClass("text-info"); $("#turn").removeClass("bg-info"); }, gameLogic: function(selectedid,setvalue){ gstruct[selectedid][0]=setvalue; var vcombinations = gstruct[selectedid][1]; var lvar = vcombinations.split("|"); var gamestopstatus="cont"; $.each( lvar, function() { var indexvalue = this.split("-"); console.log(indexvalue[0] + " - " + indexvalue[1] + " - " + indexvalue[2]); console.log(gstruct[indexvalue[0]][0] + " == " + gstruct[indexvalue[1]][0] + " == " + gstruct[indexvalue[2]][0] ); var a = gstruct[indexvalue[0]][0]; var b = gstruct[indexvalue[1]][0]; var c = gstruct[indexvalue[2]][0]; if ( a === b && a === c && b === c) { gamearea.chgColor(indexvalue[0]); gamearea.chgColor(indexvalue[1]); gamearea.chgColor(indexvalue[2]); gamestopstatus = gamearea.stopGame(setvalue); return; console.log(" "+setvalue + " WINNER! gstruct: " + gstruct); } }); return gamestopstatus; } }