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File: examples/getstrings.php

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  Classes of Christian Vigh   PHP Random.Org API   examples/getstrings.php   Download  
File: examples/getstrings.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: PHP Random.Org API
Generate random values using
Author: By
Last change: Update of examples/getstrings.php
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 1,614 bytes



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        getstrings.php -
        Echoes $count random strings of $length, four times :
        1) With only numeric digits
        2) With only lowercase letters
        3) With only uppercase letters
        4) With alphanumeric letters
require ( '' ) ;

$random = new RandomOrg ( $agent_string ) ;
$count = 3 ;
$length = 8 ;

    echo (
"1) Getting $count random passwords of length $length (digits only) :\n" ) ;
$values = $random -> GetStrings ( $count, $length, RandomOrg::STRING_DIGITS ) ;
    echo (
"\t" . implode ( ', ', $values ) . "\n" ) ;
display_statistics ( $random ) ;

    echo (
"\n2) Getting $count random passwords of length $length (lowercase letters only) :\n" ) ;
$values = $random -> GetStrings ( $count, $length, RandomOrg::STRING_LOWER ) ;
    echo (
"\t" . implode ( ', ', $values ) . "\n" ) ;
display_statistics ( $random ) ;

    echo (
"\n3) Getting $count random passwords of length $length (uppercase letters only) :\n" ) ;
$values = $random -> GetStrings ( $count, $length, RandomOrg::STRING_UPPER ) ;
    echo (
"\t" . implode ( ', ', $values ) . "\n" ) ;
display_statistics ( $random ) ;

    echo (
"\n4) Getting $count random passwords of length $length (alphanumeric characters) :\n" ) ;
$values = $random -> GetStrings ( $count, $length, RandomOrg::STRING_ALPHA ) ;
    echo (
"\t" . implode ( ', ', $values ) . "\n" ) ;
display_statistics ( $random ) ;