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Classes of Christian Vigh | PHP Circular Buffer | | Download |
![]() INTRODUCTIONThe CircularBuffer class implements a circular buffer, ie a buffer that can store a limited number of items. If you add items that exceed the capacity of the circular buffer, then the older items will be "forgotten" to leave room to the ones you want to add. Circular buffers are often used when you have to face the following trade-offs :
Creating a circular buffer is easy ; just fix yourself a limit on the number of items you want to store :
Adding items to a circular bufferAdding items is easy ; just use the circular buffer as an array to append your latest items :
Retrieving itemsSince the CircularBuffer class implements the ArrayAccess, Coutable and IteratorAggregate interface, you can perform the following operations :
REFERENCEConstructorThe CircularBuffer class constructor has 3 different signatures, described in the following sections : $buffer = new CircularBuffer ( $size ) ;Creates a circular buffer that is able to store $size elements. $buffer = new CircularBuffer ( $array ) ;Creates a circular buffer and initializes it with the contents of $array. The size of the circular buffer will be the size of the specified array. $buffer = new CircularBuffer ( $array, $size ) ;Creates a circular buffer and initializes it with the contents of $array. The circular buffer will have $size size elements. If $size is less than the number of items in $array, the circular buffer will be initialized with its first $size elements. If $size is greater, then emty elements will be added to the circular buffer. $buffer -> Reset ( ) ;Empties the contents of the circular buffer. |