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File: class.httpupload.php

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  Classes of Bao Nguyen Quoc   HTTP Upload   class.httpupload.php   Download  
File: class.httpupload.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class
Class: HTTP Upload
Handle files uploaded via Web forms
Author: By
Last change: just a little change :)
Date: 19 years ago
Size: 12,544 bytes



Class file image Download
<? /** * class.httpupload.php * a smart class help you in checking and saving uploads * Visit for more information * @package Misc * @author Nguyen Quoc Bao <> * @version 1.0 **/ define('HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_OK' , 1); define('HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_NO_FILE' , -1); define('HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_INI_SIZE' , -2); //php size limit define('HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_FORM_SIZE' , -3); //form size limit define('HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_SIZE' , -4); //class size limit define('HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_IMG' , -5); //image size limit define('HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_EXT' , -6); //extension is not allowed define('HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_MIME' , -7); //mime is not allowed define('HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_WRITE' , -8); //there was a problem during processing file define('HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_PARTIAL' , -9); //The uploaded file was only partially uploaded class httpupload { var $uploadDir = ''; var $uploadName = ''; var $uploadIndex = ''; var $maxSize = 0; var $seperator = "/"; var $handler = ''; var $handlerType = ''; //move , copy , data var $targetName = ''; var $savedName = ''; var $maxWidth = ''; var $maxHeight = ''; var $allowExt = array(); var $allowMime = array(); var $fileCHMOD = 0777; var $prefix = false; var $extension = false; var $error_code = 0; var $error_lang = array( HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_NO_FILE => "No file was submited.", HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_INI_SIZE => "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.", HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_FORM_SIZE => "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form.", HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_SIZE => "The uploaded file exceeds the max file size directive that was specified in class setting.", HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_IMG => "The uploaded file exceeds the max image width or max image height directive that was specified in class setting.", HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_EXT => "File extension is not allowed.", HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_MIME => "File mime is not allowed.", HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_WRITE => "There was an error during writing file . Maybe target file is existed or PHP cannot write the target file.", HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_PARTIAL => "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.", ); /** * Set upload directory * @param string $dir upload directory **/ function setuploaddir($dir) { $this->uploadDir = $dir; } /** * Set upload name * @param string $name $HTTP_POST_VARS[$name] **/ function setuploadname($name) { $this->uploadName = $name; } /** * Set upload name index * @param string $name $HTTP_POST_VARS[$name][$index] **/ function setuploadindex($index) { $this->uploadIndex = $index; } /** * Set upload filename * @param string $name File name **/ function settargetfile($name) { $this->targetName = $name; } /** * Set upload image size * @param string $w Max image width * @param string $h Max image height **/ function setimagemaxsize($w = null , $h = null) { $this->maxWidth = $w; $this->maxHeight = $h; } /** * Set upload mime filter * @param mixed $a Filter data * @param string $s Text seperator (for string filter data) **/ function setallowmime($a , $s = '|') { if (!is_array($a)) { if (strpos($a , $s) === false) { $a = array($a); } else { $a = explode($s , $a); } } $this->allowMime = array(); foreach ($a as $val) { $this->allowMime[] = strtolower(trim($val)); } } /** * Set upload extension filter * @param mixed $a Filter data * @param string $s Text seperator (for string filter data) **/ function setallowext($a , $s = '|') { if (!is_array($a)) { if (strpos($a , $s) === false) { $a = array($a); } else { $a = explode($s , $a); } } $this->allowExt = array(); foreach ($a as $val) { $val = trim($val); if (substr($val , 0 , 1) != ".") $val = ".$val"; $this->allowExt[] = strtolower($val); } } /** * Set max file size * @param int $size Max file size **/ function setmaxsize($size) { $this->maxSize = intval($size); } function httpupload($dir = '' , $name = '' , $index = '') { $this->uploadDir = $dir; $this->uploadName = $name; $this->uploadIndex = $index; } function getuploadname() { $FILE = $this->getuploadinfo($this->uploadName , $this->uploadIndex); if ($FILE === false) return false; return @$FILE['name']; } function getuploadsize() { $FILE = $this->getuploadinfo($this->uploadName , $this->uploadIndex); if ($FILE === false) return false; return @$FILE['size']; } function getuploadtype() { $FILE = $this->getuploadinfo($this->uploadName , $this->uploadIndex); if ($FILE === false) return false; return @$FILE['type']; } function getuploadtmp() { $FILE = $this->getuploadinfo($this->uploadName , $this->uploadIndex); if ($FILE === false) return false; return @$FILE['tmp_name']; } function getsavedname($fullpath=true) { $FILE = $this->getuploadinfo($this->uploadName , $this->uploadIndex); if ($FILE === false || $this->savedName == '') return false; return ($fullpath ? $this->uploadDir . "/" : "") . $this->savedName; } function isempty() { $FILE = $this->getuploadinfo($this->uploadName , $this->uploadIndex); if ($FILE === false) return true; return ($FILE['size'] == 0); } function hasupload() { $FILE = $this->getuploadinfo($this->uploadName , $this->uploadIndex); if ($FILE === false) return false; return (isset($FILE['name'])); } /** * Default file upload handler * @access private **/ function processfile($b , $t , $mod , $overWrite = false) { $FILE = $this->getuploadinfo($this->uploadName , $this->uploadIndex); if ($FILE === false) return false; $p = ''; $p2 = $FILE['tmp_name']; if (trim($b) == '') { $p = $t; } else { if (substr($b , strlen($b) - 1 , 1) != $this->seperator) $p = $b . $this->seperator; else $p = $b; $p .= $t; } if (file_exists($p)) { //exist file , have to check if (is_dir($p)) return false; if (!$overWrite) return false; } if (!@copy($p2 , $p)) return false; @chmod($p , $mod); $this->savedName = $t; return true; } /** * Check and Save upload file * @param bool $overWrite Overwrite existed file * @return bool **/ function upload($overWrite = false) { $this->savedName = ''; $this->set_error(0); if (!$this->hasUpload()) return $this->set_error(HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_NO_FILE); $FILE = $this->getuploadinfo($this->uploadName , $this->uploadIndex); switch ($FILE['error']) { case 1: return $this->set_error(HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_INI_SIZE); break; case 2: return $this->set_error(HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_FORM_SIZE); break; case 3: return $this->set_error(HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_PARTIAL); break; case 4: return $this->set_error(HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_NO_FILE); break; } $ext = "."; if (!(strpos($FILE['name'] , ".")) === false) { $ext = explode("." , $FILE['name']); $ext = "." . $ext[count($ext) - 1]; } $ext = strtolower($ext); //check max file size if (intval($this->maxSize) > 0 && $FILE['size'] > $this->maxSize) return $this->set_error(HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_SIZE); //check extension if (is_array($this->allowExt) && count($this->allowExt) > 0 && !in_array($ext , $this->allowExt)) return $this->set_error(HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_EXT); //check mime if (is_array($this->allowMime) && count($this->allowMime) > 0 && !in_array($FILE['type'] , $this->allowMime)) return $this->set_error(HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_MIME); //check image size if (intval($this->maxWidth) > 0 || intval($this->maxHeight) > 0) { $imageSize = @getimagesize($FILE['tmp_name']); if ($imageSize === false) return false; if (intval($this->maxWidth) > 0 && $imageSize[0] > intval($this->maxWidth)) return $this->set_error(HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_IMG); if (intval($this->maxHeight) > 0 && $imageSize[1] > intval($this->maxHeight)) return $this->set_error(HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_IMG); } //process file if (trim($this->targetName) == '') { //Self Generator if ($this->prefix === false) { $f = $FILE['name']; if (!(strpos($f , ".") === false)) { $f = explode("." , $f); unset($f[count($f) -1]); $f = implode("." , $f); } } else { $f = uniqid(trim($this->prefix)); } if ($this->extension === false) { if ($ext != '.') $f .= $ext; } else { if (substr($this->extension , 0 , 1) != ".") $this->extension = "." . $this->extension; if (trim($this->extension) != '.') $f .= $this->extension; } } else { //User name $f = trim($this->targetName); } $this->savedName = $f; //ok , now process copy if ($this->handlerType == '' || $this->handler == '') { //process default handler if ($this->processfile($this->uploadDir , $f , $this->fileCHMOD , $overWrite)) return $this->set_error(HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_OK); else return $this->set_error(HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_WRITE); } else { //process user handler $b = $this->uploadDir; if (trim($b) == '') { $p = $f; } else { if (substr($b , strlen($b) - 1 , 1) != $this->seperator) $p = $b . $this->seperator; else $p = $b; $p .= $f; } $f = $this->handler; switch (trim(strtolower($this->handlerType))) { case 'copy': case 'move': // function (src , tgt , CHMOD) /* if (is_array($f)) { return $f[0]->$f[1]($p , $FILE['tmp_name'] , $this->fileCHMOD); } else return $f($p , $FILE['tmp_name'] , $this->fileCHMOD); */ if (@call_user_func($f , $p , $FILE['tmp_name'] , $this->fileCHMOD)) return $this->set_error(HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_OK); else return $this->set_error(HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_WRITE); break; case 'data': // function (targetFile , data , CHMOD) /* if (is_readable($FILE['tmp_name'])) $data = implode("" , file($FILE['tmp_name'])); else return false; if (is_array($f)) { return $f[0]->$f[1]($p , $data , $this->fileCHMOD); } else return $f($p , $data , $this->fileCHMOD); */ if (@call_user_func($f , $p , $data , $this->fileCHMOD)) return $this->set_error(HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_OK); else return $this->set_error(HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_WRITE); break; default: if ($this->processfile($this->uploadDir , $f , $this->fileCHMOD , $overWrite)) return $this->set_error(HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_OK); else return $this->set_error(HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_WRITE); } } } //multi-file upload function upload_ex($name,$overwrite=false) { $FILES = $this->getuploadinfo($name,null); if (isset($FILES['name']) && is_array($FILES['name'])) { $results = array(); $old_index = $this->uploadIndex; $old_name = $this->uploadName; $this->uploadName = $name; foreach ($FILES['name'] as $index => $dummy) { //handle each file $this->uploadIndex = $index; $this->upload($overwrite); $results[] = array( 'error_code' => $this->error_code , 'name' => $this->getuploadname() , 'size' => $this->getuploadsize() , 'type' => $this->getuploadtype() , 'tmp_name' => $this->getuploadtmp() , 'file' => $this->getsavedname(false) , 'fullpath' => $this->getsavedname(true) , 'index' => $index , ); } $this->uploadIndex = $old_index; $this->uploadName = $old_name; return $results; } else return false; } function &getuploadinfo($name , $index = '') { global $HTTP_POST_FILES; if ($index == '' && !($index === 0)) { if (isset($HTTP_POST_FILES[$name])) { return $HTTP_POST_FILES[$name]; } } else { if (isset($HTTP_POST_FILES[$name]['name'][$index])) { return array( 'name' => $HTTP_POST_FILES[$name]['name'][$index], 'tmp_name' => $HTTP_POST_FILES[$name]['tmp_name'][$index], 'size' => $HTTP_POST_FILES[$name]['size'][$index], 'type' => $HTTP_POST_FILES[$name]['type'][$index], 'error' => $HTTP_POST_FILES[$name]['error'][$index], ); } } return false; } function set_error($code) { $this->error_code = $code; if ($code != HTTPUPLOAD_ERROR_OK) return false; return true; } function get_error($code = null) { if ($code === null) $code = $this->error_code; return @$this->error_lang[$code]; } } ?>