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File: src/translate/translate.php

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File: src/translate/translate.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: Hispanic Form Validation
Validate forms on the browser and server sides
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 6,471 bytes


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= array(
"en" => array(
"required" => "The :attribute field is required",
"checked" => "The :attribute field is required",
"min_length" => "The :attribute field needs to be :condition or longer in length",
"max_length" => "The :attribute field needs to be :condition or shorter in length",
"min" => "The :attribute field needs to be a numeric value, equal to, or higher than :condition",
"max" => "The :attribute field needs to be a numeric value, equal to, or lower than :condition",
"between" => "The :attribute field needs a value between :min and :max characters long",
"range" => "The :attribute field needs a value between :min and :max numeric long",
"name" => "The :attribute field may only contain letters and spaces",
"alpha" => "The :attribute field may only contain letters",
"alphanumeric" => "The :attribute field may only contain letters and digits",
"digit" => "The :attribute field may only contain digits",
"email" => "The :attribute field is required to be a valid email address",
"ip" => "The :attribute field is required to be a valid ip",
"url" => "The :attribute field is required to be a valid url",
"date" => "The :attribute field is required to be a valid date :condition",
"time" => "The :attribute field is required to be a valid time :condition",
"datetime" => "The :attribute field is required to be a valid datetime :condition",
"regex" => "The :attribute field may only contain: :condition",
"equalsTo" => "The :attribute field is not equal that :condition field",
"float" => "The :attribute field may only contain a float value",
"integer" => "The :attribute field may only contain a integer value",
"numeric" => "The :attribute field may only contain a numeric value",
"contains" => "The :attribute field needs to contain one of these values: :contains",
"file_required" => "The :attribute field is required",
"min_files" => "The :attribute field must contain a number of files equal to or higher than :condition",
"max_files" => "The :attribute field must contain a number of files equal to or lower than :condition",
"file_min_size" => "The :attribute field needs to be equal to, or higher than :megabytes MB. Error in the :file file.",
"file_max_size" => "The :attribute field needs to be equal to, or lower than :megabytes MB. Error in the :file file.",
"mime" => "The :attribute field may only contain one of the following extensions: :mime. Error in the :file file.",
"img_min_width" => "The :attribute field needs to be equal to, or higher than :condition px of width size. Error in the :file file.",
"img_max_width" => "The :attribute field needs to be equal to, or lower than :condition px of width size. Error in the :file file.",
"img_min_height" => "The :attribute field needs to be equal to, or higher than :condition px of height size. Error in the :file file.",
"img_max_height" => "The :attribute field needs to be equal to, or lower than :condition px of height size. Error in the :file file.",
"es" => array(
"required" => "El campo :attribute es requerido",
"checked" => "El campo :attribute es requerido",
"min_length" => "El campo :attribute necesita tener :condition caracteres o más",
"max_length" => "El campo :attribute necesita tener :condition caracteres o menos",
"min" => "El campo :attribute necesita ser un valor numérico, igual o mayor que :condition",
"max" => "El campo :attribute necesita ser un valor numérico, igual o menor que :condition",
"between" => "El campo :attribute necesita un valor comprendido entre :min y :max caracteres de longitud",
"range" => "El campo :attribute necesita un valor numérico comprendido entre :min y :max",
"name" => "El campo :attribute solo debe contener letras y espacios",
"alpha" => "El campo :attribute solo debe contener letras",
"alphanumeric" => "El campo :attribute solo debe contener letras y dígitos",
"digit" => "El campo :attribute debe contener dígitos",
"email" => "El campo :attribute debe contener un email válido",
"ip" => "El campo :attribute debe contener una ip válida",
"url" => "El campo :attribute debe contener una url válida",
"date" => "El campo :attribute debe contener un formato de fecha válido :condition",
"time" => "El campo :attribute debe contener un formato de hora válido :condition",
"datetime" => "El campo :attribute debe contener un formato de fecha y hora válido :condition",
"regex" => "El campo :attribute debe contener: :condition",
"equalsTo" => "El campo :attribute debe ser igual a el campo :condition",
"float" => "El campo :attribute debe contener números decimales o de punto flotante",
"integer" => "El campo :attribute debe contener números enteros",
"numeric" => "El campo :attribute debe contener un valor numérico",
"contains" => "El campo :attribute debe contener uno de los siguientes valores: :contains",
"file_required" => "El campo :attribute es requerido",
"min_files" => "El campo :attribute debe contener un número de archivos igual o mayor que :condition",
"max_files" => "El campo :attribute debe contener un número de archivos igual o menor que :condition",
"file_min_size" => "El campo :attribute necesita ser igual o mayor que :megabytes MB. Error en el archivo :file.",
"file_max_size" => "El campo :attribute necesita ser igual o menor que :megabytes MB. Error en el archivo :file.",
"mime" => "El campo :attribute debe contener una de las siguientes extensiones: :mime. Error en el archivo :file.",
"img_min_width" => "El campo :attribute necesita ser igual o mayor que :condition px de anchura. Error en el archivo :file.",
"img_max_width" => "El campo :attribute necesita ser igual o menor que :condition px de anchura. Error en el archivo :file.",
"img_min_height" => "El campo :attribute necesita ser igual o mayor que :condition px de altura. Error en el archivo :file.",
"img_max_height" => "El campo :attribute necesita ser igual o menor que :condition px de altura. Error en el archivo :file.",