PHP Classes

File: src/lang/en-us.json

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  Classes of Scott Arciszewski   CMS Airship   src/lang/en-us.json   Download  
File: src/lang/en-us.json
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: CMS Airship
Content management system with security features
Author: By
Last change: Typo
Internationalize exceptions.

Either use trk() or __() on all relevant exception
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 5,504 bytes


Class file image Download
{ "errors": { "crypto": { "cannot_both_be_public_keys": "Both keys cannot be public keys, at least one must be a private key.", "cannot_both_be_secret_keys": "Both keys cannot be secret keys, at least one must be a public key. You may in fact be doing something dangerous.", "cannot_generate_public_key": "We can't just generate public keys on the fly. That wouldn't make any sense.", "expected_public_key": "We were expecting a public key here.", "expected_secret_key": "We were expecting a secret key here.", "expected_signing_key": "We were expecting a signing key here. An encryption key was provided.", "expected_asymmetric_key": "We were expecting an asymmetric key here.", "expected_symmetric_key": "We were expecting a symmetric key here.", "file_stream_error": "An unspecified error has occurred with the file streaming operations.", "general_error": "We failed to safely perform cryptography operations.", "helpful_need_secretkey": "Since you cannot get a secret key from a public key, only passing a public key won't give you a valid keypair.", "hkdf_bad_digest_length": "Bad output length requested of HKDF.", "keyring_missing": "Keyring configuration file not found.", "incorrect_secret_key": "We failed to decrypt the message because the wrong secret key was used.", "invalid_version_tag": "Invalid version tag.", "mac_validation_failed": "The ciphertext we attempted to decrypt was invalid.", "must_specify_public_or_private": "Must specify PUBLIC or PRIVATE key type", "must_specify_encryption_or_authentication": "Must specify ENCRYPTION or SIGNATURE", "unknown_key_type": "Unknown key type: %s" }, "database": { "array_passed": "Arrays cannot be passed to parameters; use json_encode() manually", "insert_failed": "Could not insert a row into %s. PDO error: %s", "invalid_identifier": "Invalid identifier: \"%s\" Must begin with a letter or undescore.", "multiple_candidates": "There are multiple candidate queries for %s.", "not_found": "The database \"%s\" is not configured for this cabin.", "not_implemented": "This is not implemented for %s yet.", "pdo_exception": "Could not create a database connection. Please check your username and password.", "query_not_found": "There are no candidate queries for %s." }, "email": { "invalid_transport": "Misconfigured Email Configuration -- unknown transport: %s" }, "file": { "cannot_read_file": "This file cannot be read by PHP. Please check its permissions.", "cannot_write_file": "This file cannot be modified by PHP. Please check its permissions.", "lfi": "Local File Inclusion attack detected and blocked." }, "hail": { "invalid_api_version": "Invalid version (%s) for the Hail API.", "peer_checksum_failed": "The file we received from upstream did not match what our peers had on file for version %s of %s", "no_channel_configured": "There is no channel configured for this Supplier: %s", "no_channel_responded": "No channel responded to our update query." }, "object": { "invalid_property": "Unknown property %s of class %s." }, "pages": { "collision": "A name collision has been detected: A file already exists with the same name in the same directory.", "directory_wrong_cabin": "The specified directory (%s) does not exist in the cabin (%s), found in another cabin (%s).", "directory_does_not_exist": "The specified directory does not exist.", "page_does_not_exist": "The specified page does not exist.", "unknown_page_version": "No entry exists with this version ID." }, "router": { "fallback_loop": "Fallback loop detected in AutoPilot. Likely cause: method does not exist." }, "security": { "invalid_persistent_token": "Your persistent authentication token is invalid.", "not_authenticated": "You are not currently logged in" }, "type": { "expected_resource": "%s must be a resource.", "expected_1d_array": "Expected a 1-dimensional array.", "expected_string_array": "Expected a 1-dimensional array of strings; %s given at index %d.", "wrong_class": "Expected an instance of %s, or of one of its child classes." } } }