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File: doc/doc.txt
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Description: Documentation
Class: GImageGallery
A gallery using a GMail account to store images
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How to use the class. A) Quick steps for people that hate reading docs. B) Method Listing C) Why the option to choose between GMail's thumbs or resized in server? A) Quick steps for people that hate reading docs. 1) Edit the config.php with your GMail "login" and the Gmail "password" 2) Instantiate the class (see example) 3) List Categories 4) List Thumbnails. 5) enjoy! How does it works. Gmail has implemented a system for organizing mails. A Conversation, is a group of messages. And a group of Conversations could be "labeled". What does it mean? It means we can label, put an ettiquete to the conversations that are related. GImageGallery looks for labels in your Gmail Account. The labels become "categories" in the Class. And all mails inside conversations become repository of photgraphies or graphics. If a mail has another attachments than jpg, png, gif or bmp, those attachments will be ignored. Gimage Gallery display the subject of the mail as a "header" for the group of photos. B) Method Listing ::GImageGallery(login,pass,timeZone,sessionMethod) // constructor ::setPhotosPerRow(howMany) // set how many photos mus the gallery show per row ::showCategories() // list GMAIL labels as categories ::getThumbs(codifiedURL,maxwidth=,maxheight=) // return a thumbnail. see example and config.php ::getImage(codifiedURL) // return an Image ::setResizeMethod(resizeTipe) // see config.php ::destroyGImageGallery() //destructor for finishing the session with GMail C) Why the option to choose between GMail's thumbs or resized in server? The answer is simple. If we query the GMail for the complete image and we resize it in the server before sending it to client, we consume more bandwidth. Let's see an example: Image 18kB GMail's thumb 4kB 1st case. If we query for the complete image. libgmailer ask for the image (18kB incoming in the server) GImageGallery resample image (time consuming also) and sends it to client (more or less 4kB outgoing) 2nd case. If we query for the GMail thumb. libgmailer ask for the thumb (4kB incoming in the server) GIMageGallery just sends it to client (4kB outgoing) What are the disadvantages of the GMail's thumbs? Well. They have a "border" around the Image and a withe background. And if you have more than 20 pictures in the message, the ones counting from 20 are shown as an icon. Resize you don't have that problem... but the bandwidth consuming.. You choose! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes (extracted from GMail is a still in beta, and GMailer (along with gmail-lite above) is, I would say, an "alpha hack" of a beta software. So don't expect it to work all the time, and do not build critical mission applications upon it (e.g. hmm... whatever you think is important). Just have some fun, build something interesting from it, and hopefully make your life a bit easier sometimes. ;-) Google is, IMHO, a good company. But she is NOT a charity. So let them make some pennies by accessing GMail through its official website, see some text ads, and click on them when you find them really useful or related (but don't click blindly: you will be misleading the "market"). That's how to make a good company stronger. Finally, please just bear in mind that these kinds of hacking are actually violating their terms of service... so... hey, you were warned. ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyleft notice This class has been written from scratch, unless it is said the opposite in the code or documentation. It makes use of libgmailer (GAN Ying Hung), extending that class to provide access to thumbs. And now, it uses Vagharshak Tozalakyan's class to resize images if wanted. Well that's all. Special thanks to: *GAN Ying Hung (for writing libgmailer) *DieterXP for inspiring me on using "labels" instead of "conversations" in the new version of GImageGallery. He has done excellent work with "GImage" (his product at, a procedural complete solution to make an Image Gallery and now a complete site.