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File: application/modules/extensions/aws/Aws/data/elasticache/2015-02-02/api-2.json.php

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  Classes of Tran Tuan   Pretty PHP S3 Files Manager   application/modules/extensions/aws/Aws/data/elasticache/2015-02-02/api-2.json.php   Download  
File: application/modules/extensions/aws/Aws/data/elasticache/2015-02-02/api-2.json.php
Role: Application script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Application script
Class: Pretty PHP S3 Files Manager
Web based interface to manage files in Amazon S3
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 85,109 bytes



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<?php // This file was auto-generated from sdk-root/src/data/elasticache/2015-02-02/api-2.json return [ 'version' => '2.0', 'metadata' => [ 'apiVersion' => '2015-02-02', 'endpointPrefix' => 'elasticache', 'protocol' => 'query', 'serviceFullName' => 'Amazon ElastiCache', 'signatureVersion' => 'v4', 'xmlNamespace' => '', ], 'operations' => [ 'AddTagsToResource' => [ 'name' => 'AddTagsToResource', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'AddTagsToResourceMessage', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'TagListMessage', 'resultWrapper' => 'AddTagsToResourceResult', ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'CacheClusterNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheClusterNotFound', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'SnapshotNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'SnapshotNotFoundFault', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'TagQuotaPerResourceExceeded', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'TagQuotaPerResourceExceeded', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidARNFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidARN', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'AuthorizeCacheSecurityGroupIngress' => [ 'name' => 'AuthorizeCacheSecurityGroupIngress', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'AuthorizeCacheSecurityGroupIngressMessage', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'AuthorizeCacheSecurityGroupIngressResult', 'resultWrapper' => 'AuthorizeCacheSecurityGroupIngressResult', 'wrapper' => true, ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'CacheSecurityGroupNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheSecurityGroupNotFound', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidCacheSecurityGroupStateFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidCacheSecurityGroupState', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'AuthorizationAlreadyExistsFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'AuthorizationAlreadyExists', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterValueException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterValue', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterCombinationException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterCombination', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'CopySnapshot' => [ 'name' => 'CopySnapshot', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'CopySnapshotMessage', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'CopySnapshotResult', 'resultWrapper' => 'CopySnapshotResult', 'wrapper' => true, ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'SnapshotAlreadyExistsFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'SnapshotAlreadyExistsFault', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'SnapshotNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'SnapshotNotFoundFault', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'SnapshotQuotaExceededFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'SnapshotQuotaExceededFault', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidSnapshotStateFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidSnapshotState', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterValueException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterValue', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterCombinationException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterCombination', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'CreateCacheCluster' => [ 'name' => 'CreateCacheCluster', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'CreateCacheClusterMessage', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'CreateCacheClusterResult', 'resultWrapper' => 'CreateCacheClusterResult', 'wrapper' => true, ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'ReplicationGroupNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'ReplicationGroupNotFoundFault', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidReplicationGroupStateFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidReplicationGroupState', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'CacheClusterAlreadyExistsFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheClusterAlreadyExists', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InsufficientCacheClusterCapacityFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InsufficientCacheClusterCapacity', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'CacheSecurityGroupNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheSecurityGroupNotFound', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'CacheSubnetGroupNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheSubnetGroupNotFoundFault', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'ClusterQuotaForCustomerExceededFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'ClusterQuotaForCustomerExceeded', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'NodeQuotaForClusterExceededFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'NodeQuotaForClusterExceeded', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'NodeQuotaForCustomerExceededFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'NodeQuotaForCustomerExceeded', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'CacheParameterGroupNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheParameterGroupNotFound', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidVPCNetworkStateFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidVPCNetworkStateFault', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'TagQuotaPerResourceExceeded', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'TagQuotaPerResourceExceeded', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterValueException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterValue', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterCombinationException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterCombination', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'CreateCacheParameterGroup' => [ 'name' => 'CreateCacheParameterGroup', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'CreateCacheParameterGroupMessage', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'CreateCacheParameterGroupResult', 'resultWrapper' => 'CreateCacheParameterGroupResult', 'wrapper' => true, ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'CacheParameterGroupQuotaExceededFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheParameterGroupQuotaExceeded', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'CacheParameterGroupAlreadyExistsFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheParameterGroupAlreadyExists', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidCacheParameterGroupStateFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidCacheParameterGroupState', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterValueException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterValue', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterCombinationException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterCombination', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'CreateCacheSecurityGroup' => [ 'name' => 'CreateCacheSecurityGroup', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'CreateCacheSecurityGroupMessage', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'CreateCacheSecurityGroupResult', 'resultWrapper' => 'CreateCacheSecurityGroupResult', 'wrapper' => true, ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'CacheSecurityGroupAlreadyExistsFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheSecurityGroupAlreadyExists', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'CacheSecurityGroupQuotaExceededFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'QuotaExceeded.CacheSecurityGroup', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterValueException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterValue', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterCombinationException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterCombination', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'CreateCacheSubnetGroup' => [ 'name' => 'CreateCacheSubnetGroup', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'CreateCacheSubnetGroupMessage', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'CreateCacheSubnetGroupResult', 'resultWrapper' => 'CreateCacheSubnetGroupResult', 'wrapper' => true, ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'CacheSubnetGroupAlreadyExistsFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheSubnetGroupAlreadyExists', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'CacheSubnetGroupQuotaExceededFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheSubnetGroupQuotaExceeded', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'CacheSubnetQuotaExceededFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheSubnetQuotaExceededFault', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidSubnet', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidSubnet', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'CreateReplicationGroup' => [ 'name' => 'CreateReplicationGroup', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'CreateReplicationGroupMessage', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'CreateReplicationGroupResult', 'resultWrapper' => 'CreateReplicationGroupResult', 'wrapper' => true, ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'CacheClusterNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheClusterNotFound', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidCacheClusterStateFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidCacheClusterState', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'ReplicationGroupAlreadyExistsFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'ReplicationGroupAlreadyExists', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InsufficientCacheClusterCapacityFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InsufficientCacheClusterCapacity', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'CacheSecurityGroupNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheSecurityGroupNotFound', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'CacheSubnetGroupNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheSubnetGroupNotFoundFault', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'ClusterQuotaForCustomerExceededFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'ClusterQuotaForCustomerExceeded', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'NodeQuotaForClusterExceededFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'NodeQuotaForClusterExceeded', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'NodeQuotaForCustomerExceededFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'NodeQuotaForCustomerExceeded', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'CacheParameterGroupNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheParameterGroupNotFound', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidVPCNetworkStateFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidVPCNetworkStateFault', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'TagQuotaPerResourceExceeded', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'TagQuotaPerResourceExceeded', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterValueException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterValue', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterCombinationException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterCombination', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'CreateSnapshot' => [ 'name' => 'CreateSnapshot', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'CreateSnapshotMessage', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'CreateSnapshotResult', 'resultWrapper' => 'CreateSnapshotResult', 'wrapper' => true, ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'SnapshotAlreadyExistsFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'SnapshotAlreadyExistsFault', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'CacheClusterNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheClusterNotFound', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidCacheClusterStateFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidCacheClusterState', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'SnapshotQuotaExceededFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'SnapshotQuotaExceededFault', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'SnapshotFeatureNotSupportedFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'SnapshotFeatureNotSupportedFault', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterCombinationException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterCombination', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterValueException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterValue', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'DeleteCacheCluster' => [ 'name' => 'DeleteCacheCluster', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'DeleteCacheClusterMessage', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'DeleteCacheClusterResult', 'resultWrapper' => 'DeleteCacheClusterResult', 'wrapper' => true, ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'CacheClusterNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheClusterNotFound', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidCacheClusterStateFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidCacheClusterState', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'SnapshotAlreadyExistsFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'SnapshotAlreadyExistsFault', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'SnapshotFeatureNotSupportedFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'SnapshotFeatureNotSupportedFault', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'SnapshotQuotaExceededFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'SnapshotQuotaExceededFault', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterValueException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterValue', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterCombinationException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterCombination', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'DeleteCacheParameterGroup' => [ 'name' => 'DeleteCacheParameterGroup', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'DeleteCacheParameterGroupMessage', ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'InvalidCacheParameterGroupStateFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidCacheParameterGroupState', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'CacheParameterGroupNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheParameterGroupNotFound', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterValueException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterValue', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterCombinationException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterCombination', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'DeleteCacheSecurityGroup' => [ 'name' => 'DeleteCacheSecurityGroup', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'DeleteCacheSecurityGroupMessage', ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'InvalidCacheSecurityGroupStateFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidCacheSecurityGroupState', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'CacheSecurityGroupNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheSecurityGroupNotFound', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterValueException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterValue', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterCombinationException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterCombination', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'DeleteCacheSubnetGroup' => [ 'name' => 'DeleteCacheSubnetGroup', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'DeleteCacheSubnetGroupMessage', ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'CacheSubnetGroupInUse', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheSubnetGroupInUse', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'CacheSubnetGroupNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheSubnetGroupNotFoundFault', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'DeleteReplicationGroup' => [ 'name' => 'DeleteReplicationGroup', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'DeleteReplicationGroupMessage', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'DeleteReplicationGroupResult', 'resultWrapper' => 'DeleteReplicationGroupResult', 'wrapper' => true, ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'ReplicationGroupNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'ReplicationGroupNotFoundFault', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidReplicationGroupStateFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidReplicationGroupState', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'SnapshotAlreadyExistsFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'SnapshotAlreadyExistsFault', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'SnapshotFeatureNotSupportedFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'SnapshotFeatureNotSupportedFault', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'SnapshotQuotaExceededFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'SnapshotQuotaExceededFault', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterValueException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterValue', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterCombinationException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterCombination', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'DeleteSnapshot' => [ 'name' => 'DeleteSnapshot', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'DeleteSnapshotMessage', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'DeleteSnapshotResult', 'resultWrapper' => 'DeleteSnapshotResult', 'wrapper' => true, ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'SnapshotNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'SnapshotNotFoundFault', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidSnapshotStateFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidSnapshotState', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterValueException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterValue', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterCombinationException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterCombination', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'DescribeCacheClusters' => [ 'name' => 'DescribeCacheClusters', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'DescribeCacheClustersMessage', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'CacheClusterMessage', 'resultWrapper' => 'DescribeCacheClustersResult', ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'CacheClusterNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheClusterNotFound', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterValueException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterValue', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterCombinationException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterCombination', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'DescribeCacheEngineVersions' => [ 'name' => 'DescribeCacheEngineVersions', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'DescribeCacheEngineVersionsMessage', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'CacheEngineVersionMessage', 'resultWrapper' => 'DescribeCacheEngineVersionsResult', ], ], 'DescribeCacheParameterGroups' => [ 'name' => 'DescribeCacheParameterGroups', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'DescribeCacheParameterGroupsMessage', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'CacheParameterGroupsMessage', 'resultWrapper' => 'DescribeCacheParameterGroupsResult', ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'CacheParameterGroupNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheParameterGroupNotFound', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterValueException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterValue', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterCombinationException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterCombination', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'DescribeCacheParameters' => [ 'name' => 'DescribeCacheParameters', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'DescribeCacheParametersMessage', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'CacheParameterGroupDetails', 'resultWrapper' => 'DescribeCacheParametersResult', ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'CacheParameterGroupNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheParameterGroupNotFound', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterValueException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterValue', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterCombinationException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterCombination', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'DescribeCacheSecurityGroups' => [ 'name' => 'DescribeCacheSecurityGroups', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'DescribeCacheSecurityGroupsMessage', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'CacheSecurityGroupMessage', 'resultWrapper' => 'DescribeCacheSecurityGroupsResult', ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'CacheSecurityGroupNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheSecurityGroupNotFound', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterValueException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterValue', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterCombinationException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterCombination', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'DescribeCacheSubnetGroups' => [ 'name' => 'DescribeCacheSubnetGroups', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'DescribeCacheSubnetGroupsMessage', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'CacheSubnetGroupMessage', 'resultWrapper' => 'DescribeCacheSubnetGroupsResult', ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'CacheSubnetGroupNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheSubnetGroupNotFoundFault', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'DescribeEngineDefaultParameters' => [ 'name' => 'DescribeEngineDefaultParameters', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'DescribeEngineDefaultParametersMessage', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'DescribeEngineDefaultParametersResult', 'resultWrapper' => 'DescribeEngineDefaultParametersResult', 'wrapper' => true, ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterValueException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterValue', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterCombinationException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterCombination', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'DescribeEvents' => [ 'name' => 'DescribeEvents', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'DescribeEventsMessage', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'EventsMessage', 'resultWrapper' => 'DescribeEventsResult', ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterValueException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterValue', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterCombinationException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterCombination', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'DescribeReplicationGroups' => [ 'name' => 'DescribeReplicationGroups', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'DescribeReplicationGroupsMessage', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'ReplicationGroupMessage', 'resultWrapper' => 'DescribeReplicationGroupsResult', ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'ReplicationGroupNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'ReplicationGroupNotFoundFault', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 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true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterCombinationException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterCombination', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'DescribeReservedCacheNodesOfferings' => [ 'name' => 'DescribeReservedCacheNodesOfferings', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'DescribeReservedCacheNodesOfferingsMessage', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'ReservedCacheNodesOfferingMessage', 'resultWrapper' => 'DescribeReservedCacheNodesOfferingsResult', ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'ReservedCacheNodesOfferingNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'ReservedCacheNodesOfferingNotFound', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterValueException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterValue', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterCombinationException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 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'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'ListTagsForResource' => [ 'name' => 'ListTagsForResource', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'ListTagsForResourceMessage', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'TagListMessage', 'resultWrapper' => 'ListTagsForResourceResult', ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'CacheClusterNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheClusterNotFound', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'SnapshotNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'SnapshotNotFoundFault', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidARNFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidARN', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'ModifyCacheCluster' => [ 'name' => 'ModifyCacheCluster', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'ModifyCacheClusterMessage', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'ModifyCacheClusterResult', 'resultWrapper' => 'ModifyCacheClusterResult', 'wrapper' => true, ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'InvalidCacheClusterStateFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidCacheClusterState', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidCacheSecurityGroupStateFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidCacheSecurityGroupState', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InsufficientCacheClusterCapacityFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InsufficientCacheClusterCapacity', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'CacheClusterNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheClusterNotFound', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'NodeQuotaForClusterExceededFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'NodeQuotaForClusterExceeded', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'NodeQuotaForCustomerExceededFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'NodeQuotaForCustomerExceeded', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'CacheSecurityGroupNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheSecurityGroupNotFound', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'CacheParameterGroupNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheParameterGroupNotFound', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidVPCNetworkStateFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidVPCNetworkStateFault', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterValueException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterValue', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterCombinationException', 'error' => [ 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], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidCacheSecurityGroupStateFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidCacheSecurityGroupState', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InsufficientCacheClusterCapacityFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InsufficientCacheClusterCapacity', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'CacheClusterNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheClusterNotFound', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'NodeQuotaForClusterExceededFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'NodeQuotaForClusterExceeded', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'NodeQuotaForCustomerExceededFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'NodeQuotaForCustomerExceeded', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'CacheSecurityGroupNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheSecurityGroupNotFound', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'CacheParameterGroupNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheParameterGroupNotFound', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidVPCNetworkStateFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidVPCNetworkStateFault', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterValueException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterValue', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterCombinationException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterCombination', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'PurchaseReservedCacheNodesOffering' => [ 'name' => 'PurchaseReservedCacheNodesOffering', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'PurchaseReservedCacheNodesOfferingMessage', 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'InvalidParameterCombination', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'RebootCacheCluster' => [ 'name' => 'RebootCacheCluster', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'RebootCacheClusterMessage', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'RebootCacheClusterResult', 'resultWrapper' => 'RebootCacheClusterResult', 'wrapper' => true, ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'InvalidCacheClusterStateFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidCacheClusterState', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'CacheClusterNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheClusterNotFound', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'RemoveTagsFromResource' => [ 'name' => 'RemoveTagsFromResource', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'RemoveTagsFromResourceMessage', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'TagListMessage', 'resultWrapper' 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=> 'InvalidCacheParameterGroupStateFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidCacheParameterGroupState', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'CacheParameterGroupNotFoundFault', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheParameterGroupNotFound', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterValueException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterValue', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InvalidParameterCombinationException', 'error' => [ 'code' => 'InvalidParameterCombination', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'RevokeCacheSecurityGroupIngress' => [ 'name' => 'RevokeCacheSecurityGroupIngress', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'RevokeCacheSecurityGroupIngressMessage', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'RevokeCacheSecurityGroupIngressResult', 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'AZMode' => [ 'type' => 'string', 'enum' => [ 'single-az', 'cross-az', ], ], 'AddTagsToResourceMessage' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'required' => [ 'ResourceName', 'Tags', ], 'members' => [ 'ResourceName' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], 'Tags' => [ 'shape' => 'TagList', ], ], ], 'AuthorizationAlreadyExistsFault' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'members' => [], 'error' => [ 'code' => 'AuthorizationAlreadyExists', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], 'AuthorizationNotFoundFault' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'members' => [], 'error' => [ 'code' => 'AuthorizationNotFound', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], 'AuthorizeCacheSecurityGroupIngressMessage' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'required' => [ 'CacheSecurityGroupName', 'EC2SecurityGroupName', 'EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId', ], 'members' => [ 'CacheSecurityGroupName' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], 'EC2SecurityGroupName' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], 'EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], ], ], 'AuthorizeCacheSecurityGroupIngressResult' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'members' => [ 'CacheSecurityGroup' => [ 'shape' => 'CacheSecurityGroup', ], ], ], 'AutomaticFailoverStatus' => [ 'type' => 'string', 'enum' => [ 'enabled', 'disabled', 'enabling', 'disabling', ], ], 'AvailabilityZone' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'members' => [ 'Name' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], ], 'wrapper' => true, ], 'AvailabilityZonesList' => [ 'type' => 'list', 'member' => [ 'shape' => 'String', 'locationName' => 'AvailabilityZone', ], ], 'AwsQueryErrorMessage' => [ 'type' => 'string', ], 'Boolean' => [ 'type' => 'boolean', ], 'BooleanOptional' => [ 'type' => 'boolean', ], 'CacheCluster' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'members' => [ 'CacheClusterId' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], 'ConfigurationEndpoint' => [ 'shape' => 'Endpoint', ], 'ClientDownloadLandingPage' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], 'CacheNodeType' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], 'Engine' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], 'EngineVersion' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], 'CacheClusterStatus' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], 'NumCacheNodes' => [ 'shape' => 'IntegerOptional', ], 'PreferredAvailabilityZone' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], 'CacheClusterCreateTime' => [ 'shape' => 'TStamp', ], 'PreferredMaintenanceWindow' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], 'PendingModifiedValues' => [ 'shape' => 'PendingModifiedValues', ], 'NotificationConfiguration' => [ 'shape' => 'NotificationConfiguration', ], 'CacheSecurityGroups' => [ 'shape' => 'CacheSecurityGroupMembershipList', ], 'CacheParameterGroup' => [ 'shape' => 'CacheParameterGroupStatus', ], 'CacheSubnetGroupName' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], 'CacheNodes' => [ 'shape' => 'CacheNodeList', ], 'AutoMinorVersionUpgrade' => [ 'shape' => 'Boolean', ], 'SecurityGroups' => [ 'shape' => 'SecurityGroupMembershipList', ], 'ReplicationGroupId' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], 'SnapshotRetentionLimit' => [ 'shape' => 'IntegerOptional', ], 'SnapshotWindow' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], ], 'wrapper' => true, ], 'CacheClusterAlreadyExistsFault' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'members' => [], 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheClusterAlreadyExists', 'httpStatusCode' => 400, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], 'CacheClusterList' => [ 'type' => 'list', 'member' => [ 'shape' => 'CacheCluster', 'locationName' => 'CacheCluster', ], ], 'CacheClusterMessage' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'members' => [ 'Marker' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], 'CacheClusters' => [ 'shape' => 'CacheClusterList', ], ], ], 'CacheClusterNotFoundFault' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'members' => [], 'error' => [ 'code' => 'CacheClusterNotFound', 'httpStatusCode' => 404, 'senderFault' => true, ], 'exception' => true, ], 'CacheEngineVersion' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'members' => [ 'Engine' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], 'EngineVersion' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], 'CacheParameterGroupFamily' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], 'CacheEngineDescription' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], 'CacheEngineVersionDescription' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], ], ], 'CacheEngineVersionList' => [ 'type' => 'list', 'member' => [ 'shape' => 'CacheEngineVersion', 'locationName' => 'CacheEngineVersion', ], ], 'CacheEngineVersionMessage' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'members' => [ 'Marker' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], 'CacheEngineVersions' => [ 'shape' => 'CacheEngineVersionList', ], ], ], 'CacheNode' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'members' => [ 'CacheNodeId' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], 'CacheNodeStatus' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], 'CacheNodeCreateTime' => [ 'shape' => 'TStamp', ], 'Endpoint' => [ 'shape' => 'Endpoint', ], 'ParameterGroupStatus' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], 'SourceCacheNodeId' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], 'CustomerAvailabilityZone' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], ], ], 'CacheNodeIdsList' => [ 'type' => 'list', 'member' => [ 'shape' => 'String', 'locationName' => 'CacheNodeId', ], ], 'CacheNodeList' => [ 'type' => 'list', 'member' => [ 'shape' => 'CacheNode', 'locationName' => 'CacheNode', ], ], 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