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File: assets/js/datatables/unit_testing/tests_onhold/5_ajax_objects/iDisplayLength.js

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  Classes of Tran Tuan   Pretty PHP S3 Files Manager   assets/js/datatables/unit_testing/tests_onhold/5_ajax_objects/iDisplayLength.js   Download  
File: assets/js/datatables/unit_testing/tests_onhold/5_ajax_objects/iDisplayLength.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Pretty PHP S3 Files Manager
Web based interface to manage files in Amazon S3
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 2,733 bytes



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// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table oTest.fnStart( "iDisplayLength" ); $(document).ready( function () { /* Check the default */ $('#example').dataTable( { "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/objects.txt", "aoColumns": [ { "mData": "engine" }, { "mData": "browser" }, { "mData": "platform" }, { "mData": "version" }, { "mData": "grade" } ] } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "Default length is ten", null, function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 10; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "Select menu shows 10", null, function () { return $('#example_length select').val() == 10; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "Set initial length to 25", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); $('#example').dataTable( { "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/objects.txt", "aoColumnDefs": [ { "mData": "engine", "aTargets": [0] }, { "mData": "browser", "aTargets": [1] }, { "mData": "platform", "aTargets": [2] }, { "mData": "version", "aTargets": [3] }, { "mData": "grade", "aTargets": [4] } ], "iDisplayLength": 25 } ); }, function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 25; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "Select menu shows 25", null, function () { return $('#example_length select').val() == 25; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "Set initial length to 100", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); $('#example').dataTable( { "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/objects.txt", "aoColumnDefs": [ { "mData": "engine", "aTargets": [0] }, { "mData": "browser", "aTargets": [1] }, { "mData": "platform", "aTargets": [2] }, { "mData": "version", "aTargets": [3] }, { "mData": "grade", "aTargets": [4] } ], "iDisplayLength": 100 } ); }, function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 57; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "Select menu shows 25", null, function () { return $('#example_length select').val() == 100; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "Set initial length to 23 (unknown select menu length)", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); $('#example').dataTable( { "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/objects.txt", "aoColumnDefs": [ { "mData": "engine", "aTargets": [0] }, { "mData": "browser", "aTargets": [1] }, { "mData": "platform", "aTargets": [2] }, { "mData": "version", "aTargets": [3] }, { "mData": "grade", "aTargets": [4] } ], "iDisplayLength": 23 } ); }, function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 23; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "Select menu shows 10 (since 23 is unknow)", null, function () { return $('#example_length select').val() == 10; } ); oTest.fnComplete(); } );