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File: adminpro_setup.php

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File: adminpro_setup.php
Role: Application script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Setup or update the MySQL Table
Class: AdminPro class
MySQL/Session based user authentication/management
Author: By
Last change: The setup application will now allow a user to modify an existing AdminPro Class MySQL Table as well, by using SQL statements. The existing MySQL table (and its data!) will remain compatible with the AdminPro Class, even If the table structure changes in future versions. Some SQL patch to update the table from v1.2 (initialy published) to v1.3.x is included.
Date: 20 years ago
Size: 15,891 bytes



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<?php /*** **** @file: AdminPro Class Setup **** @project: AdminPro Class **** @version: 1.3; **** @author: Giorgos Tsiledakis; **** @date: 2004-09-16; **** @license: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE; ***/ include("adminpro_config.php"); include("mysql_dialog.php"); $action=""; $check=true; extract($_POST); ?> <html> <head> <title>AdminPro Class v1.3.x MySQL Table Setup</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <style type="text/css"> <!-- input { border-style: none; font-family: Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; background-color: #cecece} .normal { font-family: Helvetica, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify} .small { font-family: Helvetica, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10px} .header { font-family: Helvetica, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; text-align: justify} .config { font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, Helvetica, Tahoma, Arial; font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal;} .code { font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, mono; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; color: #000099; text-align: left} textarea#patches { border-style: none; font-family: Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: #000099; background-color: #dddddd } textarea#usersql { border-style: none; font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #000099; background-color: #ffffff } --> </style> </head> <body bgcolor="#e9e9e9"> <p class="header">AdminPro Class MySQL Table Setup<br><span class="small">Author: Giorgos Tsiledakis</span></p> <div align="justify" class="config"> <?php if ($action==""){ echo (" <p class=\"normal\">Welcome to AdminPro Class MySQL Table Setup.<br> This script reads your configuration in <span class=\"code\">adminpro_config.php</span> file and creates or updates the required table on your database, in order to use the AdminPro Class properly. Please make sure that the configuration of the <span class=\"code\">adminpro_config.php</span> is correct, before using this setup script.</p>\n <p class=\"normal\"><u>This file is not protected by the AdminPro Class, so please remove it from your Webspace, after your database has been configured.</u></p>\n"); $out="<p class=\"normal\">If you want to use this setup script to configure your database, follow please the following steps:</p>\n"; $out.="<form action=\"\" method=\"POST\">\n"; $out.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"readconfig\">\n"; $out.="<input type=\"submit\" value=\"1 --> Read congfiguration file\">\n"; $out.="</form>\n"; echo $out; echo (" <p class=\"normal\">If you do not want to use this setup script to configure your database, please follow these rules to create the MySQL Table [ AdminPro Class v1.3.x ]:\n <ul class=\"normal\"> <li>Create a standard MySQL table (MyISAM) with 8 fields</li> <li>Field 1: INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY --> The user's unique ID</li> <li>Field 2: CHAR( 50 ) BINARY UNIQUE --> The user's unique username</li> <li>Field 3: CHAR( 50 ) BINARY --> The user's password</li> <li>Field 4: TINYINT( 2 ) DEFAULT '-1' NOT NULL --> The user's rights: -1 = normal user , 1 = Administrator</li> <li>Field 5: INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT '1'--> The user's group number: default group number = 1 [ <u>new in v1.3.x</u> ]</li> <li>Field 6: CHAR( 50 ) --> The user's session ID (value will be created by the AdminPro Class)</li> <li>Field 7: DATETIME --> The user's last page access time (value will be created by the AdminPro Class)</li> <li>Field 8: CHAR( 255 ) --> Remarks about the user</li> <li>Insert the username, password, administrator rights, group number and remarks for each user. Please note, that the password should be md5 encrypted. If you cannot insert a md5 encrypted value in the user's password field, then set in the <span class=\"code\">adminpro_config.php</span> the <span class=\"code\">\$globalConfig['isMd5']=\"2\"</span>, to indicate that the passwords are not md5 encrypted.</li> <li>Update in the <span class=\"code\">adminpro_config.php</span> the names of the created table and fields as well as the MySQL connection data.</li> </ul> </p>"); } /* Start reading and checking configuration file */ if ($action=="readconfig"){ $out="Your are using the following configuration:\n"; $out.="<ul>\n"; $out.="<li>MySQL Host: "; if (@$globalConfig['dbhost']!=""){ $out.="<font color=\"green\">".$globalConfig['dbhost']."</font>"; } else { $out.="<font color=\"red\">No MySQL Host indicated!</font>"; } $out.="</li>\n"; $out.="<li>MySQL User: "; if (@$globalConfig['dbuser']!=""){ $out.="<font color=\"green\">".$globalConfig['dbuser']."</font>"; } else { $out.="<font color=\"red\">No MySQL User indicated!</font>"; } $out.="</li>\n"; $out.="<li>MySQL Password: "; $out.="<font color=\"green\">".$globalConfig['dbpass']."</font>"; $out.="</li>\n"; $out.="<li>MySQL Database: "; if (@$globalConfig['dbase']!=""){ $out.="<font color=\"green\">".$globalConfig['dbase']."</font>"; } else { $out.="<font color=\"red\">No MySQL Database indicated!</font>"; $check=false; } $out.="</li>\n"; $out.="<li>MySQL Table: "; if (@$globalConfig['tbl']!=""){ $out.="<font color=\"green\">".$globalConfig['tbl']."</font>"; } else { $out.="<font color=\"red\">No MySQL Table Name indicated!</font>"; $check=false; } $out.="</li>\n"; $out.="<li>MySQL ID Field: "; if (@$globalConfig['tblID']!=""){ $out.="<font color=\"green\">".$globalConfig['tblID']."</font>"; } else { $out.="<font color=\"red\">No MySQL ID Field indicated!</font>"; $check=false; } $out.="</li>\n"; $out.="<li>MySQL Username Field: "; if (@$globalConfig['tblUserName']!=""){ $out.="<font color=\"green\">".$globalConfig['tblUserName']."</font>"; } else { $out.="<font color=\"red\">No MySQL Username Field indicated!</font>"; $check=false; } $out.="</li>\n"; $out.="<li>MySQL Password Field: "; if (@$globalConfig['tblUserPass']!=""){ $out.="<font color=\"green\">".$globalConfig['tblUserPass']."</font>"; } else { $out.="<font color=\"red\">No MySQL Password Field indicated!</font>"; $check=false; } $out.="</li>\n"; $out.="<li>MySQL Admin Field: "; if (@$globalConfig['tblIsAdmin']!=""){ $out.="<font color=\"green\">".$globalConfig['tblIsAdmin']."</font>"; } else { $out.="<font color=\"red\">No MySQL Admin Field indicated!</font>"; $check=false; } $out.="</li>\n"; $out.="<li>MySQL User Group Field: "; if (@$globalConfig['tblUserGroup']!=""){ $out.="<font color=\"green\">".$globalConfig['tblUserGroup']."</font>"; } else { $out.="<font color=\"red\">No MySQL User Group Field indicated!</font>"; $check=false; } $out.="</li>\n"; $out.="<li>MySQL SessionID Field: "; if (@$globalConfig['tblSessionID']!=""){ $out.="<font color=\"green\">".$globalConfig['tblSessionID']."</font>"; } else { $out.="<font color=\"red\">No MySQL SessionID Field indicated!</font>"; $check=false; } $out.="</li>\n"; $out.="<li>MySQL Time Field: "; if (@$globalConfig['tblLastLog']!=""){ $out.="<font color=\"green\">".$globalConfig['tblLastLog']."</font>"; } else { $out.="<font color=\"red\">No MySQL Time Field indicated!</font>"; $check=false; } $out.="</li>\n"; $out.="<li>MySQL Remarks Field: "; if (@$globalConfig['tblUserRemark']!=""){ $out.="<font color=\"green\">".$globalConfig['tblUserRemark']."</font>"; } else { $out.="<font color=\"red\">No MySQL Remarks Field indicated!</font>"; $check=false; } $out.="</li>\n"; $out.="<li>Md5 Encryption: "; if (@$globalConfig['isMd5']=="1"){ $out.="<font color=\"green\">enabled</font>"; } else { $out.="<font color=\"green\">disabled</font>"; } $out.="</li>\n"; $out.="</ul>\n"; $out.="<table border=\"0\"><tr><td>\n"; $out.="<form action=\"\" method=\"POST\">\n"; $out.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"\">\n"; $out.="<input type=\"submit\" value=\"0 --> Cancel Setup\">\n"; $out.="</form>\n"; $out.="</td>\n"; if ($check){ $out.="<td>\n"; $out.="<form action=\"\" method=\"POST\">\n"; $out.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"maketable\">\n"; $out.="<input type=\"submit\" value=\"2 --> Create Table \">\n"; $out.="</form>\n"; $out.="</td>\n"; $out.="<td>\n"; $out.="<form action=\"\" method=\"POST\">\n"; $out.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"update\">\n"; $out.="<input type=\"submit\" value=\"3 --> Update Table* \">\n"; $out.="</form>\n"; $out.="</td></tr>\n"; $out.="<tr><td colspan=\"3\" class=\"small\">\n"; $out.="<i>* Please use 'Update Table', only if you have already created the AdminPro Class MySQL table and you want to update it to a newer version of the AdminPro Class. There is no warranty for this feature. Please backup first your existing AdminPro Class MySQL Table before using it.</i>"; $out.="</td>\n"; } $out.="</tr></table>\n"; echo $out; } /* End reading and checking configuration file */ /* Start creating MySQL table */ if ($action=="maketable"){ $db=new mysql_dialog(); $db->connect($globalConfig['dbhost'],$globalConfig['dbuser'], $globalConfig['dbpass'], $globalConfig['dbase']); $SQLA="SHOW TABLES"; $db->speak($SQLA); $tblexists=false; while ($tbls=$db->listen()){ for ($x=0; $x<$db->fields; $x++){ if ($tbls[$x]==$globalConfig['tbl']) { $tblexists=true; break; } } } if (!$tblexists) { $SQL="CREATE TABLE ".$globalConfig['tbl']." ( "; $SQL.=$globalConfig['tblID']." INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, "; $SQL.=$globalConfig['tblUserName']." CHAR( 50 ) BINARY UNIQUE, "; $SQL.=$globalConfig['tblUserPass']." CHAR( 50 ) BINARY, "; $SQL.=$globalConfig['tblIsAdmin']." TINYINT( 2 ) DEFAULT '-1' NOT NULL, "; $SQL.=$globalConfig['tblUserGroup']." INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT '1', "; $SQL.=$globalConfig['tblSessionID']." CHAR( 50 ), "; $SQL.=$globalConfig['tblLastLog']." DATETIME, "; $SQL.=$globalConfig['tblUserRemark']." CHAR( 255 ) ) "; $SQL.="TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT = 'Created by the AdminPro Class MySQL Setup '"; $SQLI="INSERT INTO ".$globalConfig['tbl']." VALUES ("; if ($globalConfig['isMd5']=="1"){ $admin=md5("admin"); $SQLI.="1, 'admin', '".$admin."', 1, 1, '', '', 'Default Administrator')"; } else { $SQLI.="1, 'admin', 'admin', 1, 1, '', '', 'Default Administrator')"; } $db->connect($globalConfig['dbhost'],$globalConfig['dbuser'], $globalConfig['dbpass'], $globalConfig['dbase']); $db->speak($SQL); $db->speak($SQLI); $SQ="SHOW TABLES"; $db->speak($SQ); $res=false; while ($tbls=$db->listen()){ for ($x=0; $x<$db->fields; $x++){ if ($tbls[$x]==$globalConfig['tbl']) { $res=true; break; } } } if (!$res){ $out="<p><font color=\"red\">The following table could not be created: </font>".$globalConfig['tbl']."</p>\n"; $out.="<p><font color=\"red\">Please check your database connection!</font></p>\n"; $out.="<form action=\"\" method=\"POST\">\n"; $out.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"\">\n"; $out.="<input type=\"submit\" value=\"0 --> Cancel Setup\">\n"; $out.="</form>\n"; echo $out; } else { $out="<p><font color=\"green\">The following MySQL table has been created: </font>".$globalConfig['tbl']."</p>\n"; $out.="<p><font color=\"green\">A default Administrator has been created: </font>"; $out.="Username: <font color=\"green\">admin</font> - Password: <font color=\"green\">admin</font></p>\n"; $out.="<p><font color=\"green\">You are now ready to start the AdminPro Class! "; $out.="Please Login to start adding users. First add yourself as Administrator "; $out.="with your own username and password. Then delete the default Administrator, "; $out.="this AdminPro Class MySQL Setup has created.</font></p>\n"; $out.="<form action=\"\" method=\"POST\">\n"; $out.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"\">\n"; $out.="<input type=\"submit\" value=\"OK\">\n"; $out.="</form>\n"; echo $out; } } else{ $out="<p><font color=\"red\">The following table could not be created: </font>".$globalConfig['tbl']."</p>\n"; $out.="<p><font color=\"red\">This table already exists on your database!</font></p>\n"; $out.="<form action=\"\" method=\"POST\">\n"; $out.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"\">\n"; $out.="<input type=\"submit\" value=\"0 --> Cancel Setup\">\n"; $out.="</form>\n"; echo $out; } } /* End creating MySQL table */ /* Start preparing to update MySQL table */ if ($action=="update"){ $db=new mysql_dialog(); $db->connect($globalConfig['dbhost'],$globalConfig['dbuser'], $globalConfig['dbpass'], $globalConfig['dbase']); $SQLA="SHOW TABLES"; $db->speak($SQLA); $tblexists=false; while ($tbls=$db->listen()){ for ($x=0; $x<$db->fields; $x++){ if ($tbls[$x]==$globalConfig['tbl']) { $tblexists=true; break; } } } if (!$tblexists){ $out="<p><font color=\"red\">The following table cannot be updated: </font>".$globalConfig['tbl']."</p>\n"; $out.="<p><font color=\"red\">This table does not exist on your database or the connection to your database has failed!</font></p>\n"; $out.="<p><font color=\"red\">Please check your configuration file!</font></p>\n"; $out.="<form action=\"\" method=\"POST\">\n"; $out.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"\">\n"; $out.="<input type=\"submit\" value=\"0 --> Cancel Setup\">\n"; $out.="</form>\n"; echo $out; } else{ $out="<p>The AdminPro Class MySQL Table Setup has found the table <u>".$globalConfig['tbl']."</u> on your database.</p>\n"; $out.="<p>Please enter a SQL statement below, to update this table:</p>\n"; $out.="<table border=\"0\">\n"; $out.="<form action=\"\" method=\"POST\">\n"; $out.="<tr><td>"; $out.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"execute\">"; $out.="<textarea id=\"usersql\" name=\"usersql\" rows=\"3\" cols=\"100\"></textarea>"; $out.="</td></tr>\n"; $out.="<tr><td align=\"right\">"; $out.="<input type=\"reset\" value=\"Reset SQL\"> "; $out.="<input type=\"submit\" value=\"4 --> Execute SQL \">"; $out.="</td></tr>\n"; $out.="</form>\n"; $out.="<form action=\"\" method=\"POST\">\n"; $out.="<tr><td align=\"left\">"; $out.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"\">"; $out.="<input type=\"submit\" value=\"0 --> Cancel Setup\">"; $out.="</td></tr></table>\n"; $out.="</form>\n"; $out.="<br><p>\n"; $out.="SQL Patches (cut & paste):<br>\n"; $out.="<textarea id=\"patches\" rows=\"8\" cols=\"100\">\n"; $out.="# Update AdminPro Class v1.2 to v1.3.x\n"; $out.="ALTER TABLE `".$globalConfig['tbl']."` "; $out.="ADD `".$globalConfig['tblUserGroup']."` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '1' "; $out.="AFTER `".$globalConfig['tblIsAdmin']."`;"; $out.="</textarea></p>\n"; echo $out; } } /* End preparing to update MySQL table */ /* Update MySQL table */ if ($action=="execute"){ $mysql=stripslashes(trim(htmlentities($usersql))); $db=new mysql_dialog(); $db->connect($globalConfig['dbhost'],$globalConfig['dbuser'], $globalConfig['dbpass'], $globalConfig['dbase']); $db->speak($mysql); if ($db->sql_id){ $out="<p><font color=\"green\">Your SQL statement: </font>".$mysql."</p>\n"; $out.="<p><font color=\"green\">The following table was affected: </font>".$globalConfig['tbl']."</p>\n"; $out.="<form action=\"\" method=\"POST\">\n"; $out.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"update\">\n"; $out.="<input type=\"submit\" value=\"OK\">\n"; $out.="</form>\n"; echo $out; } else{ $out="<p><font color=\"red\">The following table cannot be updated: </font>".$globalConfig['tbl']."</p>\n"; $out.="<p><font color=\"red\">This is an invalid SQL statement: </font>".$mysql."</p>\n"; $out.="<form action=\"\" method=\"POST\">\n"; $out.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"update\">\n"; $out.="<input type=\"submit\" value=\"OK\">\n"; $out.="</form>\n"; echo $out; } } /* End Update MySQL table */ ?> </div> </body> </html>