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File: tests/FtpAdapterMiscTest.php

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File: tests/FtpAdapterMiscTest.php
Role: Unit test script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Unit test script
Class: Redbox PHP Scandir Filter
Scan files for new or modified files
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namespace Redbox\Scan\Tests;

 * This class will run tests against the default Ftp adapter. Please not that this
 * tests will be skipped on travis. You can only run these tests on your local machine.
 * @coversDefaultClass \Redbox\Scan\Adapter\Ftp
 * @package Redbox\Scan\Tests
 * @group ExcludeFromHHVM
class FtpAdapterMiscTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase

     * That that Adapter\Ftp::setPassiveMode() will return NULL if there
     * is no connection.
public function test_ftp_set_passive_mode_returns_null_if_not_connected()
$anonymous_ftp_adapter = new Adapter\Ftp (

     * That that Adapter\Ftp::setActiveMode() will return NULL if there
     * is no connection.
public function test_ftp_set_active_mode_returns_null_if_not_connected()
$anonymous_ftp_adapter = new Adapter\Ftp (

     * Validate that failing connections throw a Exception\RuntimeException
     * @expectedException \Redbox\Scan\Exception\RuntimeException
public function test_ftp_failing_connections_should_throw_a_exception()
$adapter = new Adapter\Ftp (
$host = 'example._com',
$username = '',
$password = '',
$file = ''

     * Validate that invalid login's throw a Exception\RuntimeException
     * @expectedException \Redbox\Scan\Exception\RuntimeException
public function test_ftp_invalid_authentication_should_throw_a_exception()

$adapter = new Adapter\Ftp (
$host = '',
$username = 'ad',
$password = 'anonymous',
$file = ''

     * Test if Adapter\Ftp::setTransferMode() to FTP_MODE_ASCII will return
     * FTP_MODE_ASCII when Adapter\Ftp::getTransferMode() is called.
public function test_ftp_set_and_get_transfer_mode_ascii_returns_ascii()
$adapter = new Adapter\Ftp (
$host = '',
$username = 'ad',
$password = 'anonymous',
$file = ''
$this->assertEquals(Adapter\Ftp::FTP_MODE_ASCII, $adapter->getTransferMode());

     * Test if Adapter\Ftp::setTransferMode() to FTP_MODE_ASCII will return
     * FTP_MODE_ASCII when Adapter\Ftp::getTransferMode() is called.
public function test_ftp_set_and_get_transfer_mode_binary_returns_binary()
$adapter = new Adapter\Ftp (
$host = '',
$username = 'ad',
$password = 'anonymous',
$file = ''
$this->assertEquals(Adapter\Ftp::FTP_MODE_BINARY, $adapter->getTransferMode());

     * Assert that reading from a local ftp server will work if the credentials are correct.
public function test_ftp_local_connection_file_read()
        if ((
$user = getenv('FTP_USER')) && ($pass = getenv('FTP_PASSWORD')) && ($host = getenv('FTP_HOST')))
$ftp = new Adapter\Ftp (
$ret = $ftp->authenticate();

            if (
$ret === true)
$report = $ftp->read();
$this->assertInstanceOf('Redbox\Scan\Report\Report', $report);

     * Assert that writing to a local ftp server will work if the credentials are correct.
public function test_ftp_local_connection_file_write()
        if ((
$user = getenv('FTP_USER')) && ($pass = getenv('FTP_PASSWORD')) && ($host = getenv('FTP_HOST')))
$ftp = new Adapter\Ftp (
$ret = $ftp->authenticate();

            if (
$ret === true)
$report = new Scan\Report\Report();
$items = array('a' => 'b');

$didWrite = $ftp->write($report);

    public function

        if ((
$user = getenv('FTP_USER')) && ($pass = getenv('FTP_PASSWORD')) && ($host = getenv('FTP_HOST')))
$ftp = new Adapter\Ftp (

$result = $ftp->read();

/** @noinspection PhpParamsInspection */

     * Assert that reading from a local ftp server will fail if the report is invalid.
public function test_ftp_local_connection_file_read_fails()
        if ((
$user = getenv('FTP_USER')) && ($pass = getenv('FTP_PASSWORD')) && ($host = getenv('FTP_HOST')))
$ftp = new Adapter\Ftp (
$result = $ftp->write();

     * Assert that writing to a local ftp server will fail if the user is not authenticated.
public function test_ftp_local_connection_file_write_fails()
        if ((
$user = getenv('FTP_USER')) && ($pass = getenv('FTP_PASSWORD')) && ($host = getenv('FTP_HOST')))
$ftp = new Adapter\Ftp (

$report = new Scan\Report\Report();
$items = array('a' => 'b');

$result = $ftp->write($report);