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Classes of Christian Vigh | PHP MySQL Buffered Query | | Download |
![]() INTRODUCTIONThe DbBufferedOperation base class and its derived classes (DbBufferedInsert, DbBufferedUpdate and DbBufferedLoadFile) are designed to minimize the number of SQL queries needed to write or update tables in your database. You will use a DbBufferedInsert object to buffer INSERT requests, DbBufferedLoadFile for buffered LOAD DATA statements, and DbBufferedUpdate for buffered UPDATE statements. WHY SHOULD I BUFFER DATABASE OPERATIONS ?Sometimes, we have to perform database operations as fast as possible. Just write or update ten or a hundred records without taking too much time, because we are operating in some real-time interactive environment, and we don't want the user to notice that our website is trying a desperate attempt to crawl the stream upwards. Or just because we are running a background process that has to acquire many data from the network within a limited time. The process is pretty simple :
However, writing data to the database a row at a time is a time-consuming operation when you have many rows to process, especially if you are operating in a networked environment ; a better process would be :
The DbBuffered\* classes help you walk through this process by :
This is the first level of optimization you can do before thinking about parallel stuff... WHAT IMPACT DOES IT HAVE ON MY CODE ?Well, for sure, you will have to perform some rewriting, but it's not that complicated ; suppose your initial read/write loop for inserting new records is the following (the $dblink identifier is a connection resource to your preferred database, opened through the mysqli\_connect function) :
The effort of rewriting your code will not imply endless hours of development time ; in the case of insertions in the database, simply write :
(of course, the get\_some\_data\_from\_somewhere() function above does not exists ; this is just an example function that is meant to return some associative array containing row data) In the above example, the constructor of the DbBufferedInsert class takes four parameters :
The loop itselfs simply adds rows (together with their values) to the buffer. If the maximum buffer size has been reached then an implicit flush will occur (ie, a big INSERT SQL query will be issued). You can read the following paragraphs in this README file :
BUT WHAT IS BEHIND THAT "BUFFERING" STUFF ?There is absolutely no magic in "buffering database operations". The basic idea is to buffer row data until it needs to be flushed, the flushing operation consisting of executing a global SQL query that operates on these buffered rows instead of executing multiple queries on individual rows while they are being collected. How does it work ? simply by rewriting individual queries in a way that a single query can insert/update multiple rows at the same time, in only one call to the mysqli\_query() function. Just have a look to the following paragraphs that explain how SQL queries are rewritten for buffered operations... BUFFERED INSERTSSuppose you have to insert several rows setting the value1 and value2 fields in some table :
You will first instantiate a DbBufferedInsert object (in the example below, we want to buffer at most 1024 rows, and $dblink is an existing connection resource to a mysql database) :
then you will collect your input data :
During the flush operation, a query will be executed, which will look like this :
BUFFERED UPDATESTrying to optimize an UPDATE query is a little bit trickier but is feasible ; lets consider an example set of queries :
To buffer multiple updates, instanciate a DbBufferedUpdate object ; note that there is an extra parameter, which is the name(s) of the column(s) that should be used in the WHERE clause. This extra parameter can either be a string or or an array of strings (if you have multiple key columns in the WHERE clause of your UPDATE statement) :
The read/write loop is slightly modified when compared to the buffered insert one, since the Add() method now requires an array containing two associative arrays :
Your read/write loop now looks like that :
(note the extra brackets enclosing the function arguments). The flush operation will rewrite the query like this :
Some explanations may be needed :
You totally have the right to specify more than one id field when instanciating the DbBufferedUpdate object ; suppose you now want the following queries to be buffered :
Instantiating the DbBufferedUpdate class now looks like this :
And your read/write loop looks like that :
The query built during the flush operation will even be trickier :
Noticed how the WHERE clause was rewritten ? of course, it is strongly advised that your table has an index on the type and position columns, otherwise performances will be catastrophic ! BUFFERED LOAD DATA INFILEsBuffered load files should be used over buffered inserts when :
And, anyway, Mysql LOAD DATA INFILE statement will always be faster than any INSERT query. Using the same table and dataset as for buffered inserts, the code will not change significantly ; just instanciate a DbBufferedLoadFile object instead of a DbBufferedInsert one :
The Add() method will keep the entries into memory and the flush operation will generate a temporary file ; the executed query will look like this :
Ok, now let's have a look at the... DbBufferedOperation classes APIThe three buffering classes DbBufferedInsert, DbBufferUpdate and DbBufferedLoadFile all inherit from the abstract class DbBufferedOperation. DbBufferedOperation is responsible for storing row data into a memory array that is extended by each call to the Add() method, which itself calls the Flush() method whenever the buffer is full. Derived classes have the following responsibility :
The DbBufferedOperation classThe DbBufferedOperation class is the abstract base class for all other buffered operation classes. It provides most of the buffering mechanisms so that derived class mainly have to care about building the SQL query to be executed when a Flush operation is processed. function \_\_construct ( $table_name, $columns, $buffer_size, $dblink )Initialize a DbBufferedOperation object. This constructor MUST be called by the derived classes. The parameters are the following :
function \_\_destruct ( )The destructor performs a last-chance call to the Flush() method when the object is being destroyed. You should not rely on the destructor to perform a last flush ; always put a call to Flush() after the read/write data loop because, although destructors are called when an exception or an error condition is encountered, PHP fatal errors are never caught so the destructors will never be called in this case. Fatal errors include for example a call to an undefined function, which is only detected at execution time. Add ( $values )Buffers the specified row data which is represented by the values parameter. values is an associative array of associative arrays ; the top-level array keys can be the following :
Both entries are optional but at least one must be specified. Note that the columns needs not to be specified in the same order as they were specified to the constructor. Add() returns true if adding the new record implied the Flush() method to be called because the buffer was full, or false otherwise. Flush ( )Unconditionnally flushes the buffer if rows are present in memory. This operation calls the abstract method BuildQuery() which must be implemented by derived classes. Propertiespublic $TableNameGets the name of the table concerned with buffering, as specified to the class constructor. public $BufferSizeGets the number of rows to be buffered, as specified to the class constructor. public $DatabaseGets the connection link to the database, as specified to the class constructor. public $FieldNamesGets the array containing the field names concerned with insert/update operations, as specified to the class constructor. public $RowsGets the data rows currently present in the buffer. DbBufferedInsert classThe DbBufferedInsert class provides the same functionalities as the DbBufferedOperation one. It implements its own protected BuildQuery() method. PropertiesThe following read-only properties are specific to the DbBufferedInsert class : public $FlagsInsert flags. Can be any any of :
DbBufferedUpdate classThe DbBufferedUpdate class provides the same functionalities as the DbBufferedOperation one. It implements its own protected BuildQuery() method. However, since an update query needs to have columns specified in the WHERE clause to update only the appropriate rows, two methods have had slight modifications : the class constructor and the Add() method. function \_\_construct ( $table_name, $where_fields, $columns, $buffer_size, $dblink )The constructor requires one additional parameters, where_fields, which is an array of column names to be used in the WHERE clause that will be generated by the BuildQuery() method. function Add ( $values )The Add() method accepts an associative array of associative arrays, like its base class ; however, an additional entry, keys, will be needed to specify the column name/value pairs used in the WHERE clause. The top-level associative array will thus contains the following keys :
PropertiesThe following read-only properties are specific to the DbBufferedUpdate class : public $WhereFieldNamesList of column names that are used to select a row in the WHERE clause of an UPDATE query. public $UpdateFieldNamesList of column names to be updated. DbBufferedLoadFile classThe DbBufferedLoadFile class provides the same functionalities as the DbBufferedOperation one. It implements its own protected BuildQuery() method. function Add ( $values )The Add() method is identical to its parent class Add() method, but it ignores the 'computed-columns' entry in the $value parameter (you cannot have computed values when loading data from a CSV file : it's just plain text). BENCHMARKINGA small benchmarking script is available in file benchmark.php. Note that you should run it in CLI mode rather than as a web page because it may take more than the PHP default limit of 30 seconds for the maximum execution time of a script. OBJECTIVESThe benchmark objectives are to compare the performance of :
All the insertion tests insert the same number of records into an empty table. All the update tests update all the records of the table created by insertion tests. The benchmark is not meant to compare the performances of the same tests among different system configurations, but to compare the relative performance of each test on the same configuration. CONFIGURATIONAll tests were run on a Dell Notebook, with a 1.8GHz dual-core Intel processor with 8Gb of ram, and running Windows 7. The configuration is sufficient to ensure minimal OS swapping activity that could significantly affect the results from one run to another. The version used for PHP is 5.6.16 and 5.6.17 for Mysql. The benchmark was run in CLI mode. CONSTRAINTSAll the tests have been designed with the following considerations in mind :
RESULTSSince the benchmark has been run several times (5), the results show three quantities : min, max and average execution time, expressed in seconds and milliseconds. The delta column shows the difference between the min and max execution times, while the average takes into account the execution times (5 values), not the min/max. BUFFERED INSERTSThe DbBufferedInsert class has been intantiated with a buffer size of 8192. Higher values do not show better performances :
INTERPRETATIONWe have a 50% increase in performance using buffered inserts over individual insert statements but that had to be expected :
The time taken by the Add() and BuildQuery() methods represent 25% of the total time each. This means that around 50% of the total execution time is taken by buffering rows into memory and generating SQL query text. Rewriting this class as a PHP extension written in C would give blazingly fast results ! Running the test on 500 000 rows showed consistent results for buffered inserts (there is a little overhead with regards to the 50 000-rows test that has to be accounted to system activity). CONCLUSIONIf you :
then use the DbBufferedInsert class. However, if you have a huge number of records to process, you might consider two alternatives :
BUFFERED UPDATESPlease note that the DbBufferedUpdate class was implemented just to provide one more handy class following the DbBufferedOperation logic ; however, as you will see, don't expect significant performance improvements. Note also that the performance results depend on the number of fields you are updating ; for example, adding a computed field (set to the return value of the NOW() function) added a little bit more than 0.5 seconds on the overall execution times. The DbBufferedUpdate class has been intantiated with a buffer size of 8192. Higher values do not show better performances :
INTERPRETATIONIt's really difficult to optimize the execution time of multiple update requests on multiple rows with different values for each row. Although I tried different approaches, none of them succeeded to bring better results. Remodeling multiple UPDATE queries into a single one, as described in the BUFFERED UPDATES paragraph can bring some benefits : I noticed a slight performance improvement when handling between around 30 and 60 rows at once (ie, grouping 30 to 60 UPDATE queries into a single one using CASE ... WHEN ... END constructs). Below 30, performance improvement diminishes ; above 60, Mysql tends to be confused and spend more time trying to handle the various CASEs. A combined approach has been implemented : allowing big buffer size, generating consecutive statements of at most 64 rows and executing them using the mysqli\_multi\_exec() function. However, the benefits of sending multiple reworked update queries are masked by the fact that each UPDATE statement returns a result set giving the number of affected rows ; so before running the next multiple query you must free all the results returned by the previous one. Otherwise you will get such an error from the mysqli PHP extension :
Currently, I found no way in Mysql to discard the statistics returned by an UPDATE statement (which would be an equivalent of SQL Server statement : SET NOCOUNT ON). As for inserts, running the test with 500 000 rows instead of 50 000 shows consistent results, although a small overhead is also present. CONCLUSIONThe DbBufferedUpdate class can bring some performance benefits. Use it if :
Don't use it if :
BUFFERED LOAD FILESPlease note that the DbBufferedLoadFile class was implemented just to provide one more handy class following the DbBufferedOperation logic ; however, as you will see, don't expect significant performance improvements. The DbBufferedLoadFile class has been intantiated with a buffer size of 50000 (ie, the size of our data set, so that the Flush() operation will be called only once) :
INTERPRETATIONAgain here, most of the time is spent in collecting row data into memory and writing it back to a temporary file when a flush operation is triggered, that will run a LOAD DATA INFILE sql statement. CONCLUSIONWell, the DbBufferedLoadFileclass may seem handy but it only has a few milliseconds performance improvement over the same data set processed by theDbBufferedInsert* class. So use it if :
Don't use it if :