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File: examples/ftp.php

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  Classes of Johnny Mast   Redbox PHP Scandir Filter   examples/ftp.php   Download  
File: examples/ftp.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Redbox PHP Scandir Filter
Scan files for new or modified files
Author: By
Last change: Last minute changes
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 3,894 bytes



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require 'autoload.php';

 * This example shows you how you could use the file transfer protocol (FTP) to store information about the filesystem
 * If you would use this code in real life please make sure you store the output file (data.yml). By using the FTP method
 * it gets a lot harder for hackers to modify your scan file and fake the the scan results.

$path = dirname(__FILE__)."/assets";
$tmpfile = $path.'/new.tmp';
$timefile = $path.'/time.txt';

 * Change the values below to match your ftp settings.
$host = "";
$username = "";
$password = "";
$datafile = "httpdocs/data.yml";

 * Create the FTP adapter.
$adapter = new Redbox\Scan\Adapter\Ftp(

try {

     * Since PSR-4 indicates the following:
     * Autoloader implementations MUST NOT throw exceptions, MUST NOT raise errors of any level, and SHOULD NOT return a value.
     * We needed a seperate call to connect authenticate to the ftp server that would be able to report errors if needed.
if ($adapter->authenticate()) {

         * Enable transfer mode for FTP this can only be done after
         * the user is authenticated.

         * Enable Binary mode. Other options are FTP_MODE_ASCII.
         * The last mentioned is the default set by the adapter.

         * Oke lets instantiate a new service and scan the assets folder inside
         * our current folder and write the data.yml file to the filesystem using the Filesystem adapter.
$scan = new Redbox\Scan\ScanService($adapter);
        if (
$scan->index($path, 'Basic scan', date("Y-m-d H:i:s")) == false) {
            throw new
Exception('Writing datafile failed.');

         * After indexing the directory let's create a new file and update an other so
         * we can see if the filesystem picks it up.
file_put_contents($tmpfile, 'Hello world');
file_put_contents($timefile, time());

         * Oke the changes have been made lets scan the assets directory again for changes.
$report = $scan->scan();

         * Do the cleanup. This is not needed if this where to be real code.

         * Output the changes since the index action.
if(php_sapi_name() == "cli") {

"New files\n\n";
            foreach (
$report->getNewfiles() as $file) {
$file->getFilename().' '.Redbox\Scan\Filesystem\FileInfo::getFileHash($file->getRealPath())."\n";

"\nModified Files\n\n";
            foreach (
$report->getModifiedFiles() as $file) {
$file->getFilename().' '.Redbox\Scan\Filesystem\FileInfo::getFileHash($file->getRealPath())."\n";

        } else {
'<h1>New files</h1>';
            foreach (
$report->getNewfiles() as $file) {
'<li>' . $file->getFilename().' '.Redbox\Scan\Filesystem\FileInfo::getFileHash($file->getRealPath()).'</li>';

'<h1>Modified Files</h1>';
            foreach (
$report->getModifiedFiles() as $file) {
'<li>'.$file->getFilename().' '.Redbox\Scan\Filesystem\FileInfo::getFileHash($file->getRealPath()).'</li>';
    } else {
'<h1>Something went wrong</h1>';
'<p>Could not authenticate user</p>';


} catch (
Exception $e) {
/* Handle Exception */
if(php_sapi_name() != "cli") echo '<pre>';