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File: adodb/
Role: Auxiliary script
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Description: Auxiliary script
Class: PHP MySQL JSON Manager
Build and Execute SQL queries with results in JSON
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Date: 9 years ago
Size: 32,046 bytes



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<?php /* V5.18 3 Sep 2012 (c) 2000-2012 John Lim ( All rights reserved. Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license. Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses, the BSD license will take precedence. See License.txt. Set tabs to 4 for best viewing. Latest version is available at Library for basic performance monitoring and tuning. My apologies if you see code mixed with presentation. The presentation suits my needs. If you want to separate code from presentation, be my guest. Patches are welcome. */ if (!defined('ADODB_DIR')) include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/'); include_once(ADODB_DIR.'/'); define( 'ADODB_OPT_HIGH', 2); define( 'ADODB_OPT_LOW', 1); global $ADODB_PERF_MIN; $ADODB_PERF_MIN = 0.05; // log only if >= minimum number of secs to run // returns in K the memory of current process, or 0 if not known function adodb_getmem() { if (function_exists('memory_get_usage')) return (integer) ((memory_get_usage()+512)/1024); $pid = getmypid(); if ( strncmp(strtoupper(PHP_OS),'WIN',3)==0) { $output = array(); exec('tasklist /FI "PID eq ' . $pid. '" /FO LIST', $output); return substr($output[5], strpos($output[5], ':') + 1); } /* Hopefully UNIX */ exec("ps --pid $pid --no-headers -o%mem,size", $output); if (sizeof($output) == 0) return 0; $memarr = explode(' ',$output[0]); if (sizeof($memarr)>=2) return (integer) $memarr[1]; return 0; } // avoids localization problems where , is used instead of . function adodb_round($n,$prec) { return number_format($n, $prec, '.', ''); } /* obsolete: return microtime value as a float. Retained for backward compat */ function adodb_microtime() { return microtime(true); } /* sql code timing */ function adodb_log_sql(&$connx,$sql,$inputarr) { $perf_table = adodb_perf::table(); $connx->fnExecute = false; $a0 = microtime(true); $rs = $connx->Execute($sql,$inputarr); $a1 = microtime(true); if (!empty($connx->_logsql) && (empty($connx->_logsqlErrors) || !$rs)) { global $ADODB_LOG_CONN; if (!empty($ADODB_LOG_CONN)) { $conn = $ADODB_LOG_CONN; if ($conn->databaseType != $connx->databaseType) $prefix = '/*dbx='.$connx->databaseType .'*/ '; else $prefix = ''; } else { $conn = $connx; $prefix = ''; } $conn->_logsql = false; // disable logsql error simulation $dbT = $conn->databaseType; $time = $a1 - $a0; if (!$rs) { $errM = $connx->ErrorMsg(); $errN = $connx->ErrorNo(); $conn->lastInsID = 0; $tracer = substr('ERROR: '.htmlspecialchars($errM),0,250); } else { $tracer = ''; $errM = ''; $errN = 0; $dbg = $conn->debug; $conn->debug = false; if (!is_object($rs) || $rs->dataProvider == 'empty') $conn->_affected = $conn->affected_rows(true); $conn->lastInsID = @$conn->Insert_ID(); $conn->debug = $dbg; } if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { $tracer .= '<br>'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) $tracer .= htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); } else if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) $tracer .= '<br>'.htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); //$tracer .= (string) adodb_backtrace(false); $tracer = (string) substr($tracer,0,500); if (is_array($inputarr)) { if (is_array(reset($inputarr))) $params = 'Array sizeof='.sizeof($inputarr); else { // Quote string parameters so we can see them in the // performance stats. This helps spot disabled indexes. $xar_params = $inputarr; foreach ($xar_params as $xar_param_key => $xar_param) { if (gettype($xar_param) == 'string') $xar_params[$xar_param_key] = '"' . $xar_param . '"'; } $params = implode(', ', $xar_params); if (strlen($params) >= 3000) $params = substr($params, 0, 3000); } } else { $params = ''; } if (is_array($sql)) $sql = $sql[0]; if ($prefix) $sql = $prefix.$sql; $arr = array('b'=>strlen($sql).'.'.crc32($sql), 'c'=>substr($sql,0,3900), 'd'=>$params,'e'=>$tracer,'f'=>adodb_round($time,6)); //var_dump($arr); $saved = $conn->debug; $conn->debug = 0; $d = $conn->sysTimeStamp; if (empty($d)) $d = date("'Y-m-d H:i:s'"); if ($conn->dataProvider == 'oci8' && $dbT != 'oci8po') { $isql = "insert into $perf_table values($d,:b,:c,:d,:e,:f)"; } else if ($dbT == 'odbc_mssql' || $dbT == 'informix' || strncmp($dbT,'odbtp',4)==0) { $timer = $arr['f']; if ($dbT == 'informix') $sql2 = substr($sql2,0,230); $sql1 = $conn->qstr($arr['b']); $sql2 = $conn->qstr($arr['c']); $params = $conn->qstr($arr['d']); $tracer = $conn->qstr($arr['e']); $isql = "insert into $perf_table (created,sql0,sql1,params,tracer,timer) values($d,$sql1,$sql2,$params,$tracer,$timer)"; if ($dbT == 'informix') $isql = str_replace(chr(10),' ',$isql); $arr = false; } else { if ($dbT == 'db2') $arr['f'] = (float) $arr['f']; $isql = "insert into $perf_table (created,sql0,sql1,params,tracer,timer) values( $d,?,?,?,?,?)"; } global $ADODB_PERF_MIN; if ($errN != 0 || $time >= $ADODB_PERF_MIN) { $ok = $conn->Execute($isql,$arr); } else $ok = true; $conn->debug = $saved; if ($ok) { $conn->_logsql = true; } else { $err2 = $conn->ErrorMsg(); $conn->_logsql = true; // enable logsql error simulation $perf = NewPerfMonitor($conn); if ($perf) { if ($perf->CreateLogTable()) $ok = $conn->Execute($isql,$arr); } else { $ok = $conn->Execute("create table $perf_table ( created varchar(50), sql0 varchar(250), sql1 varchar(4000), params varchar(3000), tracer varchar(500), timer decimal(16,6))"); } if (!$ok) { ADOConnection::outp( "<p><b>LOGSQL Insert Failed</b>: $isql<br>$err2</p>"); $conn->_logsql = false; } } $connx->_errorMsg = $errM; $connx->_errorCode = $errN; } $connx->fnExecute = 'adodb_log_sql'; return $rs; } /* The settings data structure is an associative array that database parameter per element. Each database parameter element in the array is itself an array consisting of: 0: category code, used to group related db parameters 1: either a. sql string to retrieve value, eg. "select value from v\$parameter where name='db_block_size'", b. array holding sql string and field to look for, e.g. array('show variables','table_cache'), c. a string prefixed by =, then a PHP method of the class is invoked, e.g. to invoke $this->GetIndexValue(), set this array element to '=GetIndexValue', 2: description of the database parameter */ class adodb_perf { var $conn; var $color = '#F0F0F0'; var $table = '<table border=1 bgcolor=white>'; var $titles = '<tr><td><b>Parameter</b></td><td><b>Value</b></td><td><b>Description</b></td></tr>'; var $warnRatio = 90; var $tablesSQL = false; var $cliFormat = "%32s => %s \r\n"; var $sql1 = 'sql1'; // used for casting sql1 to text for mssql var $explain = true; var $helpurl = "<a href=>LogSQL help</a>"; var $createTableSQL = false; var $maxLength = 2000; // Sets the tablename to be used static function table($newtable = false) { static $_table; if (!empty($newtable)) $_table = $newtable; if (empty($_table)) $_table = 'adodb_logsql'; return $_table; } // returns array with info to calculate CPU Load function _CPULoad() { /* cpu 524152 2662 2515228 336057010 cpu0 264339 1408 1257951 168025827 cpu1 259813 1254 1257277 168031181 page 622307 25475680 swap 24 1891 intr 890153570 868093576 6 0 4 4 0 6 1 2 0 0 0 124 0 8098760 2 13961053 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 disk_io: (3,0):(3144904,54369,610378,3090535,50936192) (3,1):(3630212,54097,633016,3576115,50951320) ctxt 66155838 btime 1062315585 processes 69293 */ // Algorithm is taken from // if (strncmp(PHP_OS,'WIN',3)==0) { if (PHP_VERSION == '5.0.0') return false; if (PHP_VERSION == '5.0.1') return false; if (PHP_VERSION == '5.0.2') return false; if (PHP_VERSION == '5.0.3') return false; if (PHP_VERSION == '4.3.10') return false; # see static $FAIL = false; if ($FAIL) return false; $objName = "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\\\.\\root\\CIMV2"; $myQuery = "SELECT * FROM Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor WHERE Name = '_Total'"; try { @$objWMIService = new COM($objName); if (!$objWMIService) { $FAIL = true; return false; } $info[0] = -1; $info[1] = 0; $info[2] = 0; $info[3] = 0; foreach($objWMIService->ExecQuery($myQuery) as $objItem) { $info[0] = $objItem->PercentProcessorTime(); } } catch(Exception $e) { $FAIL = true; echo $e->getMessage(); return false; } return $info; } // Algorithm - Steve Blinch (BlitzAffe Online, $statfile = '/proc/stat'; if (!file_exists($statfile)) return false; $fd = fopen($statfile,"r"); if (!$fd) return false; $statinfo = explode("\n",fgets($fd, 1024)); fclose($fd); foreach($statinfo as $line) { $info = explode(" ",$line); if($info[0]=="cpu") { array_shift($info); // pop off "cpu" if(!$info[0]) array_shift($info); // pop off blank space (if any) return $info; } } return false; } /* NOT IMPLEMENTED */ function MemInfo() { /* total: used: free: shared: buffers: cached: Mem: 1055289344 917299200 137990144 0 165437440 599773184 Swap: 2146775040 11055104 2135719936 MemTotal: 1030556 kB MemFree: 134756 kB MemShared: 0 kB Buffers: 161560 kB Cached: 581384 kB SwapCached: 4332 kB Active: 494468 kB Inact_dirty: 322856 kB Inact_clean: 24256 kB Inact_target: 168316 kB HighTotal: 131064 kB HighFree: 1024 kB LowTotal: 899492 kB LowFree: 133732 kB SwapTotal: 2096460 kB SwapFree: 2085664 kB Committed_AS: 348732 kB */ } /* Remember that this is client load, not db server load! */ var $_lastLoad; function CPULoad() { $info = $this->_CPULoad(); if (!$info) return false; if (strncmp(PHP_OS,'WIN',3)==0) { return (integer) $info[0]; }else { if (empty($this->_lastLoad)) { sleep(1); $this->_lastLoad = $info; $info = $this->_CPULoad(); } $last = $this->_lastLoad; $this->_lastLoad = $info; $d_user = $info[0] - $last[0]; $d_nice = $info[1] - $last[1]; $d_system = $info[2] - $last[2]; $d_idle = $info[3] - $last[3]; //printf("Delta - User: %f Nice: %f System: %f Idle: %f<br>",$d_user,$d_nice,$d_system,$d_idle); $total=$d_user+$d_nice+$d_system+$d_idle; if ($total<1) $total=1; return 100*($d_user+$d_nice+$d_system)/$total; } } function Tracer($sql) { $perf_table = adodb_perf::table(); $saveE = $this->conn->fnExecute; $this->conn->fnExecute = false; global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $save = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = ADODB_FETCH_NUM; if ($this->conn->fetchMode !== false) $savem = $this->conn->SetFetchMode(false); $sqlq = $this->conn->qstr($sql); $arr = $this->conn->GetArray( "select count(*),tracer from $perf_table where sql1=$sqlq group by tracer order by 1 desc"); $s = ''; if ($arr) { $s .= '<h3>Scripts Affected</h3>'; foreach($arr as $k) { $s .= sprintf("%4d",$k[0]).' &nbsp; '.strip_tags($k[1]).'<br>'; } } if (isset($savem)) $this->conn->SetFetchMode($savem); $ADODB_CACHE_MODE = $save; $this->conn->fnExecute = $saveE; return $s; } /* Explain Plan for $sql. If only a snippet of the $sql is passed in, then $partial will hold the crc32 of the actual sql. */ function Explain($sql,$partial=false) { return false; } function InvalidSQL($numsql = 10) { if (isset($_GET['sql'])) return; $s = '<h3>Invalid SQL</h3>'; $saveE = $this->conn->fnExecute; $this->conn->fnExecute = false; $perf_table = adodb_perf::table(); $rs = $this->conn->SelectLimit("select distinct count(*),sql1,tracer as error_msg from $perf_table where tracer like 'ERROR:%' group by sql1,tracer order by 1 desc",$numsql);//,$numsql); $this->conn->fnExecute = $saveE; if ($rs) { $s .= rs2html($rs,false,false,false,false); } else return "<p>$this->helpurl. ".$this->conn->ErrorMsg()."</p>"; return $s; } /* This script identifies the longest running SQL */ function _SuspiciousSQL($numsql = 10) { global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $perf_table = adodb_perf::table(); $saveE = $this->conn->fnExecute; $this->conn->fnExecute = false; if (isset($_GET['exps']) && isset($_GET['sql'])) { $partial = !empty($_GET['part']); echo "<a name=explain></a>".$this->Explain($_GET['sql'],$partial)."\n"; } if (isset($_GET['sql'])) return; $sql1 = $this->sql1; $save = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = ADODB_FETCH_NUM; if ($this->conn->fetchMode !== false) $savem = $this->conn->SetFetchMode(false); //$this->conn->debug=1; $rs = $this->conn->SelectLimit( "select avg(timer) as avg_timer,$sql1,count(*),max(timer) as max_timer,min(timer) as min_timer from $perf_table where {$this->conn->upperCase}({$this->conn->substr}(sql0,1,5)) not in ('DROP ','INSER','COMMI','CREAT') and (tracer is null or tracer not like 'ERROR:%') group by sql1 order by 1 desc",$numsql); if (isset($savem)) $this->conn->SetFetchMode($savem); $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $save; $this->conn->fnExecute = $saveE; if (!$rs) return "<p>$this->helpurl. ".$this->conn->ErrorMsg()."</p>"; $s = "<h3>Suspicious SQL</h3> <font size=1>The following SQL have high average execution times</font><br> <table border=1 bgcolor=white><tr><td><b>Avg Time</b><td><b>Count</b><td><b>SQL</b><td><b>Max</b><td><b>Min</b></tr>\n"; $max = $this->maxLength; while (!$rs->EOF) { $sql = $rs->fields[1]; $raw = urlencode($sql); if (strlen($raw)>$max-100) { $sql2 = substr($sql,0,$max-500); $raw = urlencode($sql2).'&part='.crc32($sql); } $prefix = "<a target=sql".rand()." href=\"?hidem=1&exps=1&sql=".$raw."&x#explain\">"; $suffix = "</a>"; if ($this->explain == false || strlen($prefix)>$max) { $suffix = ' ... <i>String too long for GET parameter: '.strlen($prefix).'</i>'; $prefix = ''; } $s .= "<tr><td>".adodb_round($rs->fields[0],6)."<td align=right>".$rs->fields[2]."<td><font size=-1>".$prefix.htmlspecialchars($sql).$suffix."</font>". "<td>".$rs->fields[3]."<td>".$rs->fields[4]."</tr>"; $rs->MoveNext(); } return $s."</table>"; } function CheckMemory() { return ''; } function SuspiciousSQL($numsql=10) { return adodb_perf::_SuspiciousSQL($numsql); } function ExpensiveSQL($numsql=10) { return adodb_perf::_ExpensiveSQL($numsql); } /* This reports the percentage of load on the instance due to the most expensive few SQL statements. Tuning these statements can often make huge improvements in overall system performance. */ function _ExpensiveSQL($numsql = 10) { global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $perf_table = adodb_perf::table(); $saveE = $this->conn->fnExecute; $this->conn->fnExecute = false; if (isset($_GET['expe']) && isset($_GET['sql'])) { $partial = !empty($_GET['part']); echo "<a name=explain></a>".$this->Explain($_GET['sql'],$partial)."\n"; } if (isset($_GET['sql'])) return; $sql1 = $this->sql1; $save = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = ADODB_FETCH_NUM; if ($this->conn->fetchMode !== false) $savem = $this->conn->SetFetchMode(false); $rs = $this->conn->SelectLimit( "select sum(timer) as total,$sql1,count(*),max(timer) as max_timer,min(timer) as min_timer from $perf_table where {$this->conn->upperCase}({$this->conn->substr}(sql0,1,5)) not in ('DROP ','INSER','COMMI','CREAT') and (tracer is null or tracer not like 'ERROR:%') group by sql1 having count(*)>1 order by 1 desc",$numsql); if (isset($savem)) $this->conn->SetFetchMode($savem); $this->conn->fnExecute = $saveE; $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $save; if (!$rs) return "<p>$this->helpurl. ".$this->conn->ErrorMsg()."</p>"; $s = "<h3>Expensive SQL</h3> <font size=1>Tuning the following SQL could reduce the server load substantially</font><br> <table border=1 bgcolor=white><tr><td><b>Load</b><td><b>Count</b><td><b>SQL</b><td><b>Max</b><td><b>Min</b></tr>\n"; $max = $this->maxLength; while (!$rs->EOF) { $sql = $rs->fields[1]; $raw = urlencode($sql); if (strlen($raw)>$max-100) { $sql2 = substr($sql,0,$max-500); $raw = urlencode($sql2).'&part='.crc32($sql); } $prefix = "<a target=sqle".rand()." href=\"?hidem=1&expe=1&sql=".$raw."&x#explain\">"; $suffix = "</a>"; if($this->explain == false || strlen($prefix>$max)) { $prefix = ''; $suffix = ''; } $s .= "<tr><td>".adodb_round($rs->fields[0],6)."<td align=right>".$rs->fields[2]."<td><font size=-1>".$prefix.htmlspecialchars($sql).$suffix."</font>". "<td>".$rs->fields[3]."<td>".$rs->fields[4]."</tr>"; $rs->MoveNext(); } return $s."</table>"; } /* Raw function to return parameter value from $settings. */ function DBParameter($param) { if (empty($this->settings[$param])) return false; $sql = $this->settings[$param][1]; return $this->_DBParameter($sql); } /* Raw function returning array of poll paramters */ function PollParameters() { $arr[0] = (float)$this->DBParameter('data cache hit ratio'); $arr[1] = (float)$this->DBParameter('data reads'); $arr[2] = (float)$this->DBParameter('data writes'); $arr[3] = (integer) $this->DBParameter('current connections'); return $arr; } /* Low-level Get Database Parameter */ function _DBParameter($sql) { $savelog = $this->conn->LogSQL(false); if (is_array($sql)) { global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $sql1 = $sql[0]; $key = $sql[1]; if (sizeof($sql)>2) $pos = $sql[2]; else $pos = 1; if (sizeof($sql)>3) $coef = $sql[3]; else $coef = false; $ret = false; $save = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = ADODB_FETCH_NUM; if ($this->conn->fetchMode !== false) $savem = $this->conn->SetFetchMode(false); $rs = $this->conn->Execute($sql1); if (isset($savem)) $this->conn->SetFetchMode($savem); $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $save; if ($rs) { while (!$rs->EOF) { $keyf = reset($rs->fields); if (trim($keyf) == $key) { $ret = $rs->fields[$pos]; if ($coef) $ret *= $coef; break; } $rs->MoveNext(); } $rs->Close(); } $this->conn->LogSQL($savelog); return $ret; } else { if (strncmp($sql,'=',1) == 0) { $fn = substr($sql,1); return $this->$fn(); } $sql = str_replace('$DATABASE',$this->conn->database,$sql); $ret = $this->conn->GetOne($sql); $this->conn->LogSQL($savelog); return $ret; } } /* Warn if cache ratio falls below threshold. Displayed in "Description" column. */ function WarnCacheRatio($val) { if ($val < $this->warnRatio) return '<font color=red><b>Cache ratio should be at least '.$this->warnRatio.'%</b></font>'; else return ''; } function clearsql() { $perf_table = adodb_perf::table(); $this->conn->Execute("delete from $perf_table where created<".$this->conn->sysTimeStamp); } /***********************************************************************************************/ // HIGH LEVEL UI FUNCTIONS /***********************************************************************************************/ function UI($pollsecs=5) { global $ADODB_LOG_CONN; $perf_table = adodb_perf::table(); $conn = $this->conn; $app = $conn->host; if ($conn->host && $conn->database) $app .= ', db='; $app .= $conn->database; if ($app) $app .= ', '; $savelog = $this->conn->LogSQL(false); $info = $conn->ServerInfo(); if (isset($_GET['clearsql'])) { $this->clearsql(); } $this->conn->LogSQL($savelog); // magic quotes if (isset($_GET['sql']) && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $_GET['sql'] = $_GET['sql'] = str_replace(array("\\'",'\"'),array("'",'"'),$_GET['sql']); } if (!isset($_SESSION['ADODB_PERF_SQL'])) $nsql = $_SESSION['ADODB_PERF_SQL'] = 10; else $nsql = $_SESSION['ADODB_PERF_SQL']; $app .= $info['description']; if (isset($_GET['do'])) $do = $_GET['do']; else if (isset($_POST['do'])) $do = $_POST['do']; else if (isset($_GET['sql'])) $do = 'viewsql'; else $do = 'stats'; if (isset($_GET['nsql'])) { if ($_GET['nsql'] > 0) $nsql = $_SESSION['ADODB_PERF_SQL'] = (integer) $_GET['nsql']; } echo "<title>ADOdb Performance Monitor on $app</title><body bgcolor=white>"; if ($do == 'viewsql') $form = "<td><form># SQL:<input type=hidden value=viewsql name=do> <input type=text size=4 name=nsql value=$nsql><input type=submit value=Go></td></form>"; else $form = "<td>&nbsp;</td>"; $allowsql = !defined('ADODB_PERF_NO_RUN_SQL'); global $ADODB_PERF_MIN; $app .= " (Min sql timing \$ADODB_PERF_MIN=$ADODB_PERF_MIN secs)"; if (empty($_GET['hidem'])) echo "<table border=1 width=100% bgcolor=lightyellow><tr><td colspan=2> <b><a href=>ADOdb</a> Performance Monitor</b> <font size=1>for $app</font></tr><tr><td> <a href=?do=stats><b>Performance Stats</b></a> &nbsp; <a href=?do=viewsql><b>View SQL</b></a> &nbsp; <a href=?do=tables><b>View Tables</b></a> &nbsp; <a href=?do=poll><b>Poll Stats</b></a>", $allowsql ? ' &nbsp; <a href=?do=dosql><b>Run SQL</b></a>' : '', "$form", "</tr></table>"; switch ($do) { default: case 'stats': if (empty($ADODB_LOG_CONN)) echo "<p>&nbsp; <a href=\"?do=viewsql&clearsql=1\">Clear SQL Log</a><br>"; echo $this->HealthCheck(); //$this->conn->debug=1; echo $this->CheckMemory(); break; case 'poll': $self = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); echo "<iframe width=720 height=80% src=\"{$self}?do=poll2&hidem=1\"></iframe>"; break; case 'poll2': echo "<pre>"; $this->Poll($pollsecs); break; case 'dosql': if (!$allowsql) break; $this->DoSQLForm(); break; case 'viewsql': if (empty($_GET['hidem'])) echo "&nbsp; <a href=\"?do=viewsql&clearsql=1\">Clear SQL Log</a><br>"; echo($this->SuspiciousSQL($nsql)); echo($this->ExpensiveSQL($nsql)); echo($this->InvalidSQL($nsql)); break; case 'tables': echo $this->Tables(); break; } global $ADODB_vers; echo "<p><div align=center><font size=1>$ADODB_vers Sponsored by <a href=>phpLens</a></font></div>"; } /* Runs in infinite loop, returning real-time statistics */ function Poll($secs=5) { $this->conn->fnExecute = false; //$this->conn->debug=1; if ($secs <= 1) $secs = 1; echo "Accumulating statistics, every $secs seconds...\n";flush(); $arro = $this->PollParameters(); $cnt = 0; set_time_limit(0); sleep($secs); while (1) { $arr = $this->PollParameters(); $hits = sprintf('%2.2f',$arr[0]); $reads = sprintf('%12.4f',($arr[1]-$arro[1])/$secs); $writes = sprintf('%12.4f',($arr[2]-$arro[2])/$secs); $sess = sprintf('%5d',$arr[3]); $load = $this->CPULoad(); if ($load !== false) { $oslabel = 'WS-CPU%'; $osval = sprintf(" %2.1f ",(float) $load); }else { $oslabel = ''; $osval = ''; } if ($cnt % 10 == 0) echo " Time ".$oslabel." Hit% Sess Reads/s Writes/s\n"; $cnt += 1; echo date('H:i:s').' '.$osval."$hits $sess $reads $writes\n"; flush(); if (connection_aborted()) return; sleep($secs); $arro = $arr; } } /* Returns basic health check in a command line interface */ function HealthCheckCLI() { return $this->HealthCheck(true); } /* Returns basic health check as HTML */ function HealthCheck($cli=false) { $saveE = $this->conn->fnExecute; $this->conn->fnExecute = false; if ($cli) $html = ''; else $html = $this->table.'<tr><td colspan=3><h3>'.$this->conn->databaseType.'</h3></td></tr>'.$this->titles; $oldc = false; $bgc = ''; foreach($this->settings as $name => $arr) { if ($arr === false) break; if (!is_string($name)) { if ($cli) $html .= " -- $arr -- \n"; else $html .= "<tr bgcolor=$this->color><td colspan=3><i>$arr</i> &nbsp;</td></tr>"; continue; } if (!is_array($arr)) break; $category = $arr[0]; $how = $arr[1]; if (sizeof($arr)>2) $desc = $arr[2]; else $desc = ' &nbsp; '; if ($category == 'HIDE') continue; $val = $this->_DBParameter($how); if ($desc && strncmp($desc,"=",1) === 0) { $fn = substr($desc,1); $desc = $this->$fn($val); } if ($val === false) { $m = $this->conn->ErrorMsg(); $val = "Error: $m"; } else { if (is_numeric($val) && $val >= 256*1024) { if ($val % (1024*1024) == 0) { $val /= (1024*1024); $val .= 'M'; } else if ($val % 1024 == 0) { $val /= 1024; $val .= 'K'; } //$val = htmlspecialchars($val); } } if ($category != $oldc) { $oldc = $category; //$bgc = ($bgc == ' bgcolor='.$this->color) ? ' bgcolor=white' : ' bgcolor='.$this->color; } if (strlen($desc)==0) $desc = '&nbsp;'; if (strlen($val)==0) $val = '&nbsp;'; if ($cli) { $html .= str_replace('&nbsp;','',sprintf($this->cliFormat,strip_tags($name),strip_tags($val),strip_tags($desc))); }else { $html .= "<tr$bgc><td>".$name.'</td><td>'.$val.'</td><td>'.$desc."</td></tr>\n"; } } if (!$cli) $html .= "</table>\n"; $this->conn->fnExecute = $saveE; return $html; } function Tables($orderby='1') { if (!$this->tablesSQL) return false; $savelog = $this->conn->LogSQL(false); $rs = $this->conn->Execute($this->tablesSQL.' order by '.$orderby); $this->conn->LogSQL($savelog); $html = rs2html($rs,false,false,false,false); return $html; } function CreateLogTable() { if (!$this->createTableSQL) return false; $table = $this->table(); $sql = str_replace('adodb_logsql',$table,$this->createTableSQL); $savelog = $this->conn->LogSQL(false); $ok = $this->conn->Execute($sql); $this->conn->LogSQL($savelog); return ($ok) ? true : false; } function DoSQLForm() { $PHP_SELF = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $sql = isset($_REQUEST['sql']) ? $_REQUEST['sql'] : ''; if (isset($_SESSION['phplens_sqlrows'])) $rows = $_SESSION['phplens_sqlrows']; else $rows = 3; if (isset($_REQUEST['SMALLER'])) { $rows /= 2; if ($rows < 3) $rows = 3; $_SESSION['phplens_sqlrows'] = $rows; } if (isset($_REQUEST['BIGGER'])) { $rows *= 2; $_SESSION['phplens_sqlrows'] = $rows; } ?> <form method="POST" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF ?>"> <table><tr> <td> Form size: <input type="submit" value=" &lt; " name="SMALLER"><input type="submit" value=" &gt; &gt; " name="BIGGER"> </td> <td align=right> <input type="submit" value=" Run SQL Below " name="RUN"><input type=hidden name=do value=dosql> </td></tr> <tr> <td colspan=2><textarea rows=<?php print $rows; ?> name="sql" cols="80"><?php print htmlspecialchars($sql) ?></textarea> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <?php if (!isset($_REQUEST['sql'])) return; $sql = $this->undomq(trim($sql)); if (substr($sql,strlen($sql)-1) === ';') { $print = true; $sqla = $this->SplitSQL($sql); } else { $print = false; $sqla = array($sql); } foreach($sqla as $sqls) { if (!$sqls) continue; if ($print) { print "<p>".htmlspecialchars($sqls)."</p>"; flush(); } $savelog = $this->conn->LogSQL(false); $rs = $this->conn->Execute($sqls); $this->conn->LogSQL($savelog); if ($rs && is_object($rs) && !$rs->EOF) { rs2html($rs); while ($rs->NextRecordSet()) { print "<table width=98% bgcolor=#C0C0FF><tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr></table>"; rs2html($rs); } } else { $e1 = (integer) $this->conn->ErrorNo(); $e2 = $this->conn->ErrorMsg(); if (($e1) || ($e2)) { if (empty($e1)) $e1 = '-1'; // postgresql fix print ' &nbsp; '.$e1.': '.$e2; } else { print "<p>No Recordset returned<br></p>"; } } } // foreach } function SplitSQL($sql) { $arr = explode(';',$sql); return $arr; } function undomq($m) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { // undo the damage $m = str_replace('\\\\','\\',$m); $m = str_replace('\"','"',$m); $m = str_replace('\\\'','\'',$m); } return $m; } /************************************************************************/ /** * Reorganise multiple table-indices/statistics/.. * OptimizeMode could be given by last Parameter * * @example * <pre> * optimizeTables( 'tableA'); * </pre> * <pre> * optimizeTables( 'tableA', 'tableB', 'tableC'); * </pre> * <pre> * optimizeTables( 'tableA', 'tableB', ADODB_OPT_LOW); * </pre> * * @param string table name of the table to optimize * @param int mode optimization-mode * <code>ADODB_OPT_HIGH</code> for full optimization * <code>ADODB_OPT_LOW</code> for CPU-less optimization * Default is LOW <code>ADODB_OPT_LOW</code> * @author Markus Staab * @return Returns <code>true</code> on success and <code>false</code> on error */ function OptimizeTables() { $args = func_get_args(); $numArgs = func_num_args(); if ( $numArgs == 0) return false; $mode = ADODB_OPT_LOW; $lastArg = $args[ $numArgs - 1]; if ( !is_string($lastArg)) { $mode = $lastArg; unset( $args[ $numArgs - 1]); } foreach( $args as $table) { $this->optimizeTable( $table, $mode); } } /** * Reorganise the table-indices/statistics/.. depending on the given mode. * Default Implementation throws an error. * * @param string table name of the table to optimize * @param int mode optimization-mode * <code>ADODB_OPT_HIGH</code> for full optimization * <code>ADODB_OPT_LOW</code> for CPU-less optimization * Default is LOW <code>ADODB_OPT_LOW</code> * @author Markus Staab * @return Returns <code>true</code> on success and <code>false</code> on error */ function OptimizeTable( $table, $mode = ADODB_OPT_LOW) { ADOConnection::outp( sprintf( "<p>%s: '%s' not implemented for driver '%s'</p>", __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, $this->conn->databaseType)); return false; } /** * Reorganise current database. * Default implementation loops over all <code>MetaTables()</code> and * optimize each using <code>optmizeTable()</code> * * @author Markus Staab * @return Returns <code>true</code> on success and <code>false</code> on error */ function optimizeDatabase() { $conn = $this->conn; if ( !$conn) return false; $tables = $conn->MetaTables( 'TABLES'); if ( !$tables ) return false; foreach( $tables as $table) { if ( !$this->optimizeTable( $table)) { return false; } } return true; } // end hack } ?>