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Class: PhpDtObject
Database table access classes for php
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********************************************************************************************* PhpDtObject v. 0.01 Database table access classes for php. These classes simplifies the procedure, when trying to get information, edit, insert or delete rows from the database table. PhpDtObject makes an object from the table row or an object array if multiple rows are returned from the table. Objects can also be created with init method, that passes primary key (usually id) and its value or by getOne / getMany methods where you can specify more complex searching criteria. Rows can be updated, deleted and new rows created with a simple method calls. By extending this class you have basic access to the database tables and you can concentrate to your own class functionality. Classes are quite similar to Dao, but may be used for little different purposes. PhpDtObject uses ADOdb (database abstraction layer), so it requires ADOdb to be installed on server. ADOdb is a free set of php classes, that you can download from: ********************************************************************************************* INCLUDED FILES ReadMe.txt Actually you are reading it now! index.html HTML-format of ReadMe file License.txt GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. DBConn.php Database connection class. PhpDtObject.php Main class. Include this to your applications. PhpDtObject_DB.php This class is included automatic with PhpDtObject test.php Test and example file. In addition to these files PhpDtObject needs ADOdb package to support different databases. You can download ADOdb from: Whole package with all necessary files can be downloaded from: or -> PhpDtObject ********************************************************************************************* AUTHOR Marko Manninen 8.6.2004, Sahalahti mob: +358 44 2927529 email: [email protected] web: web: