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File: readme.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: About the class and its functions.
Class: Mysql DBObj
Compose and execute MySQL database SELECT queries
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Class Author: Vinícius Augusto Talgliatti Zani Date: 05-28-2004 Mysql Class Documentation --------------------------- Topics 1. What does this class do? 2. Getting Started 3. A simple script 4. Functions 5. Bugs --------------- 1. What does this class do? --------------- This class does many things with your mysql database. It's like PEAR DB_DataObject, but it has lower resources :) With this class, you can perform connections, add limits, orders, wheres, anything you want. --------------- 2. Getting Started --------------- Open the class Mysql and take a look at that. Customise the class (you DON'T have to configure this class), and start using! --------------- 3. A simple script --------------- $my_connection = new Mysql("host","User","passwd"); $my_connection->selectDb("myDb"); $my_connection->limit(0,20); $my_connecton->query("SELECT * FROM my_table"); while ($theObj = $my_connection->fetch()) { echo $theObj->field; } // easy, ahn? :) ---------------- 4. Functions [list] ---------------- Mysql([string, [string, [string]]]) Connects to the database OR (if no parameters) initializes the object assign(resource_link_identifier) Assigns a mysql connection link to the object selectDb(string) Selects the database for using query(string, bool) Makes a query and executes, if bool = true find() Executes the query stored in the object mountQuery() Returns a string with the mounted query for using in mysql count() Count affected rows of the last query limit(int, [int]) Limits the actual query whereAdd(string) Adds a where clause to the object orderBy(string) Order the object query fetch() Fetches an object with the last query executed fetchToThis() Fetches an object INSIDE itself escape(string) Escapes a string setError(string) Add error to the object showErrors(bool) Prints the errors (if they exists) at the screen. If bool == true, the program dies. ---------------- 5. Bugs ---------------- I haven't detected bugs in this class, YET. But they might exists. ----------------------------------------------------- Thank you for using my class. If you liked it, tell me: <[email protected]>