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File: tests/src/services/UserCredentialPasswordLoginServiceTest.php

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  Classes of Cyril Ogana   PHP User Credentials   tests/src/services/UserCredentialPasswordLoginServiceTest.php   Download  
File: tests/src/services/UserCredentialPasswordLoginServiceTest.php
Role: Unit test script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Add MultiOTP wrapper and SMS Token 2 factor authentication service
Class: PHP User Credentials
Implement password authentication policies
Author: By
Last change: Update to Multiotp 5.6+, PHPass 8+, PHP 7.3+ and PHPUnit 9+
Date: 4 years ago
Size: 6,879 bytes



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namespace cymapgt\core\application\authentication\UserCredential\services;


 * Generated by PHPUnit_SkeletonGenerator 1.2.1 on 2014-05-18 at 14:28:58.
class UserCredentialPasswordLoginServiceTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {

     * @var UserCredentialPasswordLoginService
protected $object;
     * @var tstring
protected $password;
     * @var MultiOtpWrapper
protected $multiOtpWrapper;

     * Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection.
     * This method is called before a test is executed.
protected function setUp() : void {
//Make sure that UserCredentialPasswordLoginService is available to your auth plugin and create an instance
$this->object = new UserCredentialPasswordLoginService;
         * This is the password that is stored in DB hashed with \password_hash function.
         * PHP 5.4 will be supported because of ircmaxell/password-compat package
$this->password = \password_hash('123456', \PASSWORD_DEFAULT);

     * Tears down the fixture, for example, closes a network connection.
     * This method is called after a test is executed.
protected function tearDown() : void {

     * @covers cymapgt\core\application\authentication\UserCredential\services\UserCredentialPasswordLoginService::initialize
public function testInitialize() {
//username of authenticating user
//password that is stored in the DB
//password input by the user in the login form / API
$this->assertEquals(null, $this->object->initialize());
     * @covers cymapgt\core\application\authentication\UserCredential\services\UserCredentialPasswordLoginService::initialize
public function testInitializeException() {
$this->expectExceptionMessage('The usercredential login service is not initialized with all parameters');
//if you call initialize without setting the username, password and keyed in password, an exception should be thrown

     * @covers cymapgt\core\application\authentication\UserCredential\services\UserCredentialPasswordLoginService::authenticate
public function testAuthenticateNative() {
//test authentication where user has input the correct password
//test authentication where user has input wrong password. We assume the user input 12345 instead of 123456
$this->assertEquals(true, $this->object->authenticate());
$this->assertEquals(false, $this->object->authenticate());
     * This tests that without proper initialization of LDAP settings, a UserCredentialException will be thrown.
     * @covers cymapgt\core\application\authentication\UserCredential\services\UserCredentialPasswordLoginService::authenticate
public function testInitializeLdapException() {
$this->expectExceptionMessage('The LDAP feature of the usercredential login service is not initialized with all parameters');
$ldapSettings = array();
     * LDAP settings must be initialized, then authentication can proceed. The below example uses the MultiOTP
     * LDAP auth functionality. If the remote LDAP configured cannot be pinged, this test will be skipped
     * @covers cymapgt\core\application\authentication\UserCredential\services\UserCredentialPasswordLoginService::authenticate
public function testAuthenticateLdap() {
//the LDAP server
$domainControllers = '';
//ping server
$pingResult = new Ping($domainControllers);
$latency = $pingResult->ping('fsockopen');
        if (
$latency !== false) {
$skipLdapTest = false;
        } else {
$skipLdapTest = true;
//if ping was not successfull, skip the test
if ($skipLdapTest) {
$this->markTestSkipped('Cannot connect to remote LDAP test server');
        } else {

$ldapSettings = array();
$ldapSettings['ldap_account_suffix'] = '';
$ldapSettings['ad_password'] = 'password';
$ldapSettings['ad_username'] = 'cn=read-only-admin,dc=example,dc=com';
$ldapSettings['base_dn'] = '';
$ldapSettings['cn_identifier'] = 'TEST';
$ldapSettings['domain_controllers'] = $domainControllers;
$ldapSettings['group_attribute'] = 'dc=example,dc=com';
$ldapSettings['group_cn_identifier'] = 'cn';
$ldapSettings['ldap_server_type'] = 1;
$ldapSettings['network_timeout'] = 1;
$ldapSettings['port'] = 389;
$ldapSettings['recursive_groups'] = 1;
$ldapSettings['time_limit'] = 30;
$ldapSettings['use_ssl'] = 0;
$ldapSettings['cache_support'] = 0;
$ldapSettings['cache_folder'] = '';
$ldapSettings['expired_password_valid'] = '';

$isLoggedIn = $this->object->authenticate();

$this->assertEquals(true, $isLoggedIn);