PHP Classes

File: build.xml

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  Classes of Martin Pircher   Skylable SX PHP Client   build.xml   Download  
File: build.xml
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: phing build
Class: Skylable SX PHP Client
Store and retrieve files in Skylable cloud cluster
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 9 years ago
Size: 3,495 bytes



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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <project name="SampleBuildProjectPHP" description="Sample Phing Build Project" basedir="." default="list-targets" phingVersion="2.6.1" > <property file="./" /> <property name="package" value="${}" override="true" /> <!-- ============================================ --> <!-- Target: list targets (DEFAULT) --> <!-- ============================================ --> <target name="list-targets" description="list all phing targets"> <exec command="phing -f ${phing.file} -l" outputProperty="phing_targets" /> <echo>Available targets:</echo> <echo>${phing_targets}</echo> </target> <!-- ============================================ --> <!-- Target: run composer install --> <!-- ============================================ --> <target name="run-composer-install" description="running composer install"> <exec command="${composer.exec} install --prefer-source --no-interaction" dir="${project.basedir}" passthru="true" checkreturn="true" /> </target> <!-- ============================================ --> <!-- Target: build --> <!-- ============================================ --> <target name="make-build" description="create build directory"> <mkdir dir="${}" /> </target> <target name="build" depends="make-build, run-composer-install" /> <!-- ============================================ --> <!-- Target: clean --> <!-- ============================================ --> <target name="clean-vendor" description="remove vendor directory"> <delete dir="${dir.vendor}" /> </target> <target name="clean-build" description="remove build directory"> <delete dir="${}" /> </target> <target name="clean" depends="clean-build" /> <!-- ============================================ --> <!-- Target: report --> <!-- ============================================ --> <target name="phplint"> <echo msg="Before phplint / phing phplint" /> <exec command="${phplint.exec} ${dir.src}" dir="${project.basedir}" passthru="true" checkreturn="true" /> <exec command="${phplint.exec} ${dir.test}" dir="${project.basedir}" passthru="true" checkreturn="true" /> <echo msg="After phplint / phint phplint" /> </target> <target name="lint"> <phingcall target="phplint" /> </target> <target name="phpcs" description="php codesniffer"> <echo msg="Before PHPCS / phing phpcs" /> <mkdir dir="${}"/> <exec command="${phpcs.exec} ${phpcs.args}" dir="${project.basedir}" passthru="true" checkreturn="true" /> <echo msg="After PHPCS / phing phpcs" /> </target> <target name="report" depends="clean, build, lint, phpcs" /> <!-- ============================================ --> <!-- Target: test --> <!-- ============================================ --> <target name="phpunit"> <echo msg="Before phpunit / phing phpunit" /> <mkdir dir="${phpunit.output.xml.dir}"/> <mkdir dir="${phpunit.output.html.dir}"/> <exec command="${phpunit.exec} ${phpunit.args}" dir="${dir.test}" passthru="true" checkreturn="true" /> <echo msg="After phpunit / phing phpunit" /> </target> <target name="test" depends="phpunit" description="run phpunit tests"/> <target name="full" depends="report, phpunit" description="clean, build, report and test" /> </project>