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File: p5/p5.js

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  Classes of Ghali Ahmed   PHP Math Progressions   p5/p5.js   Download  
File: p5/p5.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Math Progressions
Calculate math progressions of several types
Author: By
Last change: Update of p5/p5.js
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 158,710 bytes


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/*! p5.js v0.4.0 February 01, 2015 */ (function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) define('p5', [], function () { return (root.returnExportsGlobal = factory());}); else if (typeof exports === 'object') module.exports = factory(); else root['p5'] = factory(); }(this, function () { var amdclean = {}; amdclean['shim'] = function (require) { window.requestDraw = function () { return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function (callback, element) { window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); }; }(); }({}); amdclean['constants'] = function (require) { var PI = Math.PI; return { ARROW: 'default', CROSS: 'crosshair', HAND: 'pointer', MOVE: 'move', TEXT: 'text', WAIT: 'wait', HALF_PI: PI / 2, PI: PI, QUARTER_PI: PI / 4, TAU: PI * 2, TWO_PI: PI * 2, DEGREES: 'degrees', RADIANS: 'radians', CORNER: 'corner', CORNERS: 'corners', RADIUS: 'radius', RIGHT: 'right', LEFT: 'left', CENTER: 'center', TOP: 'top', BOTTOM: 'bottom', BASELINE: 'alphabetic', POINTS: 'points', LINES: 'lines', TRIANGLES: 'triangles', TRIANGLE_FAN: 'triangles_fan', TRIANGLE_STRIP: 'triangles_strip', QUADS: 'quads', QUAD_STRIP: 'quad_strip', CLOSE: 'close', OPEN: 'open', CHORD: 'chord', PIE: 'pie', PROJECT: 'square', SQUARE: 'butt', ROUND: 'round', BEVEL: 'bevel', MITER: 'miter', RGB: 'rgb', HSB: 'hsb', AUTO: 'auto', ALT: 18, BACKSPACE: 8, CONTROL: 17, DELETE: 46, DOWN_ARROW: 40, ENTER: 13, ESCAPE: 27, LEFT_ARROW: 37, OPTION: 18, RETURN: 13, RIGHT_ARROW: 39, SHIFT: 16, TAB: 9, UP_ARROW: 38, BLEND: 'normal', ADD: 'lighter', DARKEST: 'darken', LIGHTEST: 'lighten', DIFFERENCE: 'difference', EXCLUSION: 'exclusion', MULTIPLY: 'multiply', SCREEN: 'screen', REPLACE: 'source-over', OVERLAY: 'overlay', HARD_LIGHT: 'hard-light', SOFT_LIGHT: 'soft-light', DODGE: 'color-dodge', BURN: 'color-burn', NORMAL: 'normal', ITALIC: 'italic', BOLD: 'bold', LINEAR: 'linear', QUADRATIC: 'quadratic', BEZIER: 'bezier', CURVE: 'curve' }; }({}); amdclean['core'] = function (require, shim, constants) { 'use strict'; var constants = constants; var p5 = function (sketch, node, sync) { if (arguments.length === 2 && typeof node === 'boolean') { sync = node; node = undefined; } this._setupDone = false; this._pixelDensity = window.devicePixelRatio || 1; this._startTime = new Date().getTime(); this._userNode = node; this._curElement = null; this._elements = []; this._preloadCount = 0; this._updateInterval = 0; this._isGlobal = false; this._loop = true; this._styles = []; this._defaultCanvasSize = { width: 100, height: 100 }; this._events = { 'mousemove': null, 'mousedown': null, 'mouseup': null, 'click': null, 'mousewheel': null, 'mouseover': null, 'mouseout': null, 'keydown': null, 'keyup': null, 'keypress': null, 'touchstart': null, 'touchmove': null, 'touchend': null, 'resize': null, 'blur': null }; this._loadingScreenId = 'p5_loading'; this._start = function () { if (this._userNode) { if (typeof this._userNode === 'string') { this._userNode = document.getElementById(this._userNode); } } this._loadingScreen = document.getElementById(this._loadingScreenId); if (!this._loadingScreen) { this._loadingScreen = document.createElement('loadingDiv'); this._loadingScreen.innerHTML = 'loading...'; = 'absolute'; var node = this._userNode || document.body; node.appendChild(this._loadingScreen); } this.createCanvas(this._defaultCanvasSize.width, this._defaultCanvasSize.height, true); var userPreload = this.preload || window.preload; var context = this._isGlobal ? window : this; if (userPreload) { this._preloadMethods.forEach(function (f) { context[f] = function (path) { return context._preload(f, path); }; }); userPreload(); if (this._preloadCount === 0) { this._setup(); this._runFrames(); this._draw(); } } else { this._setup(); this._runFrames(); this._draw(); } }.bind(this); this._preload = function (func, path) { var context = this._isGlobal ? window : this; context._setProperty('_preloadCount', context._preloadCount + 1); return p5.prototype[func].call(context, path, function (resp) { context._setProperty('_preloadCount', context._preloadCount - 1); if (context._preloadCount === 0) { context._setup(); context._runFrames(); context._draw(); } }); }.bind(this); this._setup = function () { var context = this._isGlobal ? window : this; if (typeof context.preload === 'function') { this._preloadMethods.forEach(function (f) { context[f] = p5.prototype[f]; }); } if (typeof context.setup === 'function') { context.setup(); } = ''; this.canvas.className = this.canvas.className.replace('p5_hidden', ''); this._setupDone = true; this._loadingScreen.parentNode.removeChild(this._loadingScreen); }.bind(this); this._draw = function () { var now = new Date().getTime(); this._frameRate = 1000 / (now - this._lastFrameTime); this._lastFrameTime = now; if (this._loop) { if (this._drawInterval) { clearInterval(this._drawInterval); } this._drawInterval = setTimeout(function () { window.requestDraw(this._draw.bind(this)); }.bind(this), 1000 / this._targetFrameRate); } this.redraw(); this._updatePMouseCoords(); this._updatePTouchCoords(); }.bind(this); this._runFrames = function () { if (this._updateInterval) { clearInterval(this._updateInterval); } this._updateInterval = setInterval(function () { this._setProperty('frameCount', this.frameCount + 1); }.bind(this), 1000 / this._targetFrameRate); }.bind(this); this._setProperty = function (prop, value) { this[prop] = value; if (this._isGlobal) { window[prop] = value; } }.bind(this); this.remove = function () { if (this._curElement) { this._loop = false; if (this._drawInterval) { clearTimeout(this._drawInterval); } if (this._updateInterval) { clearTimeout(this._updateInterval); } for (var ev in this._events) { window.removeEventListener(ev, this._events[ev]); } for (var i = 0; i < this._elements.length; i++) { var e = this._elements[i]; if (e.elt.parentNode) { e.elt.parentNode.removeChild(e.elt); } for (var elt_ev in e._events) { e.elt.removeEventListener(elt_ev, e._events[elt_ev]); } } var self = this; this._registeredMethods.remove.forEach(function (f) { if (typeof f !== 'undefined') {; } }); if (this._isGlobal) { for (var p in p5.prototype) { try { delete window[p]; } catch (x) { window[p] = undefined; } } for (var p2 in this) { if (this.hasOwnProperty(p2)) { try { delete window[p2]; } catch (x) { window[p2] = undefined; } } } } } }.bind(this); for (var k in constants) { p5.prototype[k] = constants[k]; } if (!sketch) { this._isGlobal = true; for (var p in p5.prototype) { if (typeof p5.prototype[p] === 'function') { var ev = p.substring(2); if (!this._events.hasOwnProperty(ev)) { window[p] = p5.prototype[p].bind(this); } } else { window[p] = p5.prototype[p]; } } for (var p2 in this) { if (this.hasOwnProperty(p2)) { window[p2] = this[p2]; } } } else { sketch(this); } for (var e in this._events) { var f = this['on' + e]; if (f) { var m = f.bind(this); window.addEventListener(e, m); this._events[e] = m; } } var self = this; window.addEventListener('focus', function () { self._setProperty('focused', true); }); window.addEventListener('blur', function () { self._setProperty('focused', false); }); if (sync) { this._start(); } else { if (document.readyState === 'complete') { this._start(); } else { window.addEventListener('load', this._start.bind(this), false); } } }; p5.prototype._preloadMethods = [ 'loadJSON', 'loadImage', 'loadStrings', 'loadXML', 'loadShape', 'loadTable' ]; p5.prototype._registeredMethods = { pre: [], post: [], remove: [] }; p5.prototype.registerPreloadMethod = function (m) { p5.prototype._preloadMethods.push(m); }.bind(this); p5.prototype.registerMethod = function (name, m) { if (!p5.prototype._registeredMethods.hasOwnProperty(name)) { p5.prototype._registeredMethods[name] = []; } p5.prototype._registeredMethods[name].push(m); }.bind(this); return p5; }({}, amdclean['shim'], amdclean['constants']); amdclean['p5Color'] = function (require, core, constants) { var p5 = core; var constants = constants; p5.Color = function (pInst, vals) { if (vals instanceof Array) { this.rgba = vals; } else { var formatted = p5.Color._getFormattedColor.apply(pInst, vals); if (pInst._colorMode === constants.HSB) { this.hsba = formatted; this.rgba = p5.Color._getRGB(formatted); } else { this.rgba = formatted; } } var c =, this.rgba); this.colorString = p5.Color._getColorString(c); return this; }; p5.Color._getFormattedColor = function () { if (arguments[0] instanceof Array) { return p5.Color.getNormalizedColor.apply(this, arguments[0]); } var r, g, b, a; if (arguments.length >= 3) { r = arguments[0]; g = arguments[1]; b = arguments[2]; a = typeof arguments[3] === 'number' ? arguments[3] : 255; } else { if (this._colorMode === constants.RGB) { r = g = b = arguments[0]; } else { r = b = arguments[0]; g = 0; } a = typeof arguments[1] === 'number' ? arguments[1] : 255; } return [ r, g, b, a ]; }; p5.Color._normalizeColorArray = function (arr) { var isRGB = this._colorMode === constants.RGB; var maxArr = isRGB ? this._maxRGB : this._maxHSB; arr[0] *= 255 / maxArr[0]; arr[1] *= 255 / maxArr[1]; arr[2] *= 255 / maxArr[2]; arr[3] *= 255 / maxArr[3]; return arr; }; p5.Color._getRGB = function (hsba) { var h = hsba[0]; var s = hsba[1]; var v = hsba[2]; h /= 255; s /= 255; v /= 255; var RGBA = []; if (s === 0) { RGBA = [ Math.round(v * 255), Math.round(v * 255), Math.round(v * 255), hsba[3] ]; } else { var var_h = h * 6; if (var_h === 6) { var_h = 0; } var var_i = Math.floor(var_h); var var_1 = v * (1 - s); var var_2 = v * (1 - s * (var_h - var_i)); var var_3 = v * (1 - s * (1 - (var_h - var_i))); var var_r; var var_g; var var_b; if (var_i === 0) { var_r = v; var_g = var_3; var_b = var_1; } else if (var_i === 1) { var_r = var_2; var_g = v; var_b = var_1; } else if (var_i === 2) { var_r = var_1; var_g = v; var_b = var_3; } else if (var_i === 3) { var_r = var_1; var_g = var_2; var_b = v; } else if (var_i === 4) { var_r = var_3; var_g = var_1; var_b = v; } else { var_r = v; var_g = var_1; var_b = var_2; } RGBA = [ Math.round(var_r * 255), Math.round(var_g * 255), Math.round(var_b * 255), hsba[3] ]; } return RGBA; }; p5.Color._getHSB = function (rgba) { var var_R = rgba[0] / 255; var var_G = rgba[1] / 255; var var_B = rgba[2] / 255; var var_Min = Math.min(var_R, var_G, var_B); var var_Max = Math.max(var_R, var_G, var_B); var del_Max = var_Max - var_Min; var H; var S; var V = var_Max; if (del_Max === 0) { H = 0; S = 0; } else { S = del_Max / var_Max; var del_R = ((var_Max - var_R) / 6 + del_Max / 2) / del_Max; var del_G = ((var_Max - var_G) / 6 + del_Max / 2) / del_Max; var del_B = ((var_Max - var_B) / 6 + del_Max / 2) / del_Max; if (var_R === var_Max) { H = del_B - del_G; } else if (var_G === var_Max) { H = 1 / 3 + del_R - del_B; } else if (var_B === var_Max) { H = 2 / 3 + del_G - del_R; } if (H < 0) { H += 1; } if (H > 1) { H -= 1; } } return [ Math.round(H * 255), Math.round(S * 255), Math.round(V * 255), rgba[3] ]; }; p5.Color._getColorString = function (a) { for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { a[i] = Math.floor(a[i]); } var alpha = typeof a[3] !== 'undefined' ? a[3] / 255 : 1; return 'rgba(' + a[0] + ',' + a[1] + ',' + a[2] + ',' + alpha + ')'; }; p5.Color._getCanvasColor = function () { if (arguments[0] instanceof p5.Color) { if (arguments.length === 1) { return arguments[0].colorString; } else { var c = arguments[0].rgba; c[3] = arguments[1]; c =, c); return p5.Color._getColorString(c); } } else if (arguments[0] instanceof Array) { if (arguments.length === 1) { return p5.Color._getColorString(arguments[0]); } else { var isRGB = this._colorMode === constants.RGB; var maxA = isRGB ? this._maxRGB[3] : this._maxHSB[3]; arguments[0][3] = 255 * arguments[1] / maxA; return p5.Color._getColorString(arguments[0]); } } else { var e = p5.Color._getFormattedColor.apply(this, arguments); e =, e); if (this._colorMode === constants.HSB) { e = p5.Color._getRGB(e); } return p5.Color._getColorString(e); } }; return p5.Color; }({}, amdclean['core'], amdclean['constants']); amdclean['p5Element'] = function (require, core) { var p5 = core; p5.Element = function (elt, pInst) { this.elt = elt; this._pInst = pInst; this._events = {}; this.width = this.elt.offsetWidth; this.height = this.elt.offsetHeight; }; p5.Element.prototype.parent = function (p) { if (typeof p === 'string') { p = document.getElementById(p); } else if (p instanceof p5.Element) { p = p.elt; } p.appendChild(this.elt); return this; }; = function (id) { = id; return this; }; p5.Element.prototype.class = function (c) { this.elt.className += ' ' + c; return this; }; p5.Element.prototype.mousePressed = function (fxn) { attachListener('mousedown', fxn, this); attachListener('touchstart', fxn, this); return this; }; p5.Element.prototype.mouseWheel = function (fxn) { attachListener('mousewheel', fxn, this); return this; }; p5.Element.prototype.mouseReleased = function (fxn) { attachListener('mouseup', fxn, this); attachListener('touchend', fxn, this); return this; }; p5.Element.prototype.mouseClicked = function (fxn) { attachListener('click', fxn, this); return this; }; p5.Element.prototype.mouseMoved = function (fxn) { attachListener('mousemove', fxn, this); attachListener('touchmove', fxn, this); return this; }; p5.Element.prototype.mouseOver = function (fxn) { attachListener('mouseover', fxn, this); return this; }; p5.Element.prototype.mouseOut = function (fxn) { attachListener('mouseout', fxn, this); return this; }; p5.Element.prototype.touchStarted = function (fxn) { attachListener('touchstart', fxn, this); attachListener('mousedown', fxn, this); return this; }; p5.Element.prototype.touchMoved = function (fxn) { attachListener('touchmove', fxn, this); attachListener('mousemove', fxn, this); return this; }; p5.Element.prototype.touchEnded = function (fxn) { attachListener('touchend', fxn, this); attachListener('mouseup', fxn, this); return this; }; function attachListener(ev, fxn, ctx) { var f = fxn.bind(ctx); ctx.elt.addEventListener(ev, f, false); ctx._events[ev] = f; } p5.Element.prototype._setProperty = function (prop, value) { this[prop] = value; }; return p5.Element; }({}, amdclean['core']); amdclean['p5Graphics'] = function (require, core, constants) { var p5 = core; var constants = constants; p5.Graphics = function (elt, pInst, isMainCanvas) {, elt, pInst); this.canvas = elt; this.drawingContext = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); this._pInst = pInst; if (isMainCanvas) { this._isMainCanvas = true; this._pInst._setProperty('_curElement', this); this._pInst._setProperty('canvas', this.canvas); this._pInst._setProperty('drawingContext', this.drawingContext); this._pInst._setProperty('width', this.width); this._pInst._setProperty('height', this.height); } else { = 'none'; this._styles = []; } }; p5.Graphics.prototype = Object.create(p5.Element.prototype); p5.Graphics.prototype._applyDefaults = function () { this.drawingContext.fillStyle = '#FFFFFF'; this.drawingContext.strokeStyle = '#000000'; this.drawingContext.lineCap = constants.ROUND; this.drawingContext.font = 'normal 12px sans-serif'; }; p5.Graphics.prototype.resize = function (w, h) { this.width = w; this.height = h; this.elt.width = w * this._pInst._pixelDensity; this.elt.height = h * this._pInst._pixelDensity; = w + 'px'; = h + 'px'; if (this._isMainCanvas) { this._pInst._setProperty('width', this.width); this._pInst._setProperty('height', this.height); } this.drawingContext.scale(this._pInst._pixelDensity, this._pInst._pixelDensity); }; return p5.Graphics; }({}, amdclean['core'], amdclean['constants']); amdclean['filters'] = function (require) { 'use strict'; var Filters = {}; Filters._toPixels = function (canvas) { if (canvas instanceof ImageData) { return; } else { return canvas.getContext('2d').getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height).data; } }; Filters._getARGB = function (data, i) { var offset = i * 4; return data[offset + 3] << 24 & 4278190080 | data[offset] << 16 & 16711680 | data[offset + 1] << 8 & 65280 | data[offset + 2] & 255; }; Filters._setPixels = function (pixels, data) { var offset = 0; for (var i = 0, al = pixels.length; i < al; i++) { offset = i * 4; pixels[offset + 0] = (data[i] & 16711680) >>> 16; pixels[offset + 1] = (data[i] & 65280) >>> 8; pixels[offset + 2] = data[i] & 255; pixels[offset + 3] = (data[i] & 4278190080) >>> 24; } }; Filters._toImageData = function (canvas) { if (canvas instanceof ImageData) { return canvas; } else { return canvas.getContext('2d').getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); } }; Filters._createImageData = function (width, height) { Filters._tmpCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); Filters._tmpCtx = Filters._tmpCanvas.getContext('2d'); return this._tmpCtx.createImageData(width, height); }; Filters.apply = function (canvas, func, filterParam) { var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); var imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); var newImageData = func(imageData, filterParam); if (newImageData instanceof ImageData) { ctx.putImageData(newImageData, 0, 0, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); } else { ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); } }; Filters.threshold = function (canvas, level) { var pixels = Filters._toPixels(canvas); if (level === undefined) { level = 0.5; } var thresh = Math.floor(level * 255); for (var i = 0; i < pixels.length; i += 4) { var r = pixels[i]; var g = pixels[i + 1]; var b = pixels[i + 2]; var grey = 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b; var val; if (grey >= thresh) { val = 255; } else { val = 0; } pixels[i] = pixels[i + 1] = pixels[i + 2] = val; } }; Filters.gray = function (canvas) { var pixels = Filters._toPixels(canvas); for (var i = 0; i < pixels.length; i += 4) { var r = pixels[i]; var g = pixels[i + 1]; var b = pixels[i + 2]; var gray = 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b; pixels[i] = pixels[i + 1] = pixels[i + 2] = gray; } }; Filters.opaque = function (canvas) { var pixels = Filters._toPixels(canvas); for (var i = 0; i < pixels.length; i += 4) { pixels[i + 3] = 255; } return pixels; }; Filters.invert = function (canvas) { var pixels = Filters._toPixels(canvas); for (var i = 0; i < pixels.length; i += 4) { pixels[i] = 255 - pixels[i]; pixels[i + 1] = 255 - pixels[i + 1]; pixels[i + 2] = 255 - pixels[i + 2]; } }; Filters.posterize = function (canvas, level) { var pixels = Filters._toPixels(canvas); if (level < 2 || level > 255) { throw new Error('Level must be greater than 2 and less than 255 for posterize'); } var levels1 = level - 1; for (var i = 0; i < pixels.length; i += 4) { var rlevel = pixels[i]; var glevel = pixels[i + 1]; var blevel = pixels[i + 2]; pixels[i] = (rlevel * level >> 8) * 255 / levels1; pixels[i + 1] = (glevel * level >> 8) * 255 / levels1; pixels[i + 2] = (blevel * level >> 8) * 255 / levels1; } }; Filters.dilate = function (canvas) { var pixels = Filters._toPixels(canvas); var currIdx = 0; var maxIdx = pixels.length ? pixels.length / 4 : 0; var out = new Int32Array(maxIdx); var currRowIdx, maxRowIdx, colOrig, colOut, currLum; var idxRight, idxLeft, idxUp, idxDown, colRight, colLeft, colUp, colDown, lumRight, lumLeft, lumUp, lumDown; while (currIdx < maxIdx) { currRowIdx = currIdx; maxRowIdx = currIdx + canvas.width; while (currIdx < maxRowIdx) { colOrig = colOut = Filters._getARGB(pixels, currIdx); idxLeft = currIdx - 1; idxRight = currIdx + 1; idxUp = currIdx - canvas.width; idxDown = currIdx + canvas.width; if (idxLeft < currRowIdx) { idxLeft = currIdx; } if (idxRight >= maxRowIdx) { idxRight = currIdx; } if (idxUp < 0) { idxUp = 0; } if (idxDown >= maxIdx) { idxDown = currIdx; } colUp = Filters._getARGB(pixels, idxUp); colLeft = Filters._getARGB(pixels, idxLeft); colDown = Filters._getARGB(pixels, idxDown); colRight = Filters._getARGB(pixels, idxRight); currLum = 77 * (colOrig >> 16 & 255) + 151 * (colOrig >> 8 & 255) + 28 * (colOrig & 255); lumLeft = 77 * (colLeft >> 16 & 255) + 151 * (colLeft >> 8 & 255) + 28 * (colLeft & 255); lumRight = 77 * (colRight >> 16 & 255) + 151 * (colRight >> 8 & 255) + 28 * (colRight & 255); lumUp = 77 * (colUp >> 16 & 255) + 151 * (colUp >> 8 & 255) + 28 * (colUp & 255); lumDown = 77 * (colDown >> 16 & 255) + 151 * (colDown >> 8 & 255) + 28 * (colDown & 255); if (lumLeft > currLum) { colOut = colLeft; currLum = lumLeft; } if (lumRight > currLum) { colOut = colRight; currLum = lumRight; } if (lumUp > currLum) { colOut = colUp; currLum = lumUp; } if (lumDown > currLum) { colOut = colDown; currLum = lumDown; } out[currIdx++] = colOut; } } Filters._setPixels(pixels, out); }; Filters.erode = function (canvas) { var pixels = Filters._toPixels(canvas); var currIdx = 0; var maxIdx = pixels.length ? pixels.length / 4 : 0; var out = new Int32Array(maxIdx); var currRowIdx, maxRowIdx, colOrig, colOut, currLum; var idxRight, idxLeft, idxUp, idxDown, colRight, colLeft, colUp, colDown, lumRight, lumLeft, lumUp, lumDown; while (currIdx < maxIdx) { currRowIdx = currIdx; maxRowIdx = currIdx + canvas.width; while (currIdx < maxRowIdx) { colOrig = colOut = Filters._getARGB(pixels, currIdx); idxLeft = currIdx - 1; idxRight = currIdx + 1; idxUp = currIdx - canvas.width; idxDown = currIdx + canvas.width; if (idxLeft < currRowIdx) { idxLeft = currIdx; } if (idxRight >= maxRowIdx) { idxRight = currIdx; } if (idxUp < 0) { idxUp = 0; } if (idxDown >= maxIdx) { idxDown = currIdx; } colUp = Filters._getARGB(pixels, idxUp); colLeft = Filters._getARGB(pixels, idxLeft); colDown = Filters._getARGB(pixels, idxDown); colRight = Filters._getARGB(pixels, idxRight); currLum = 77 * (colOrig >> 16 & 255) + 151 * (colOrig >> 8 & 255) + 28 * (colOrig & 255); lumLeft = 77 * (colLeft >> 16 & 255) + 151 * (colLeft >> 8 & 255) + 28 * (colLeft & 255); lumRight = 77 * (colRight >> 16 & 255) + 151 * (colRight >> 8 & 255) + 28 * (colRight & 255); lumUp = 77 * (colUp >> 16 & 255) + 151 * (colUp >> 8 & 255) + 28 * (colUp & 255); lumDown = 77 * (colDown >> 16 & 255) + 151 * (colDown >> 8 & 255) + 28 * (colDown & 255); if (lumLeft < currLum) { colOut = colLeft; currLum = lumLeft; } if (lumRight < currLum) { colOut = colRight; currLum = lumRight; } if (lumUp < currLum) { colOut = colUp; currLum = lumUp; } if (lumDown < currLum) { colOut = colDown; currLum = lumDown; } out[currIdx++] = colOut; } } Filters._setPixels(pixels, out); }; var blurRadius; var blurKernelSize; var blurKernel; var blurMult; function buildBlurKernel(r) { var radius = r * 3.5 | 0; radius = radius < 1 ? 1 : radius < 248 ? radius : 248; if (blurRadius !== radius) { blurRadius = radius; blurKernelSize = 1 + blurRadius << 1; blurKernel = new Int32Array(blurKernelSize); blurMult = new Array(blurKernelSize); for (var l = 0; l < blurKernelSize; l++) { blurMult[l] = new Int32Array(256); } var bk, bki; var bm, bmi; for (var i = 1, radiusi = radius - 1; i < radius; i++) { blurKernel[radius + i] = blurKernel[radiusi] = bki = radiusi * radiusi; bm = blurMult[radius + i]; bmi = blurMult[radiusi--]; for (var j = 0; j < 256; j++) { bm[j] = bmi[j] = bki * j; } } bk = blurKernel[radius] = radius * radius; bm = blurMult[radius]; for (var k = 0; k < 256; k++) { bm[k] = bk * k; } } } function blurARGB(canvas, radius) { var pixels = Filters._toPixels(canvas); var width = canvas.width; var height = canvas.height; var numPackedPixels = width * height; var argb = new Int32Array(numPackedPixels); for (var j = 0; j < numPackedPixels; j++) { argb[j] = Filters._getARGB(pixels, j); } var sum, cr, cg, cb, ca; var read, ri, ym, ymi, bk0; var a2 = new Int32Array(numPackedPixels); var r2 = new Int32Array(numPackedPixels); var g2 = new Int32Array(numPackedPixels); var b2 = new Int32Array(numPackedPixels); var yi = 0; buildBlurKernel(radius); var x, y, i; var bm; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { cb = cg = cr = ca = sum = 0; read = x - blurRadius; if (read < 0) { bk0 = -read; read = 0; } else { if (read >= width) { break; } bk0 = 0; } for (i = bk0; i < blurKernelSize; i++) { if (read >= width) { break; } var c = argb[read + yi]; bm = blurMult[i]; ca += bm[(c & -16777216) >>> 24]; cr += bm[(c & 16711680) >> 16]; cg += bm[(c & 65280) >> 8]; cb += bm[c & 255]; sum += blurKernel[i]; read++; } ri = yi + x; a2[ri] = ca / sum; r2[ri] = cr / sum; g2[ri] = cg / sum; b2[ri] = cb / sum; } yi += width; } yi = 0; ym = -blurRadius; ymi = ym * width; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { cb = cg = cr = ca = sum = 0; if (ym < 0) { bk0 = ri = -ym; read = x; } else { if (ym >= height) { break; } bk0 = 0; ri = ym; read = x + ymi; } for (i = bk0; i < blurKernelSize; i++) { if (ri >= height) { break; } bm = blurMult[i]; ca += bm[a2[read]]; cr += bm[r2[read]]; cg += bm[g2[read]]; cb += bm[b2[read]]; sum += blurKernel[i]; ri++; read += width; } argb[x + yi] = ca / sum << 24 | cr / sum << 16 | cg / sum << 8 | cb / sum; } yi += width; ymi += width; ym++; } Filters._setPixels(pixels, argb); } Filters.blur = function (canvas, radius) { blurARGB(canvas, radius); }; return Filters; }({}); amdclean['p5Image'] = function (require, core, filters) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; var Filters = filters; p5.Image = function (width, height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); this.canvas.width = this.width; this.canvas.height = this.height; this.drawingContext = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); this.pixels = []; }; p5.Image.prototype._setProperty = function (prop, value) { this[prop] = value; }; p5.Image.prototype.loadPixels = function () {; }; p5.Image.prototype.updatePixels = function (x, y, w, h) {, x, y, w, h); }; p5.Image.prototype.get = function (x, y, w, h) { return, x, y, w, h); }; p5.Image.prototype.set = function (x, y, imgOrCol) {, x, y, imgOrCol); }; p5.Image.prototype.resize = function (width, height) { width = width || this.canvas.width; height = height || this.canvas.height; var tempCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); tempCanvas.width = width; tempCanvas.height = height; tempCanvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(this.canvas, 0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height, 0, 0, tempCanvas.width, tempCanvas.height); this.canvas.width = this.width = width; this.canvas.height = this.height = height; this.drawingContext.drawImage(tempCanvas, 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0, width, height); if (this.pixels.length > 0) { this.loadPixels(); } }; p5.Image.prototype.copy = function () { p5.prototype.copy.apply(this, arguments); }; p5.Image.prototype.mask = function (p5Image) { if (p5Image === undefined) { p5Image = this; } var currBlend = this.drawingContext.globalCompositeOperation; var scaleFactor = 1; if (p5Image instanceof p5.Graphics) { scaleFactor = p5Image._pInst._pixelDensity; } var copyArgs = [ p5Image, 0, 0, scaleFactor * p5Image.width, scaleFactor * p5Image.height, 0, 0, this.width, this.height ]; this.drawingContext.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out'; this.copy.apply(this, copyArgs); this.drawingContext.globalCompositeOperation = currBlend; }; p5.Image.prototype.filter = function (operation, value) { Filters.apply(this.canvas, Filters[operation.toLowerCase()], value); }; p5.Image.prototype.blend = function () { p5.prototype.blend.apply(this, arguments); }; = function (filename, extension) { var mimeType; if (!extension) { extension = 'png'; mimeType = 'image/png'; } else { switch (extension.toLowerCase()) { case 'png': mimeType = 'image/png'; break; case 'jpeg': mimeType = 'image/jpeg'; break; case 'jpg': mimeType = 'image/jpeg'; break; default: mimeType = 'image/png'; break; } } var downloadMime = 'image/octet-stream'; var imageData = this.canvas.toDataURL(mimeType); imageData = imageData.replace(mimeType, downloadMime); p5.prototype.downloadFile(imageData, filename, extension); }; return p5.Image; }({}, amdclean['core'], amdclean['filters']); amdclean['polargeometry'] = function (require) { return { degreesToRadians: function (x) { return 2 * Math.PI * x / 360; }, radiansToDegrees: function (x) { return 360 * x / (2 * Math.PI); } }; }({}); amdclean['p5Vector'] = function (require, core, polargeometry, constants) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; var polarGeometry = polargeometry; var constants = constants; p5.Vector = function () { var x, y, z; if (arguments[0] instanceof p5) { this.p5 = arguments[0]; x = arguments[1][0] || 0; y = arguments[1][1] || 0; z = arguments[1][2] || 0; } else { x = arguments[0] || 0; y = arguments[1] || 0; z = arguments[2] || 0; } this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; }; p5.Vector.prototype.set = function (x, y, z) { if (x instanceof p5.Vector) { this.x = x.x || 0; this.y = x.y || 0; this.z = x.z || 0; return this; } if (x instanceof Array) { this.x = x[0] || 0; this.y = x[1] || 0; this.z = x[2] || 0; return this; } this.x = x || 0; this.y = y || 0; this.z = z || 0; return this; }; p5.Vector.prototype.copy = function () { if (this.p5) { return new p5.Vector(this.p5, [ this.x, this.y, this.z ]); } else { return new p5.Vector(this.x, this.y, this.z); } }; p5.Vector.prototype.add = function (x, y, z) { if (x instanceof p5.Vector) { this.x += x.x || 0; this.y += x.y || 0; this.z += x.z || 0; return this; } if (x instanceof Array) { this.x += x[0] || 0; this.y += x[1] || 0; this.z += x[2] || 0; return this; } this.x += x || 0; this.y += y || 0; this.z += z || 0; return this; }; p5.Vector.prototype.sub = function (x, y, z) { if (x instanceof p5.Vector) { this.x -= x.x || 0; this.y -= x.y || 0; this.z -= x.z || 0; return this; } if (x instanceof Array) { this.x -= x[0] || 0; this.y -= x[1] || 0; this.z -= x[2] || 0; return this; } this.x -= x || 0; this.y -= y || 0; this.z -= z || 0; return this; }; p5.Vector.prototype.mult = function (n) { this.x *= n || 0; this.y *= n || 0; this.z *= n || 0; return this; }; p5.Vector.prototype.div = function (n) { this.x /= n; this.y /= n; this.z /= n; return this; }; p5.Vector.prototype.mag = function () { return Math.sqrt(this.magSq()); }; p5.Vector.prototype.magSq = function () { var x = this.x, y = this.y, z = this.z; return x * x + y * y + z * z; }; = function (x, y, z) { if (x instanceof p5.Vector) { return, x.y, x.z); } return this.x * (x || 0) + this.y * (y || 0) + this.z * (z || 0); }; p5.Vector.prototype.cross = function (v) { var x = this.y * v.z - this.z * v.y; var y = this.z * v.x - this.x * v.z; var z = this.x * v.y - this.y * v.x; if (this.p5) { return new p5.Vector(this.p5, [ x, y, z ]); } else { return new p5.Vector(x, y, z); } }; p5.Vector.prototype.dist = function (v) { var d = v.get().sub(this); return d.mag(); }; p5.Vector.prototype.normalize = function () { return this.div(this.mag()); }; p5.Vector.prototype.limit = function (l) { var mSq = this.magSq(); if (mSq > l * l) { this.div(Math.sqrt(mSq)); this.mult(l); } return this; }; p5.Vector.prototype.setMag = function (n) { return this.normalize().mult(n); }; p5.Vector.prototype.heading = function () { var h = Math.atan2(this.y, this.x); if (this.p5) { if (this.p5._angleMode === constants.RADIANS) { return h; } else { return polarGeometry.radiansToDegrees(h); } } else { return h; } }; p5.Vector.prototype.rotate = function (a) { if (this.p5) { if (this.p5._angleMode === constants.DEGREES) { a = polarGeometry.degreesToRadians(a); } } var newHeading = this.heading() + a; var mag = this.mag(); this.x = Math.cos(newHeading) * mag; this.y = Math.sin(newHeading) * mag; return this; }; p5.Vector.prototype.lerp = function (x, y, z, amt) { if (x instanceof p5.Vector) { return this.lerp(x.x, x.y, x.z, y); } this.x += (x - this.x) * amt || 0; this.y += (y - this.y) * amt || 0; this.z += (z - this.z) * amt || 0; return this; }; p5.Vector.prototype.array = function () { return [ this.x || 0, this.y || 0, this.z || 0 ]; }; p5.Vector.fromAngle = function (angle) { if (this.p5) { if (this.p5._angleMode === constants.DEGREES) { angle = polarGeometry.degreesToRadians(angle); } } if (this.p5) { return new p5.Vector(this.p5, [ Math.cos(angle), Math.sin(angle), 0 ]); } else { return new p5.Vector(Math.cos(angle), Math.sin(angle), 0); } }; p5.Vector.random2D = function () { var angle; if (this.p5) { if (this.p5._angleMode === constants.DEGREES) { angle = this.p5.random(360); } else { angle = this.p5.random(constants.TWO_PI); } } else { angle = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2; } return this.fromAngle(angle); }; p5.Vector.random3D = function () { var angle, vz; if (this.p5) { angle = this.p5.random(0, constants.TWO_PI); vz = this.p5.random(-1, 1); } else { angle = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2; vz = Math.random() * 2 - 1; } var vx = Math.sqrt(1 - vz * vz) * Math.cos(angle); var vy = Math.sqrt(1 - vz * vz) * Math.sin(angle); if (this.p5) { return new p5.Vector(this.p5, [ vx, vy, vz ]); } else { return new p5.Vector(vx, vy, vz); } }; p5.Vector.add = function (v1, v2, target) { if (!target) { target = v1.get(); } else { target.set(v1); } target.add(v2); return target; }; p5.Vector.sub = function (v1, v2, target) { if (!target) { target = v1.get(); } else { target.set(v1); } target.sub(v2); return target; }; p5.Vector.mult = function (v, n, target) { if (!target) { target = v.get(); } else { target.set(v); } target.mult(n); return target; }; p5.Vector.div = function (v, n, target) { if (!target) { target = v.get(); } else { target.set(v); } target.div(n); return target; }; = function (v1, v2) { return; }; p5.Vector.cross = function (v1, v2) { return v1.cross(v2); }; p5.Vector.dist = function (v1, v2) { return v1.dist(v2); }; p5.Vector.lerp = function (v1, v2, amt, target) { if (!target) { target = v1.get(); } else { target.set(v1); } target.lerp(v2, amt); return target; }; p5.Vector.angleBetween = function (v1, v2) { var angle = Math.acos( / (v1.mag() * v2.mag())); if (this.p5) { if (this.p5._angleMode === constants.DEGREES) { angle = polarGeometry.radiansToDegrees(angle); } } return angle; }; return p5.Vector; }({}, amdclean['core'], amdclean['polargeometry'], amdclean['constants']); amdclean['p5TableRow'] = function (require, core) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; p5.TableRow = function (str, separator) { var arr = []; var obj = {}; if (str) { separator = separator || ','; arr = str.split(separator); } for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var key = i; var val = arr[i]; obj[key] = val; } this.arr = arr; this.obj = obj; this.table = null; }; p5.TableRow.prototype.set = function (column, value) { if (typeof column === 'string') { var cPos = this.table.columns.indexOf(column); if (cPos >= 0) { this.obj[column] = value; this.arr[cPos] = value; } else { throw 'This table has no column named "' + column + '"'; } } else { if (column < this.table.columns.length) { this.arr[column] = value; var cTitle = this.table.columns[column]; this.obj[cTitle] = value; } else { throw 'Column #' + column + ' is out of the range of this table'; } } }; p5.TableRow.prototype.setNum = function (column, value) { var floatVal = parseFloat(value, 10); this.set(column, floatVal); }; p5.TableRow.prototype.setString = function (column, value) { var stringVal = value.toString(); this.set(column, stringVal); }; p5.TableRow.prototype.get = function (column) { if (typeof column === 'string') { return this.obj[column]; } else { return this.arr[column]; } }; p5.TableRow.prototype.getNum = function (column) { var ret; if (typeof column === 'string') { ret = parseFloat(this.obj[column], 10); } else { ret = parseFloat(this.arr[column], 10); } if (ret.toString() === 'NaN') { throw 'Error: ' + this.obj[column] + ' is NaN (Not a Number)'; } return ret; }; p5.TableRow.prototype.getString = function (column) { if (typeof column === 'string') { return this.obj[column].toString(); } else { return this.arr[column].toString(); } }; return p5.TableRow; }({}, amdclean['core']); amdclean['p5Table'] = function (require, core) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; p5.Table = function (rows) { this.columns = []; this.rows = []; }; p5.Table.prototype.addRow = function (row) { var r = row || new p5.TableRow(); if (typeof r.arr === 'undefined' || typeof r.obj === 'undefined') { throw 'invalid TableRow: ' + r; } r.table = this; this.rows.push(r); return r; }; p5.Table.prototype.removeRow = function (id) { this.rows[id].table = null; var chunk = this.rows.splice(id + 1, this.rows.length); this.rows.pop(); this.rows = this.rows.concat(chunk); }; p5.Table.prototype.getRow = function (r) { return this.rows[r]; }; p5.Table.prototype.getRows = function () { return this.rows; }; p5.Table.prototype.findRow = function (value, column) { if (typeof column === 'string') { for (var i = 0; i < this.rows.length; i++) { if (this.rows[i].obj[column] === value) { return this.rows[i]; } } } else { for (var j = 0; j < this.rows.length; j++) { if (this.rows[j].arr[column] === value) { return this.rows[j]; } } } return null; }; p5.Table.prototype.findRows = function (value, column) { var ret = []; if (typeof column === 'string') { for (var i = 0; i < this.rows.length; i++) { if (this.rows[i].obj[column] === value) { ret.push(this.rows[i]); } } } else { for (var j = 0; j < this.rows.length; j++) { if (this.rows[j].arr[column] === value) { ret.push(this.rows[j]); } } } return ret; }; p5.Table.prototype.matchRow = function (regexp, column) { if (typeof column === 'number') { for (var j = 0; j < this.rows.length; j++) { if (this.rows[j].arr[column].match(regexp)) { return this.rows[j]; } } } else { for (var i = 0; i < this.rows.length; i++) { if (this.rows[i].obj[column].match(regexp)) { return this.rows[i]; } } } return null; }; p5.Table.prototype.matchRows = function (regexp, column) { var ret = []; if (typeof column === 'number') { for (var j = 0; j < this.rows.length; j++) { if (this.rows[j].arr[column].match(regexp)) { ret.push(this.rows[j]); } } } else { for (var i = 0; i < this.rows.length; i++) { if (this.rows[i].obj[column].match(regexp)) { ret.push(this.rows[i]); } } } return ret; }; p5.Table.prototype.getColumn = function (value) { var ret = []; if (typeof value === 'string') { for (var i = 0; i < this.rows.length; i++) { ret.push(this.rows[i].obj[value]); } } else { for (var j = 0; j < this.rows.length; j++) { ret.push(this.rows[j].arr[value]); } } return ret; }; p5.Table.prototype.clearRows = function () { delete this.rows; this.rows = []; }; p5.Table.prototype.addColumn = function (title) { var t = title || null; this.columns.push(t); }; p5.Table.prototype.getColumnCount = function () { return this.columns.length; }; p5.Table.prototype.getRowCount = function () { return this.rows.length; }; p5.Table.prototype.removeTokens = function (chars, column) { var escape = function (s) { return s.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&'); }; var charArray = []; for (var i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { charArray.push(escape(chars.charAt(i))); } var regex = new RegExp(charArray.join('|'), 'g'); if (typeof column === 'undefined') { for (var c = 0; c < this.columns.length; c++) { for (var d = 0; d < this.rows.length; d++) { var s = this.rows[d].arr[c]; s = s.replace(regex, ''); this.rows[d].arr[c] = s; this.rows[d].obj[this.columns[c]] = s; } } } else if (typeof column === 'string') { for (var j = 0; j < this.rows.length; j++) { var val = this.rows[j].obj[column]; val = val.replace(regex, ''); this.rows[j].obj[column] = val; var pos = this.columns.indexOf(column); this.rows[j].arr[pos] = val; } } else { for (var k = 0; k < this.rows.length; k++) { var str = this.rows[k].arr[column]; str = str.replace(regex, ''); this.rows[k].arr[column] = str; this.rows[k].obj[this.columns[column]] = str; } } }; p5.Table.prototype.trim = function (column) { var regex = new RegExp(' ', 'g'); if (typeof column === 'undefined') { for (var c = 0; c < this.columns.length; c++) { for (var d = 0; d < this.rows.length; d++) { var s = this.rows[d].arr[c]; s = s.replace(regex, ''); this.rows[d].arr[c] = s; this.rows[d].obj[this.columns[c]] = s; } } } else if (typeof column === 'string') { for (var j = 0; j < this.rows.length; j++) { var val = this.rows[j].obj[column]; val = val.replace(regex, ''); this.rows[j].obj[column] = val; var pos = this.columns.indexOf(column); this.rows[j].arr[pos] = val; } } else { for (var k = 0; k < this.rows.length; k++) { var str = this.rows[k].arr[column]; str = str.replace(regex, ''); this.rows[k].arr[column] = str; this.rows[k].obj[this.columns[column]] = str; } } }; p5.Table.prototype.removeColumn = function (c) { var cString; var cNumber; if (typeof c === 'string') { cString = c; cNumber = this.columns.indexOf(c); console.log('string'); } else { cNumber = c; cString = this.columns[c]; } var chunk = this.columns.splice(cNumber + 1, this.columns.length); this.columns.pop(); this.columns = this.columns.concat(chunk); for (var i = 0; i < this.rows.length; i++) { var tempR = this.rows[i].arr; var chip = tempR.splice(cNumber + 1, tempR.length); tempR.pop(); this.rows[i].arr = tempR.concat(chip); delete this.rows[i].obj[cString]; } }; return p5.Table; }({}, amdclean['core']); amdclean['colorcreating_reading'] = function (require, core, p5Color) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; p5.prototype.alpha = function (c) { if (c instanceof p5.Color) { return c.rgba[3]; } else if (c instanceof Array) { return c[3]; } else { throw new Error('Needs p5.Color or pixel array as argument.'); } }; = function (c) { if (c instanceof Array) { return c[2]; } else if (c instanceof p5.Color) { return c.rgba[2]; } else { throw new Error('Needs p5.Color or pixel array as argument.'); } }; p5.prototype.brightness = function (c) { if (!c instanceof p5.Color) { throw new Error('Needs p5.Color as argument.'); } if (!c.hsba) { c.hsba = p5.Color.getRGB(c.rgba); c.hsba = c.hsba.concat(c.rgba[3]); } return c.hsba[2]; }; p5.prototype.color = function () { if (arguments[0] instanceof Array) { return new p5.Color(this, arguments[0], true); } else { return new p5.Color(this, arguments); } }; = function (c) { if (c instanceof Array) { return c[1]; } else if (c instanceof p5.Color) { return c.rgba[1]; } else { throw new Error('Needs p5.Color or pixel array as argument.'); } }; p5.prototype.hue = function (c) { if (!c instanceof p5.Color) { throw new Error('Needs p5.Color as argument.'); } if (!c.hsba) { c.hsba = p5.Color.getRGB(c.rgba); } return c.hsba[0]; }; p5.prototype.lerpColor = function (c1, c2, amt) { if (c1 instanceof Array) { var c = []; for (var i = 0; i < c1.length; i++) { c.push(p5.prototype.lerp(c1[i], c2[i], amt)); } return c; } else if (c1 instanceof p5.Color) { var pc = []; for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) { pc.push(p5.prototype.lerp(c1.rgba[j], c2.rgba[j], amt)); } return new p5.Color(this, pc); } else { return p5.prototype.lerp(c1, c2, amt); } }; = function (c) { if (c instanceof Array) { return c[0]; } else if (c instanceof p5.Color) { return c.rgba[0]; } else { throw new Error('Needs p5.Color or pixel array as argument.'); } }; p5.prototype.saturation = function (c) { if (!c instanceof p5.Color) { throw new Error('Needs p5.Color as argument.'); } if (!c.hsba) { c.hsba = p5.Color.getRGB(c.rgba); c.hsba = c.hsba.concat(c.rgba[3]); } return c.hsba[1]; }; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core'], amdclean['p5Color']); amdclean['colorsetting'] = function (require, core, constants, p5Color) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; var constants = constants; p5.prototype._doStroke = true; p5.prototype._doFill = true; p5.prototype._colorMode = constants.RGB; p5.prototype._maxRGB = [ 255, 255, 255, 255 ]; p5.prototype._maxHSB = [ 255, 255, 255, 255 ]; p5.prototype.background = function () {; this.drawingContext.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); this.drawingContext.scale(this._pixelDensity, this._pixelDensity); if (arguments[0] instanceof p5.Image) { this.image(arguments[0], 0, 0, this.width, this.height); } else { var curFill = this.drawingContext.fillStyle; var newFill = p5.Color._getCanvasColor.apply(this, arguments); this.drawingContext.fillStyle = newFill; this.drawingContext.fillRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height); this.drawingContext.fillStyle = curFill; } this.drawingContext.restore(); }; p5.prototype.clear = function () { this.drawingContext.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height); }; p5.prototype.colorMode = function () { if (arguments[0] === constants.RGB || arguments[0] === constants.HSB) { this._colorMode = arguments[0]; var isRGB = this._colorMode === constants.RGB; var maxArr = isRGB ? this._maxRGB : this._maxHSB; if (arguments.length === 2) { maxArr[0] = arguments[1]; maxArr[1] = arguments[1]; maxArr[2] = arguments[1]; } else if (arguments.length > 2) { maxArr[0] = arguments[1]; maxArr[1] = arguments[2]; maxArr[2] = arguments[3]; } if (arguments.length === 5) { maxArr[3] = arguments[4]; } } }; p5.prototype.fill = function () { this._setProperty('_doFill', true); var ctx = this.drawingContext; ctx.fillStyle = p5.Color._getCanvasColor.apply(this, arguments); }; p5.prototype.noFill = function () { this._setProperty('_doFill', false); }; p5.prototype.noStroke = function () { this._setProperty('_doStroke', false); }; p5.prototype.stroke = function () { this._setProperty('_doStroke', true); var ctx = this.drawingContext; ctx.strokeStyle = p5.Color._getCanvasColor.apply(this, arguments); }; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core'], amdclean['constants'], amdclean['p5Color']); amdclean['dataconversion'] = function (require, core) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; p5.prototype.float = function (str) { return parseFloat(str); }; = function (n, radix) { if (typeof n === 'string') { radix = radix || 10; return parseInt(n, radix); } else if (typeof n === 'number') { return n | 0; } else if (typeof n === 'boolean') { return n ? 1 : 0; } else if (n instanceof Array) { return; } }; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core']); amdclean['dataarray_functions'] = function (require, core) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; p5.prototype.append = function (array, value) { array.push(value); return array; }; p5.prototype.arrayCopy = function (src, srcPosition, dst, dstPosition, length) { var start, end; if (typeof length !== 'undefined') { end = Math.min(length, src.length); start = dstPosition; src = src.slice(srcPosition, end + srcPosition); } else { if (typeof dst !== 'undefined') { end = dst; end = Math.min(end, src.length); } else { end = src.length; } start = 0; dst = srcPosition; src = src.slice(0, end); } Array.prototype.splice.apply(dst, [ start, end ].concat(src)); }; p5.prototype.concat = function (list0, list1) { return list0.concat(list1); }; p5.prototype.reverse = function (list) { return list.reverse(); }; p5.prototype.shorten = function (list) { list.pop(); return list; }; p5.prototype.sort = function (list, count) { var arr = count ? list.slice(0, Math.min(count, list.length)) : list; var rest = count ? list.slice(Math.min(count, list.length)) : []; if (typeof arr[0] === 'string') { arr = arr.sort(); } else { arr = arr.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; }); } return arr.concat(rest); }; p5.prototype.splice = function (list, value, index) { Array.prototype.splice.apply(list, [ index, 0 ].concat(value)); return list; }; p5.prototype.subset = function (list, start, count) { if (typeof count !== 'undefined') { return list.slice(start, start + count); } else { return list.slice(start, list.length); } }; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core']); amdclean['datastring_functions'] = function (require, core) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; p5.prototype.join = function (list, separator) { return list.join(separator); }; p5.prototype.match = function (str, reg) { return str.match(reg); }; p5.prototype.matchAll = function (str, reg) { var re = new RegExp(reg, 'g'); var match = re.exec(str); var matches = []; while (match !== null) { matches.push(match); match = re.exec(str); } return matches; }; = function () { if (arguments[0] instanceof Array) { var a = arguments[1]; var b = arguments[2]; return arguments[0].map(function (x) { return doNf(x, a, b); }); } else { return doNf.apply(this, arguments); } }; function doNf() { var num = arguments[0]; var neg = num < 0; var n = neg ? num.toString().substring(1) : num.toString(); var decimalInd = n.indexOf('.'); var intPart = decimalInd !== -1 ? n.substring(0, decimalInd) : n; var decPart = decimalInd !== -1 ? n.substring(decimalInd + 1) : ''; var str = neg ? '-' : ''; if (arguments.length === 3) { for (var i = 0; i < arguments[1] - intPart.length; i++) { str += '0'; } str += intPart; str += '.'; str += decPart; for (var j = 0; j < arguments[2] - decPart.length; j++) { str += '0'; } return str; } else { for (var k = 0; k < Math.max(arguments[1] - intPart.length, 0); k++) { str += '0'; } str += n; return str; } } p5.prototype.nfc = function () { if (arguments[0] instanceof Array) { var a = arguments[1]; return arguments[0].map(function (x) { return doNfc(x, a); }); } else { return doNfc.apply(this, arguments); } }; function doNfc() { var num = arguments[0].toString(); var dec = num.indexOf('.'); var rem = dec !== -1 ? num.substring(dec) : ''; var n = dec !== -1 ? num.substring(0, dec) : num; n = n.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ','); if (arguments[1] === 0) { rem = ''; } if (arguments.length > 1) { rem = rem.substring(0, arguments[1] + 1); } return n + rem; } p5.prototype.nfp = function () { var nfRes =; if (nfRes instanceof Array) { return; } else { return addNfp(nfRes); } }; function addNfp() { return parseFloat(arguments[0]) > 0 ? '+' + arguments[0].toString() : arguments[0].toString(); } p5.prototype.nfs = function () { var nfRes =; if (nfRes instanceof Array) { return; } else { return addNfs(nfRes); } }; function addNfs() { return parseFloat(arguments[0]) > 0 ? ' ' + arguments[0].toString() : arguments[0].toString(); } p5.prototype.split = function (str, delim) { return str.split(delim); }; p5.prototype.splitTokens = function () { var d = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[1] : /\s/g; return arguments[0].split(d).filter(function (n) { return n; }); }; p5.prototype.trim = function (str) { if (str instanceof Array) { return; } else { return str.trim(); } }; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core']); amdclean['environment'] = function (require, core, constants) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; var C = constants; var standardCursors = [ C.ARROW, C.CROSS, C.HAND, C.MOVE, C.TEXT, C.WAIT ]; p5.prototype._frameRate = 0; p5.prototype._lastFrameTime = new Date().getTime(); p5.prototype._targetFrameRate = 60; p5.prototype.frameCount = 0; p5.prototype.focused = true; p5.prototype.cursor = function (type, x, y) { var cursor = 'auto'; var canvas = this._curElement.elt; if (standardCursors.indexOf(type) > -1) { cursor = type; } else if (typeof type === 'string') { var coords = ''; if (x && y && (typeof x === 'number' && typeof y === 'number')) { coords = x + ' ' + y; } if (type.substring(0, 6) !== 'http://') { cursor = 'url(' + type + ') ' + coords + ', auto'; } else if (/\.(cur|jpg|jpeg|gif|png|CUR|JPG|JPEG|GIF|PNG)$/.test(type)) { cursor = 'url(' + type + ') ' + coords + ', auto'; } else { cursor = type; } } = cursor; }; p5.prototype.frameRate = function (fps) { if (typeof fps === 'undefined') { return this._frameRate; } else { this._setProperty('_targetFrameRate', fps); this._runFrames(); return this; } }; p5.prototype.getFrameRate = function () { return this.frameRate(); }; p5.prototype.setFrameRate = function (fps) { return this.frameRate(fps); }; p5.prototype.noCursor = function () { = 'none'; }; p5.prototype.displayWidth = screen.width; p5.prototype.displayHeight = screen.height; p5.prototype.windowWidth = window.innerWidth; p5.prototype.windowHeight = window.innerHeight; p5.prototype.onresize = function (e) { this._setProperty('windowWidth', window.innerWidth); this._setProperty('windowHeight', window.innerHeight); var context = this._isGlobal ? window : this; var executeDefault; if (typeof context.windowResized === 'function') { executeDefault = context.windowResized(e); if (executeDefault !== undefined && !executeDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } } }; p5.prototype.width = 0; p5.prototype.height = 0; p5.prototype.fullscreen = function (val) { if (typeof val === 'undefined') { return document.fullscreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement; } else { if (val) { launchFullscreen(document.documentElement); } else { exitFullscreen(); } } }; p5.prototype.devicePixelScaling = function (val) { if (val) { this._pixelDensity = window.devicePixelRatio || 1; } else { this._pixelDensity = 1; } this.resizeCanvas(this.width, this.height, true); }; function launchFullscreen(element) { var enabled = document.fullscreenEnabled || document.webkitFullscreenEnabled || document.mozFullScreenEnabled || document.msFullscreenEnabled; if (!enabled) { throw new Error('Fullscreen not enabled in this browser.'); } if (element.requestFullscreen) { element.requestFullscreen(); } else if (element.mozRequestFullScreen) { element.mozRequestFullScreen(); } else if (element.webkitRequestFullscreen) { element.webkitRequestFullscreen(); } else if (element.msRequestFullscreen) { element.msRequestFullscreen(); } } function exitFullscreen() { if (document.exitFullscreen) { document.exitFullscreen(); } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) { document.mozCancelFullScreen(); } else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) { document.webkitExitFullscreen(); } } p5.prototype.getURL = function () { return location.href; }; p5.prototype.getURLPath = function () { return location.pathname.split('/').filter(function (v) { return v !== ''; }); }; p5.prototype.getURLParams = function () { var re = /[?&]([^&=]+)(?:[&=])([^&=]+)/gim; var m; var v = {}; while ((m = re.exec( != null) { if (m.index === re.lastIndex) { re.lastIndex++; } v[m[1]] = m[2]; } return v; }; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core'], amdclean['constants']); amdclean['imageimage'] = function (require, core, constants) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; var constants = constants; p5.prototype._imageMode = constants.CORNER; p5.prototype._tint = null; p5.prototype.createImage = function (width, height) { return new p5.Image(width, height); }; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core'], amdclean['constants']); amdclean['canvas'] = function (require, constants) { var constants = constants; return { modeAdjust: function (a, b, c, d, mode) { if (mode === constants.CORNER) { return { x: a, y: b, w: c, h: d }; } else if (mode === constants.CORNERS) { return { x: a, y: b, w: c - a, h: d - b }; } else if (mode === constants.RADIUS) { return { x: a - c, y: b - d, w: 2 * c, h: 2 * d }; } else if (mode === constants.CENTER) { return { x: a - c * 0.5, y: b - d * 0.5, w: c, h: d }; } }, arcModeAdjust: function (a, b, c, d, mode) { if (mode === constants.CORNER) { return { x: a + c * 0.5, y: b + d * 0.5, w: c, h: d }; } else if (mode === constants.CORNERS) { return { x: a, y: b, w: c + a, h: d + b }; } else if (mode === constants.RADIUS) { return { x: a, y: b, w: 2 * c, h: 2 * d }; } else if (mode === constants.CENTER) { return { x: a, y: b, w: c, h: d }; } } }; }({}, amdclean['constants']); amdclean['imageloading_displaying'] = function (require, core, filters, canvas, constants) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; var Filters = filters; var canvas = canvas; var constants = constants; p5.prototype.loadImage = function (path, successCallback, failureCallback) { var img = new Image(); var pImg = new p5.Image(1, 1, this); img.onload = function () { pImg.width = pImg.canvas.width = img.width; pImg.height = pImg.canvas.height = img.height; pImg.canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(img, 0, 0); if (typeof successCallback === 'function') { successCallback(pImg); } }; img.onerror = function (e) { if (typeof failureCallback === 'function') { failureCallback(e); } }; if (path.indexOf('data:image/') !== 0) { img.crossOrigin = 'Anonymous'; } img.src = path; return pImg; }; p5.prototype.image = function (img, x, y, width, height) { var frame = img.canvas || img.elt; x = x || 0; y = y || 0; width = width || img.width; height = height || img.height; var vals = canvas.modeAdjust(x, y, width, height, this._imageMode); if (this._tint && img.canvas) { this.drawingContext.drawImage(this._getTintedImageCanvas(img), vals.x, vals.y, vals.w, vals.h); } else { this.drawingContext.drawImage(frame, vals.x, vals.y, vals.w, vals.h); } }; p5.prototype.tint = function () { var c = p5.Color._getFormattedColor.apply(this, arguments); c =, c); this._tint = c; }; p5.prototype.noTint = function () { this._tint = null; }; p5.prototype._getTintedImageCanvas = function (img) { if (!img.canvas) { return img; } var pixels = Filters._toPixels(img.canvas); var tmpCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); tmpCanvas.width = img.canvas.width; tmpCanvas.height = img.canvas.height; var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d'); var id = tmpCtx.createImageData(img.canvas.width, img.canvas.height); var newPixels =; for (var i = 0; i < pixels.length; i += 4) { var r = pixels[i]; var g = pixels[i + 1]; var b = pixels[i + 2]; var a = pixels[i + 3]; newPixels[i] = r * this._tint[0] / 255; newPixels[i + 1] = g * this._tint[1] / 255; newPixels[i + 2] = b * this._tint[2] / 255; newPixels[i + 3] = a * this._tint[3] / 255; } tmpCtx.putImageData(id, 0, 0); return tmpCanvas; }; p5.prototype.imageMode = function (m) { if (m === constants.CORNER || m === constants.CORNERS || m === constants.CENTER) { this._imageMode = m; } }; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core'], amdclean['filters'], amdclean['canvas'], amdclean['constants']); amdclean['imagepixels'] = function (require, core, filters, p5Color) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; var Filters = filters; p5.prototype.pixels = []; p5.prototype.blend = function () { var currBlend = this.drawingContext.globalCompositeOperation; var blendMode = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; var copyArgs =, 0, arguments.length - 1); this.drawingContext.globalCompositeOperation = blendMode; this.copy.apply(this, copyArgs); this.drawingContext.globalCompositeOperation = currBlend; }; p5.prototype.copy = function () { var srcImage, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh; if (arguments.length === 9) { srcImage = arguments[0]; sx = arguments[1]; sy = arguments[2]; sw = arguments[3]; sh = arguments[4]; dx = arguments[5]; dy = arguments[6]; dw = arguments[7]; dh = arguments[8]; } else if (arguments.length === 8) { sx = arguments[0]; sy = arguments[1]; sw = arguments[2]; sh = arguments[3]; dx = arguments[4]; dy = arguments[5]; dw = arguments[6]; dh = arguments[7]; srcImage = this; } else { throw new Error('Signature not supported'); } var s = srcImage.canvas.width / srcImage.width; this.drawingContext.drawImage(srcImage.canvas, s * sx, s * sy, s * sw, s * sh, dx, dy, dw, dh); }; p5.prototype.filter = function (operation, value) { Filters.apply(this.canvas, Filters[operation.toLowerCase()], value); }; p5.prototype.get = function (x, y, w, h) { if (x === undefined && y === undefined && w === undefined && h === undefined) { x = 0; y = 0; w = this.width; h = this.height; } else if (w === undefined && h === undefined) { w = 1; h = 1; } if (x > this.width || y > this.height || x < 0 || y < 0) { return [ 0, 0, 0, 255 ]; } var imageData = this.drawingContext.getImageData(x, y, w, h); var data =; if (w === 1 && h === 1) { var pixels = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i += 4) { pixels.push(data[i], data[i + 1], data[i + 2], data[i + 3]); } return pixels; } else { w = Math.min(w, this.width); h = Math.min(h, this.height); var region = new p5.Image(w, h); region.canvas.getContext('2d').putImageData(imageData, 0, 0, 0, 0, w, h); return region; } }; p5.prototype.loadPixels = function () { var width = this.width; var height = this.height; var imageData = this.drawingContext.getImageData(0, 0, width, height); this._setProperty('imageData', imageData); this._setProperty('pixels',; }; p5.prototype.set = function (x, y, imgOrCol) { if (imgOrCol instanceof p5.Image) {; this.drawingContext.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); this.drawingContext.scale(this._pixelDensity, this._pixelDensity); this.drawingContext.drawImage(imgOrCol.canvas, x, y);; this.drawingContext.restore(); } else { var idx = 4 * (y * this.width + x); if (!this.imageData) {; } if (typeof imgOrCol === 'number') { if (idx < this.pixels.length) { this.pixels[idx] = imgOrCol; this.pixels[idx + 1] = imgOrCol; this.pixels[idx + 2] = imgOrCol; this.pixels[idx + 3] = 255; } } else if (imgOrCol instanceof Array) { if (imgOrCol.length < 4) { throw new Error('pixel array must be of the form [R, G, B, A]'); } if (idx < this.pixels.length) { this.pixels[idx] = imgOrCol[0]; this.pixels[idx + 1] = imgOrCol[1]; this.pixels[idx + 2] = imgOrCol[2]; this.pixels[idx + 3] = imgOrCol[3]; } } else if (imgOrCol instanceof p5.Color) { if (idx < this.pixels.length) { this.pixels[idx] = imgOrCol.rgba[0]; this.pixels[idx + 1] = imgOrCol.rgba[1]; this.pixels[idx + 2] = imgOrCol.rgba[2]; this.pixels[idx + 3] = imgOrCol.rgba[3]; } } } }; p5.prototype.updatePixels = function (x, y, w, h) { if (x === undefined && y === undefined && w === undefined && h === undefined) { x = 0; y = 0; w = this.width; h = this.height; } this.drawingContext.putImageData(this.imageData, x, y, 0, 0, w, h); }; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core'], amdclean['filters'], amdclean['p5Color']); !function (name, context, definition) { if (typeof module != 'undefined' && module.exports) module.exports = definition(); else if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd) define('reqwest', definition); else context[name] = definition(); }('reqwest', amdclean, function () { var win = window, doc = document, twoHundo = /^(20\d|1223)$/, byTag = 'getElementsByTagName', readyState = 'readyState', contentType = 'Content-Type', requestedWith = 'X-Requested-With', head = doc[byTag]('head')[0], uniqid = 0, callbackPrefix = 'reqwest_' + +new Date(), lastValue, xmlHttpRequest = 'XMLHttpRequest', xDomainRequest = 'XDomainRequest', noop = function () { }, isArray = typeof Array.isArray == 'function' ? Array.isArray : function (a) { return a instanceof Array; }, defaultHeaders = { 'contentType': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'requestedWith': xmlHttpRequest, 'accept': { '*': 'text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*', 'xml': 'application/xml, text/xml', 'html': 'text/html', 'text': 'text/plain', 'json': 'application/json, text/javascript', 'js': 'application/javascript, text/javascript' } }, xhr = function (o) { if (o['crossOrigin'] === true) { var xhr = win[xmlHttpRequest] ? new XMLHttpRequest() : null; if (xhr && 'withCredentials' in xhr) { return xhr; } else if (win[xDomainRequest]) { return new XDomainRequest(); } else { throw new Error('Browser does not support cross-origin requests'); } } else if (win[xmlHttpRequest]) { return new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } }, globalSetupOptions = { dataFilter: function (data) { return data; } }; function handleReadyState(r, success, error) { return function () { if (r._aborted) return error(r.request); if (r.request && r.request[readyState] == 4) { r.request.onreadystatechange = noop; if (twoHundo.test(r.request.status)) success(r.request); else error(r.request); } }; } function setHeaders(http, o) { var headers = o['headers'] || {}, h; headers['Accept'] = headers['Accept'] || defaultHeaders['accept'][o['type']] || defaultHeaders['accept']['*']; if (!o['crossOrigin'] && !headers[requestedWith]) headers[requestedWith] = defaultHeaders['requestedWith']; if (!headers[contentType]) headers[contentType] = o['contentType'] || defaultHeaders['contentType']; for (h in headers) headers.hasOwnProperty(h) && 'setRequestHeader' in http && http.setRequestHeader(h, headers[h]); } function setCredentials(http, o) { if (typeof o['withCredentials'] !== 'undefined' && typeof http.withCredentials !== 'undefined') { http.withCredentials = !!o['withCredentials']; } } function generalCallback(data) { lastValue = data; } function urlappend(url, s) { return url + (/\?/.test(url) ? '&' : '?') + s; } function handleJsonp(o, fn, err, url) { var reqId = uniqid++, cbkey = o['jsonpCallback'] || 'callback', cbval = o['jsonpCallbackName'] || reqwest.getcallbackPrefix(reqId), cbreg = new RegExp('((^|\\?|&)' + cbkey + ')=([^&]+)'), match = url.match(cbreg), script = doc.createElement('script'), loaded = 0, isIE10 = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 10.0') !== -1; if (match) { if (match[3] === '?') { url = url.replace(cbreg, '$1=' + cbval); } else { cbval = match[3]; } } else { url = urlappend(url, cbkey + '=' + cbval); } win[cbval] = generalCallback; script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = url; script.async = true; if (typeof script.onreadystatechange !== 'undefined' && !isIE10) { script.event = 'onclick'; script.htmlFor = = '_reqwest_' + reqId; } script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function () { if (script[readyState] && script[readyState] !== 'complete' && script[readyState] !== 'loaded' || loaded) { return false; } script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null; script.onclick && script.onclick(); fn(lastValue); lastValue = undefined; head.removeChild(script); loaded = 1; }; head.appendChild(script); return { abort: function () { script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null; err({}, 'Request is aborted: timeout', {}); lastValue = undefined; head.removeChild(script); loaded = 1; } }; } function getRequest(fn, err) { var o = this.o, method = (o['method'] || 'GET').toUpperCase(), url = typeof o === 'string' ? o : o['url'], data = o['processData'] !== false && o['data'] && typeof o['data'] !== 'string' ? reqwest.toQueryString(o['data']) : o['data'] || null, http, sendWait = false; if ((o['type'] == 'jsonp' || method == 'GET') && data) { url = urlappend(url, data); data = null; } if (o['type'] == 'jsonp') return handleJsonp(o, fn, err, url); http = o.xhr && o.xhr(o) || xhr(o);, url, o['async'] === false ? false : true); setHeaders(http, o); setCredentials(http, o); if (win[xDomainRequest] && http instanceof win[xDomainRequest]) { http.onload = fn; http.onerror = err; http.onprogress = function () { }; sendWait = true; } else { http.onreadystatechange = handleReadyState(this, fn, err); } o['before'] && o['before'](http); if (sendWait) { setTimeout(function () { http.send(data); }, 200); } else { http.send(data); } return http; } function Reqwest(o, fn) { this.o = o; this.fn = fn; init.apply(this, arguments); } function setType(url) { var m = url.match(/\.(json|jsonp|html|xml)(\?|$)/); return m ? m[1] : 'js'; } function init(o, fn) { this.url = typeof o == 'string' ? o : o['url']; this.timeout = null; this._fulfilled = false; this._successHandler = function () { }; this._fulfillmentHandlers = []; this._errorHandlers = []; this._completeHandlers = []; this._erred = false; this._responseArgs = {}; var self = this, type = o['type'] || setType(this.url); fn = fn || function () { }; if (o['timeout']) { this.timeout = setTimeout(function () { self.abort(); }, o['timeout']); } if (o['success']) { this._successHandler = function () { o['success'].apply(o, arguments); }; } if (o['error']) { this._errorHandlers.push(function () { o['error'].apply(o, arguments); }); } if (o['complete']) { this._completeHandlers.push(function () { o['complete'].apply(o, arguments); }); } function complete(resp) { o['timeout'] && clearTimeout(self.timeout); self.timeout = null; while (self._completeHandlers.length > 0) { self._completeHandlers.shift()(resp); } } function success(resp) { resp = type !== 'jsonp' ? self.request : resp; var filteredResponse = globalSetupOptions.dataFilter(resp.responseText, type), r = filteredResponse; try { resp.responseText = r; } catch (e) { } if (r) { switch (type) { case 'json': try { resp = win.JSON ? win.JSON.parse(r) : eval('(' + r + ')'); } catch (err) { return error(resp, 'Could not parse JSON in response', err); } break; case 'js': resp = eval(r); break; case 'html': resp = r; break; case 'xml': resp = resp.responseXML && resp.responseXML.parseError && resp.responseXML.parseError.errorCode && resp.responseXML.parseError.reason ? null : resp.responseXML; break; } } self._responseArgs.resp = resp; self._fulfilled = true; fn(resp); self._successHandler(resp); while (self._fulfillmentHandlers.length > 0) { resp = self._fulfillmentHandlers.shift()(resp); } complete(resp); } function error(resp, msg, t) { resp = self.request; self._responseArgs.resp = resp; self._responseArgs.msg = msg; self._responseArgs.t = t; self._erred = true; while (self._errorHandlers.length > 0) { self._errorHandlers.shift()(resp, msg, t); } complete(resp); } this.request =, success, error); } Reqwest.prototype = { abort: function () { this._aborted = true; this.request.abort(); }, retry: function () {, this.o, this.fn); }, then: function (success, fail) { success = success || function () { }; fail = fail || function () { }; if (this._fulfilled) { this._responseArgs.resp = success(this._responseArgs.resp); } else if (this._erred) { fail(this._responseArgs.resp, this._responseArgs.msg, this._responseArgs.t); } else { this._fulfillmentHandlers.push(success); this._errorHandlers.push(fail); } return this; }, always: function (fn) { if (this._fulfilled || this._erred) { fn(this._responseArgs.resp); } else { this._completeHandlers.push(fn); } return this; }, fail: function (fn) { if (this._erred) { fn(this._responseArgs.resp, this._responseArgs.msg, this._responseArgs.t); } else { this._errorHandlers.push(fn); } return this; } }; function reqwest(o, fn) { return new Reqwest(o, fn); } function normalize(s) { return s ? s.replace(/\r?\n/g, '\r\n') : ''; } function serial(el, cb) { var n =, t = el.tagName.toLowerCase(), optCb = function (o) { if (o && !o['disabled']) cb(n, normalize(o['attributes']['value'] && o['attributes']['value']['specified'] ? o['value'] : o['text'])); }, ch, ra, val, i; if (el.disabled || !n) return; switch (t) { case 'input': if (!/reset|button|image|file/i.test(el.type)) { ch = /checkbox/i.test(el.type); ra = /radio/i.test(el.type); val = el.value; (!(ch || ra) || el.checked) && cb(n, normalize(ch && val === '' ? 'on' : val)); } break; case 'textarea': cb(n, normalize(el.value)); break; case 'select': if (el.type.toLowerCase() === 'select-one') { optCb(el.selectedIndex >= 0 ? el.options[el.selectedIndex] : null); } else { for (i = 0; el.length && i < el.length; i++) { el.options[i].selected && optCb(el.options[i]); } } break; } } function eachFormElement() { var cb = this, e, i, serializeSubtags = function (e, tags) { var i, j, fa; for (i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { fa = e[byTag](tags[i]); for (j = 0; j < fa.length; j++) serial(fa[j], cb); } }; for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { e = arguments[i]; if (/input|select|textarea/i.test(e.tagName)) serial(e, cb); serializeSubtags(e, [ 'input', 'select', 'textarea' ]); } } function serializeQueryString() { return reqwest.toQueryString(reqwest.serializeArray.apply(null, arguments)); } function serializeHash() { var hash = {}; eachFormElement.apply(function (name, value) { if (name in hash) { hash[name] && !isArray(hash[name]) && (hash[name] = [hash[name]]); hash[name].push(value); } else hash[name] = value; }, arguments); return hash; } reqwest.serializeArray = function () { var arr = []; eachFormElement.apply(function (name, value) { arr.push({ name: name, value: value }); }, arguments); return arr; }; reqwest.serialize = function () { if (arguments.length === 0) return ''; var opt, fn, args =, 0); opt = args.pop(); opt && opt.nodeType && args.push(opt) && (opt = null); opt && (opt = opt.type); if (opt == 'map') fn = serializeHash; else if (opt == 'array') fn = reqwest.serializeArray; else fn = serializeQueryString; return fn.apply(null, args); }; reqwest.toQueryString = function (o, trad) { var prefix, i, traditional = trad || false, s = [], enc = encodeURIComponent, add = function (key, value) { value = 'function' === typeof value ? value() : value == null ? '' : value; s[s.length] = enc(key) + '=' + enc(value); }; if (isArray(o)) { for (i = 0; o && i < o.length; i++) add(o[i]['name'], o[i]['value']); } else { for (prefix in o) { if (o.hasOwnProperty(prefix)) buildParams(prefix, o[prefix], traditional, add); } } return s.join('&').replace(/%20/g, '+'); }; function buildParams(prefix, obj, traditional, add) { var name, i, v, rbracket = /\[\]$/; if (isArray(obj)) { for (i = 0; obj && i < obj.length; i++) { v = obj[i]; if (traditional || rbracket.test(prefix)) { add(prefix, v); } else { buildParams(prefix + '[' + (typeof v === 'object' ? i : '') + ']', v, traditional, add); } } } else if (obj && obj.toString() === '[object Object]') { for (name in obj) { buildParams(prefix + '[' + name + ']', obj[name], traditional, add); } } else { add(prefix, obj); } } reqwest.getcallbackPrefix = function () { return callbackPrefix; }; reqwest.compat = function (o, fn) { if (o) { o['type'] && (o['method'] = o['type']) && delete o['type']; o['dataType'] && (o['type'] = o['dataType']); o['jsonpCallback'] && (o['jsonpCallbackName'] = o['jsonpCallback']) && delete o['jsonpCallback']; o['jsonp'] && (o['jsonpCallback'] = o['jsonp']); } return new Reqwest(o, fn); }; reqwest.ajaxSetup = function (options) { options = options || {}; for (var k in options) { globalSetupOptions[k] = options[k]; } }; return reqwest; }); amdclean['inputfiles'] = function (require, core, reqwest) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; var reqwest = reqwest; p5.prototype.createInput = function () { throw 'not yet implemented'; }; p5.prototype.createReader = function () { throw 'not yet implemented'; }; p5.prototype.loadBytes = function () { throw 'not yet implemented'; }; p5.prototype.loadJSON = function () { var path = arguments[0]; var callback = arguments[1]; var ret = []; var t = path.indexOf('http') === -1 ? 'json' : 'jsonp'; if (typeof arguments[2] === 'string') { if (arguments[2] === 'jsonp' || arguments[2] === 'json') { t = arguments[2]; } } reqwest({ url: path, type: t, crossOrigin: true }).then(function (resp) { for (var k in resp) { ret[k] = resp[k]; } if (typeof callback !== 'undefined') { callback(resp); } }); return ret; }; p5.prototype.loadStrings = function (path, callback) { var ret = []; var req = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', path, true); req.onreadystatechange = function () { if (req.readyState === 4 && (req.status === 200 || req.status === 0)) { var arr = req.responseText.match(/[^\r\n]+/g); for (var k in arr) { ret[k] = arr[k]; } if (typeof callback !== 'undefined') { callback(ret); } } }; req.send(null); return ret; }; p5.prototype.loadTable = function (path) { var callback = null; var options = []; var header = false; var sep = ','; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (typeof arguments[i] === 'function') { callback = arguments[i]; } else if (typeof arguments[i] === 'string') { options.push(arguments[i]); if (arguments[i] === 'header') { header = true; } if (arguments[i] === 'csv') { sep = ','; } else if (arguments[i] === 'tsv') { sep = '\t'; } } } var ret = []; var t = new p5.Table(); var req = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', path, true); req.onreadystatechange = function () { if (req.readyState === 4 && (req.status === 200 || req.status === 0)) { var arr = req.responseText.match(/[^\r\n]+/g); for (var k in arr) { ret[k] = arr[k]; } if (typeof callback !== 'undefined') { var i, row; if (header) { t.columns = new p5.TableRow(ret[0]).arr; for (i = 1; i < ret.length; i++) { row = new p5.TableRow(ret[i], sep); row.obj = makeObject(row.arr, t.columns); t.addRow(row); } } else { for (i = 0; i < ret[0].split(sep).length; i++) { t.columns[i] = i.toString(); } for (i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) { row = new p5.TableRow(ret[i], sep); t.addRow(row); } } callback(t); } } }; req.send(null); return t; }; function makeObject(row, headers) { var ret = {}; headers = headers || []; if (typeof headers === 'undefined') { for (var j = 0; j < row.length; j++) { headers[j.toString()] = j; } } for (var i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { var key = headers[i]; var val = row[i]; ret[key] = val; } return ret; } p5.prototype.loadXML = function (path, callback) { var ret = []; reqwest({ url: path, type: 'xml', crossOrigin: true }).then(function (resp) { callback(resp); }); return ret; }; p5.prototype.parseXML = function () { throw 'not yet implemented'; }; p5.prototype.selectFolder = function () { throw 'not yet implemented'; }; p5.prototype.selectInput = function () { throw 'not yet implemented'; }; p5.prototype.httpGet = function () { var args =; args.push('GET'); p5.prototype.httpDo.apply(this, args); }; p5.prototype.httpPost = function () { var args =; args.push('POST'); p5.prototype.httpDo.apply(this, args); }; p5.prototype.httpDo = function () { var method = 'GET'; var path = arguments[0]; var data = {}; var type = ''; var callback; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var a = arguments[i]; if (typeof a === 'string') { if (a === 'GET' || a === 'POST' || a === 'PUT') { method = a; } else { type = a; } } else if (typeof a === 'object') { data = a; } else if (typeof a === 'function') { callback = a; } } if (type === '') { if (path.indexOf('json') !== -1) { type = 'json'; } else if (path.indexOf('xml') !== -1) { type = 'xml'; } else { type = 'text'; } } reqwest({ url: path, method: method, data: data, type: type, crossOrigin: true, success: function (resp) { if (typeof callback !== 'undefined') { if (type === 'text') { callback(resp.response); } else { callback(resp); } } } }); }; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core'], amdclean['reqwest']); amdclean['inputkeyboard'] = function (require, core) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; var downKeys = {}; p5.prototype.isKeyPressed = false; p5.prototype.keyIsPressed = false; p5.prototype.key = ''; p5.prototype.keyCode = 0; p5.prototype.onkeydown = function (e) { this._setProperty('isKeyPressed', true); this._setProperty('keyIsPressed', true); this._setProperty('keyCode', e.which); downKeys[e.which] = true; var key = String.fromCharCode(e.which); if (!key) { key = e.which; } this._setProperty('key', key); var keyPressed = this.keyPressed || window.keyPressed; if (typeof keyPressed === 'function' && !e.charCode) { var executeDefault = keyPressed(e); if (executeDefault === false) { e.preventDefault(); } } }; p5.prototype.onkeyup = function (e) { var keyReleased = this.keyReleased || window.keyReleased; this._setProperty('isKeyPressed', false); this._setProperty('keyIsPressed', false); downKeys[e.which] = false; var key = String.fromCharCode(e.which); if (!key) { key = e.which; } this._setProperty('key', key); this._setProperty('keyCode', e.which); if (typeof keyReleased === 'function') { var executeDefault = keyReleased(e); if (executeDefault === false) { e.preventDefault(); } } }; p5.prototype.onkeypress = function (e) { this._setProperty('keyCode', e.which); this._setProperty('key', String.fromCharCode(e.which)); var keyTyped = this.keyTyped || window.keyTyped; if (typeof keyTyped === 'function') { var executeDefault = keyTyped(e); if (executeDefault === false) { e.preventDefault(); } } }; p5.prototype.onblur = function (e) { downKeys = {}; }; p5.prototype.keyIsDown = function (code) { return downKeys[code]; }; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core']); amdclean['inputmouse'] = function (require, core, constants) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; var constants = constants; p5.prototype.mouseX = 0; p5.prototype.mouseY = 0; p5.prototype.pmouseX = 0; p5.prototype.pmouseY = 0; p5.prototype.winMouseX = 0; p5.prototype.winMouseY = 0; p5.prototype.pwinMouseX = 0; p5.prototype.pwinMouseY = 0; p5.prototype.mouseButton = 0; p5.prototype.mouseIsPressed = false; p5.prototype.isMousePressed = false; p5.prototype._updateMouseCoords = function (e) { if (e.type === 'touchstart' || e.type === 'touchmove' || e.type === 'touchend') { this._setProperty('mouseX', this.touchX); this._setProperty('mouseY', this.touchY); } else { if (this._curElement !== null) { var mousePos = getMousePos(this._curElement.elt, e); this._setProperty('mouseX', mousePos.x); this._setProperty('mouseY', mousePos.y); } } this._setProperty('winMouseX', e.pageX); this._setProperty('winMouseY', e.pageY); }; p5.prototype._updatePMouseCoords = function (e) { this._setProperty('pmouseX', this.mouseX); this._setProperty('pmouseY', this.mouseY); this._setProperty('pwinMouseX', this.winMouseX); this._setProperty('pwinMouseY', this.winMouseY); }; function getMousePos(canvas, evt) { var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x: evt.clientX - rect.left, y: evt.clientY - }; } p5.prototype._setMouseButton = function (e) { if (e.button === 1) { this._setProperty('mouseButton', constants.CENTER); } else if (e.button === 2) { this._setProperty('mouseButton', constants.RIGHT); } else { this._setProperty('mouseButton', constants.LEFT); if (e.type === 'touchstart' || e.type === 'touchmove') { this._setProperty('mouseX', this.touchX); this._setProperty('mouseY', this.touchY); } } }; p5.prototype.onmousemove = function (e) { var context = this._isGlobal ? window : this; var executeDefault; this._updateMouseCoords(e); if (!this.isMousePressed) { if (typeof context.mouseMoved === 'function') { executeDefault = context.mouseMoved(e); if (executeDefault === false) { e.preventDefault(); } } } else { if (typeof context.mouseDragged === 'function') { executeDefault = context.mouseDragged(e); if (executeDefault === false) { e.preventDefault(); } } else if (typeof context.touchMoved === 'function') { executeDefault = context.touchMoved(e); if (executeDefault === false) { e.preventDefault(); } this._updateTouchCoords(e); } } }; p5.prototype.onmousedown = function (e) { var context = this._isGlobal ? window : this; var executeDefault; this._setProperty('isMousePressed', true); this._setProperty('mouseIsPressed', true); this._setMouseButton(e); this._updateMouseCoords(e); if (typeof context.mousePressed === 'function') { executeDefault = context.mousePressed(e); if (executeDefault === false) { e.preventDefault(); } } else if (typeof context.touchStarted === 'function') { executeDefault = context.touchStarted(e); if (executeDefault === false) { e.preventDefault(); } this._updateTouchCoords(e); } }; p5.prototype.onmouseup = function (e) { var context = this._isGlobal ? window : this; var executeDefault; this._setProperty('isMousePressed', false); this._setProperty('mouseIsPressed', false); if (typeof context.mouseReleased === 'function') { executeDefault = context.mouseReleased(e); if (executeDefault === false) { e.preventDefault(); } } else if (typeof context.touchEnded === 'function') { executeDefault = context.touchEnded(e); if (executeDefault === false) { e.preventDefault(); } this._updateTouchCoords(e); } }; p5.prototype.onclick = function (e) { var context = this._isGlobal ? window : this; if (typeof context.mouseClicked === 'function') { var executeDefault = context.mouseClicked(e); if (executeDefault === false) { e.preventDefault(); } } }; p5.prototype.onmousewheel = function (e) { var context = this._isGlobal ? window : this; if (typeof context.mouseWheel === 'function') { var executeDefault = context.mouseWheel(e); if (executeDefault === false) { e.preventDefault(); } } }; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core'], amdclean['constants']); amdclean['inputtime_date'] = function (require, core) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; = function () { return new Date().getDate(); }; p5.prototype.hour = function () { return new Date().getHours(); }; p5.prototype.minute = function () { return new Date().getMinutes(); }; p5.prototype.millis = function () { return new Date().getTime() - this._startTime; }; p5.prototype.month = function () { return new Date().getMonth() + 1; }; p5.prototype.second = function () { return new Date().getSeconds(); }; p5.prototype.year = function () { return new Date().getFullYear(); }; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core']); amdclean['inputtouch'] = function (require, core) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; p5.prototype.touchX = 0; p5.prototype.touchY = 0; p5.prototype.ptouchX = 0; p5.prototype.ptouchY = 0; p5.prototype.touches = []; p5.prototype.touchIsDown = false; p5.prototype._updateTouchCoords = function (e) { if (e.type === 'mousedown' || e.type === 'mousemove' || e.type === 'mouseup') { this._setProperty('touchX', this.mouseX); this._setProperty('touchY', this.mouseY); } else { var touchPos = getTouchPos(this._curElement.elt, e, 0); this._setProperty('touchX', touchPos.x); this._setProperty('touchY', touchPos.y); var touches = []; for (var i = 0; i < e.changedTouches.length; i++) { var pos = getTouchPos(this._curElement.elt, e, i); touches[i] = { x: pos.x, y: pos.y }; } this._setProperty('touches', touches); } }; p5.prototype._updatePTouchCoords = function () { this._setProperty('ptouchX', this.touchX); this._setProperty('ptouchY', this.touchY); }; function getTouchPos(canvas, e, i) { i = i || 0; var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x: e.changedTouches[i].pageX - rect.left, y: e.changedTouches[i].pageY - }; } p5.prototype.ontouchstart = function (e) { var context = this._isGlobal ? window : this; var executeDefault; this._updateTouchCoords(e); this._setProperty('touchIsDown', true); if (typeof context.touchStarted === 'function') { executeDefault = context.touchStarted(e); if (executeDefault === false) { e.preventDefault(); } } else if (typeof context.mousePressed === 'function') { executeDefault = context.mousePressed(e); if (executeDefault === false) { e.preventDefault(); } } }; p5.prototype.ontouchmove = function (e) { var context = this._isGlobal ? window : this; var executeDefault; this._updateTouchCoords(e); if (typeof context.touchMoved === 'function') { executeDefault = context.touchMoved(e); if (executeDefault === false) { e.preventDefault(); } } else if (typeof context.mouseDragged === 'function') { executeDefault = context.mouseDragged(e); if (executeDefault === false) { e.preventDefault(); } this._updateMouseCoords(e); } }; p5.prototype.ontouchend = function (e) { this._updateTouchCoords(e); if (this.touches.length === 0) { this._setProperty('touchIsDown', false); } var context = this._isGlobal ? window : this; var executeDefault; if (typeof context.touchEnded === 'function') { executeDefault = context.touchEnded(e); if (executeDefault === false) { e.preventDefault(); } } else if (typeof context.mouseReleased === 'function') { executeDefault = context.mouseReleased(e); if (executeDefault === false) { e.preventDefault(); } this._updateMouseCoords(e); } }; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core']); amdclean['mathmath'] = function (require, core) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; p5.prototype.createVector = function () { return new p5.Vector(this, arguments); }; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core']); amdclean['mathcalculation'] = function (require, core) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; p5.prototype.abs = Math.abs; p5.prototype.ceil = Math.ceil; p5.prototype.constrain = function (n, low, high) { return Math.max(Math.min(n, high), low); }; p5.prototype.dist = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) { return Math.sqrt((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)); }; p5.prototype.exp = Math.exp; p5.prototype.floor = Math.floor; p5.prototype.lerp = function (start, stop, amt) { return amt * (stop - start) + start; }; p5.prototype.log = Math.log; p5.prototype.mag = function (x, y) { return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); }; = function (n, start1, stop1, start2, stop2) { return (n - start1) / (stop1 - start1) * (stop2 - start2) + start2; }; p5.prototype.max = function () { if (arguments[0] instanceof Array) { return Math.max.apply(null, arguments[0]); } else { return Math.max.apply(null, arguments); } }; p5.prototype.min = function () { if (arguments[0] instanceof Array) { return Math.min.apply(null, arguments[0]); } else { return Math.min.apply(null, arguments); } }; p5.prototype.norm = function (n, start, stop) { return, start, stop, 0, 1); }; p5.prototype.pow = Math.pow; p5.prototype.round = Math.round; p5.prototype.sq = function (n) { return n * n; }; p5.prototype.sqrt = Math.sqrt; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core']); amdclean['mathrandom'] = function (require, core) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; var seeded = false; var lcg = function () { var m = 4294967296, a = 1664525, c = 1013904223, seed, z; return { setSeed: function (val) { z = seed = (val == null ? Math.random() * m : val) >>> 0; }, getSeed: function () { return seed; }, rand: function () { z = (a * z + c) % m; return z / m; } }; }(); p5.prototype.randomSeed = function (seed) { lcg.setSeed(seed); seeded = true; }; p5.prototype.random = function (min, max) { var rand; if (seeded) { rand = lcg.rand(); } else { rand = Math.random(); } if (arguments.length === 0) { return rand; } else if (arguments.length === 1) { return rand * min; } else { if (min > max) { var tmp = min; min = max; max = tmp; } return rand * (max - min) + min; } }; var y2; var previous = false; p5.prototype.randomGaussian = function (mean, sd) { var y1, x1, x2, w; if (previous) { y1 = y2; previous = false; } else { do { x1 = this.random(2) - 1; x2 = this.random(2) - 1; w = x1 * x1 + x2 * x2; } while (w >= 1); w = Math.sqrt(-2 * Math.log(w) / w); y1 = x1 * w; y2 = x2 * w; previous = true; } var m = mean || 0; var s = sd || 1; return y1 * s + m; }; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core']); amdclean['mathnoise'] = function (require, core) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; var PERLIN_YWRAPB = 4; var PERLIN_YWRAP = 1 << PERLIN_YWRAPB; var PERLIN_ZWRAPB = 8; var PERLIN_ZWRAP = 1 << PERLIN_ZWRAPB; var PERLIN_SIZE = 4095; var perlin_octaves = 4; var perlin_amp_falloff = 0.5; var SINCOS_PRECISION = 0.5; var SINCOS_LENGTH = Math.floor(360 / SINCOS_PRECISION); var sinLUT = new Array(SINCOS_LENGTH); var cosLUT = new Array(SINCOS_LENGTH); var DEG_TO_RAD = Math.PI / 180; for (var i = 0; i < SINCOS_LENGTH; i++) { sinLUT[i] = Math.sin(i * DEG_TO_RAD * SINCOS_PRECISION); cosLUT[i] = Math.cos(i * DEG_TO_RAD * SINCOS_PRECISION); } var perlin_PI = SINCOS_LENGTH; perlin_PI >>= 1; var perlin; p5.prototype.noise = function (x, y, z) { y = y || 0; z = z || 0; if (perlin == null) { perlin = new Array(PERLIN_SIZE + 1); for (var i = 0; i < PERLIN_SIZE + 1; i++) { perlin[i] = Math.random(); } } if (x < 0) { x = -x; } if (y < 0) { y = -y; } if (z < 0) { z = -z; } var xi = Math.floor(x), yi = Math.floor(y), zi = Math.floor(z); var xf = x - xi; var yf = y - yi; var zf = z - zi; var rxf, ryf; var r = 0; var ampl = 0.5; var n1, n2, n3; var noise_fsc = function (i) { return 0.5 * (1 - cosLUT[Math.floor(i * perlin_PI) % SINCOS_LENGTH]); }; for (var o = 0; o < perlin_octaves; o++) { var of = xi + (yi << PERLIN_YWRAPB) + (zi << PERLIN_ZWRAPB); rxf = noise_fsc(xf); ryf = noise_fsc(yf); n1 = perlin[of & PERLIN_SIZE]; n1 += rxf * (perlin[of + 1 & PERLIN_SIZE] - n1); n2 = perlin[of + PERLIN_YWRAP & PERLIN_SIZE]; n2 += rxf * (perlin[of + PERLIN_YWRAP + 1 & PERLIN_SIZE] - n2); n1 += ryf * (n2 - n1); of += PERLIN_ZWRAP; n2 = perlin[of & PERLIN_SIZE]; n2 += rxf * (perlin[of + 1 & PERLIN_SIZE] - n2); n3 = perlin[of + PERLIN_YWRAP & PERLIN_SIZE]; n3 += rxf * (perlin[of + PERLIN_YWRAP + 1 & PERLIN_SIZE] - n3); n2 += ryf * (n3 - n2); n1 += noise_fsc(zf) * (n2 - n1); r += n1 * ampl; ampl *= perlin_amp_falloff; xi <<= 1; xf *= 2; yi <<= 1; yf *= 2; zi <<= 1; zf *= 2; if (xf >= 1) { xi++; xf--; } if (yf >= 1) { yi++; yf--; } if (zf >= 1) { zi++; zf--; } } return r; }; p5.prototype.noiseDetail = function (lod, falloff) { if (lod > 0) { perlin_octaves = lod; } if (falloff > 0) { perlin_amp_falloff = falloff; } }; p5.prototype.noiseSeed = function (seed) { var lcg = function () { var m = 4294967296, a = 1664525, c = 1013904223, seed, z; return { setSeed: function (val) { z = seed = (val == null ? Math.random() * m : val) >>> 0; }, getSeed: function () { return seed; }, rand: function () { z = (a * z + c) % m; return z / m; } }; }(); lcg.setSeed(seed); perlin = new Array(PERLIN_SIZE + 1); for (var i = 0; i < PERLIN_SIZE + 1; i++) { perlin[i] = lcg.rand(); } }; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core']); amdclean['mathtrigonometry'] = function (require, core, polargeometry, constants) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; var polarGeometry = polargeometry; var constants = constants; p5.prototype._angleMode = constants.RADIANS; p5.prototype.acos = function (ratio) { if (this._angleMode === constants.RADIANS) { return Math.acos(ratio); } else { return polarGeometry.radiansToDegrees(Math.acos(ratio)); } }; p5.prototype.asin = function (ratio) { if (this._angleMode === constants.RADIANS) { return Math.asin(ratio); } else { return polarGeometry.radiansToDegrees(Math.asin(ratio)); } }; p5.prototype.atan = function (ratio) { if (this._angleMode === constants.RADIANS) { return Math.atan(ratio); } else { return polarGeometry.radiansToDegrees(Math.atan(ratio)); } }; p5.prototype.atan2 = function (y, x) { if (this._angleMode === constants.RADIANS) { return Math.atan2(y, x); } else { return polarGeometry.radiansToDegrees(Math.atan2(y, x)); } }; p5.prototype.cos = function (angle) { if (this._angleMode === constants.RADIANS) { return Math.cos(angle); } else { return Math.cos(this.radians(angle)); } }; p5.prototype.sin = function (angle) { if (this._angleMode === constants.RADIANS) { return Math.sin(angle); } else { return Math.sin(this.radians(angle)); } }; p5.prototype.tan = function (angle) { if (this._angleMode === constants.RADIANS) { return Math.tan(angle); } else { return Math.tan(this.radians(angle)); } }; p5.prototype.degrees = function (angle) { return polarGeometry.radiansToDegrees(angle); }; p5.prototype.radians = function (angle) { return polarGeometry.degreesToRadians(angle); }; p5.prototype.angleMode = function (mode) { if (mode === constants.DEGREES || mode === constants.RADIANS) { this._angleMode = mode; } }; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core'], amdclean['polargeometry'], amdclean['constants']); amdclean['outputfiles'] = function (require, core) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL; p5.prototype._pWriters = []; p5.prototype.beginRaw = function () { throw 'not yet implemented'; }; p5.prototype.beginRecord = function () { throw 'not yet implemented'; }; p5.prototype.createOutput = function () { throw 'not yet implemented'; }; p5.prototype.createWriter = function (name, extension) { var newPW; for (var i in p5.prototype._pWriters) { if (p5.prototype._pWriters[i].name === name) { newPW = new p5.PrintWriter(name + window.millis(), extension); p5.prototype._pWriters.push(newPW); return newPW; } } newPW = new p5.PrintWriter(name, extension); p5.prototype._pWriters.push(newPW); return newPW; }; p5.prototype.endRaw = function () { throw 'not yet implemented'; }; p5.prototype.endRecord = function () { throw 'not yet implemented'; }; p5.PrintWriter = function (filename, extension) { var self = this; = filename; this.content = ''; this.print = function (data) { this.content += data; }; this.println = function (data) { this.content += data + '\n'; }; this.flush = function () { this.content = ''; }; this.close = function () { var arr = []; arr.push(this.content); p5.prototype.writeFile(arr, filename, extension); for (var i in p5.prototype._pWriters) { if (p5.prototype._pWriters[i].name === { p5.prototype._pWriters.splice(i, 1); } } self.flush(); self = {}; }; }; p5.prototype.saveBytes = function () { throw 'not yet implemented'; }; = function (object, _filename, _options) { var args = arguments; var cnv = this._curElement.elt; if (args.length === 0) { p5.prototype.saveCanvas(cnv); return; } else if (args[0] instanceof p5.Graphics) { p5.prototype.saveCanvas(args[0].elt, args[1], args[2]); return; } else if (typeof args[0] === 'string') { p5.prototype.saveCanvas(cnv, args[0]); } else { var extension = _checkFileExtension(args[1], args[2])[1]; switch (extension) { case 'json': p5.prototype.saveJSON(args[0], args[1], args[2]); break; case 'txt': p5.prototype.saveStrings(args[0], args[1], args[2]); break; default: if (args[0] instanceof Array) { p5.prototype.saveStrings(args[0], args[1], args[2]); } else if (args[0] instanceof p5.Table) { p5.prototype.saveTable(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]); } else if (args[0] instanceof p5.Image) { p5.prototype.saveCanvas(args[0].canvas, args[1]); } else if (args[0] instanceof p5.SoundFile) { p5.prototype.saveSound(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]); } else if (args[0] instanceof Object) { p5.prototype.saveJSON(args[0], args[1], args[2]); } } } }; p5.prototype.saveJSON = function (json, filename, opt) { var stringify; if (opt) { stringify = JSON.stringify(json); } else { stringify = JSON.stringify(json, undefined, 2); } this.saveStrings(stringify.split('\n'), filename, 'json'); }; p5.prototype.saveJSONObject = p5.prototype.saveJSON; p5.prototype.saveJSONArray = p5.prototype.saveJSON; p5.prototype.saveStream = function () { throw 'not yet implemented'; }; p5.prototype.saveStrings = function (list, filename, extension) { var ext = extension || 'txt'; var pWriter = this.createWriter(filename, ext); for (var i in list) { if (i < list.length - 1) { pWriter.println(list[i]); } else { pWriter.print(list[i]); } } pWriter.close(); pWriter.flush(); }; p5.prototype.saveXML = function () { throw 'not yet implemented'; }; p5.prototype.selectOutput = function () { throw 'not yet implemented'; }; p5.prototype.saveTable = function (table, filename, options) { var pWriter = this.createWriter(filename, options); var header = table.columns; var sep = ','; if (options === 'tsv') { sep = '\t'; } if (options !== 'html') { if (header[0] !== '0') { for (var h = 0; h < header.length; h++) { if (h < header.length - 1) { pWriter.print(header[h] + sep); } else { pWriter.println(header[h]); } } } for (var i = 0; i < table.rows.length; i++) { var j; for (j = 0; j < table.rows[i].arr.length; j++) { if (j < table.rows[i].arr.length - 1) { pWriter.print(table.rows[i].arr[j] + sep); } else if (i < table.rows.length - 1) { pWriter.println(table.rows[i].arr[j]); } else { pWriter.print(table.rows[i].arr[j]); } } } } else { pWriter.println('<html>'); pWriter.println('<head>'); var str = ' <meta http-equiv="content-type" content'; str += '="text/html;charset=utf-8" />'; pWriter.println(str); pWriter.println('</head>'); pWriter.println('<body>'); pWriter.println(' <table>'); if (header[0] !== '0') { pWriter.println(' <tr>'); for (var k = 0; k < header.length; k++) { var e = escapeHelper(header[k]); pWriter.println(' <td>' + e); pWriter.println(' </td>'); } pWriter.println(' </tr>'); } for (var row = 0; row < table.rows.length; row++) { pWriter.println(' <tr>'); for (var col = 0; col < table.columns.length; col++) { var entry = table.rows[row].getString(col); var htmlEntry = escapeHelper(entry); pWriter.println(' <td>' + htmlEntry); pWriter.println(' </td>'); } pWriter.println(' </tr>'); } pWriter.println(' </table>'); pWriter.println('</body>'); pWriter.print('</html>'); } pWriter.close(); pWriter.flush(); }; var escapeHelper = function (content) { return content.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;').replace(/'/g, '&#039;'); }; p5.prototype.writeFile = function (dataToDownload, filename, extension) { var type = 'application/octet-stream'; if (p5.prototype._isSafari()) { type = 'text/plain'; } var blob = new Blob(dataToDownload, { 'type': type }); var href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); p5.prototype.downloadFile(href, filename, extension); }; p5.prototype.downloadFile = function (href, fName, extension) { var fx = _checkFileExtension(fName, extension); var filename = fx[0]; var ext = fx[1]; var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = href; = filename; a.onclick = destroyClickedElement; = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(a); if (p5.prototype._isSafari()) { var aText = 'Hello, Safari user! To download this file...\n'; aText += '1. Go to File --> Save As.\n'; aText += '2. Choose "Page Source" as the Format.\n'; aText += '3. Name it with this extension: ."' + ext + '"'; alert(aText); }; href = null; }; function _checkFileExtension(filename, extension) { if (!extension) { extension = ''; } if (!filename) { filename = 'untitled'; } var ext = ''; if (filename && filename.indexOf('.') > -1) { ext = filename.split('.').pop(); } if (extension) { if (ext !== extension) { ext = extension; filename = filename + '.' + ext; } } return [ filename, ext ]; } p5.prototype._checkFileExtension = _checkFileExtension; p5.prototype._isSafari = function () { var x =; return x.indexOf('Constructor') > 0; }; function destroyClickedElement(event) { document.body.removeChild(; } return p5; }({}, amdclean['core']); amdclean['outputimage'] = function (require, core) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; var frames = []; p5.prototype.saveCanvas = function (_cnv, filename, extension) { if (!extension) { extension = p5.prototype._checkFileExtension(filename, extension)[1]; if (extension === '') { extension = 'png'; } } var cnv; if (_cnv) { cnv = _cnv; } else if (this._curElement && this._curElement.elt) { cnv = this._curElement.elt; } if (p5.prototype._isSafari()) { var aText = 'Hello, Safari user!\n'; aText += 'Now capturing a screenshot...\n'; aText += 'To save this image,\n'; aText += 'go to File --> Save As.\n'; alert(aText); window.location.href = cnv.toDataURL(); } else { var mimeType; if (typeof extension === 'undefined') { extension = 'png'; mimeType = 'image/png'; } else { switch (extension) { case 'png': mimeType = 'image/png'; break; case 'jpeg': mimeType = 'image/jpeg'; break; case 'jpg': mimeType = 'image/jpeg'; break; default: mimeType = 'image/png'; break; } } var downloadMime = 'image/octet-stream'; var imageData = cnv.toDataURL(mimeType); imageData = imageData.replace(mimeType, downloadMime); p5.prototype.downloadFile(imageData, filename, extension); } }; p5.prototype.saveFrames = function (fName, ext, _duration, _fps, callback) { var duration = _duration || 3; duration = p5.prototype.constrain(duration, 0, 15); duration = duration * 1000; var fps = _fps || 15; fps = p5.prototype.constrain(fps, 0, 22); var count = 0; var makeFrame = p5.prototype._makeFrame; var cnv = this._curElement.elt; var frameFactory = setInterval(function () { makeFrame(fName + count, ext, cnv); count++; }, 1000 / fps); setTimeout(function () { clearInterval(frameFactory); if (callback) { callback(frames); } else { for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) { var f = frames[i]; p5.prototype.downloadFile(f.imageData, f.filename, f.ext); } } frames = []; }, duration + 0.01); }; p5.prototype._makeFrame = function (filename, extension, _cnv) { var cnv; if (this) { cnv = this._curElement.elt; } else { cnv = _cnv; } var mimeType; if (!extension) { extension = 'png'; mimeType = 'image/png'; } else { switch (extension.toLowerCase()) { case 'png': mimeType = 'image/png'; break; case 'jpeg': mimeType = 'image/jpeg'; break; case 'jpg': mimeType = 'image/jpeg'; break; default: mimeType = 'image/png'; break; } } var downloadMime = 'image/octet-stream'; var imageData = cnv.toDataURL(mimeType); imageData = imageData.replace(mimeType, downloadMime); var thisFrame = {}; thisFrame.imageData = imageData; thisFrame.filename = filename; thisFrame.ext = extension; frames.push(thisFrame); }; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core']); amdclean['outputtext_area'] = function (require, core) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; if (window.console && console.log) { p5.prototype.print = console.log.bind(console); } else { p5.prototype.print = function () { }; } p5.prototype.println = p5.prototype.print; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core']); amdclean['renderingrendering'] = function (require, core, constants) { var p5 = core; var constants = constants; p5.prototype.createCanvas = function (w, h, isDefault) { var c; if (isDefault) { c = document.createElement('canvas'); = 'defaultCanvas'; } else { c = this.canvas; } if (!this._setupDone) { c.className += ' p5_hidden'; = 'hidden'; } if (this._userNode) { this._userNode.appendChild(c); } else { document.body.appendChild(c); } if (!this._defaultGraphics) { this._defaultGraphics = new p5.Graphics(c, this, true); this._elements.push(this._defaultGraphics); } this._defaultGraphics.resize(w, h); this._defaultGraphics._applyDefaults(); return this._defaultGraphics; }; p5.prototype.resizeCanvas = function (w, h, noRedraw) { if (this._defaultGraphics) { this._defaultGraphics.resize(w, h); this._defaultGraphics._applyDefaults(); if (!noRedraw) { this.redraw(); } } }; p5.prototype.noCanvas = function () { if (this.canvas) { this.canvas.parentNode.removeChild(this.canvas); } }; p5.prototype.createGraphics = function (w, h) { var c = document.createElement('canvas'); var node = this._userNode || document.body; node.appendChild(c); var pg = new p5.Graphics(c, this, false); this._elements.push(pg); for (var p in p5.prototype) { if (!pg.hasOwnProperty(p)) { if (typeof p5.prototype[p] === 'function') { pg[p] = p5.prototype[p].bind(pg); } else { pg[p] = p5.prototype[p]; } } } pg.resize(w, h); pg._applyDefaults(); return pg; }; p5.prototype.blendMode = function (mode) { if (mode === constants.BLEND || mode === constants.DARKEST || mode === constants.LIGHTEST || mode === constants.DIFFERENCE || mode === constants.MULTIPLY || mode === constants.EXCLUSION || mode === constants.SCREEN || mode === constants.REPLACE || mode === constants.OVERLAY || mode === constants.HARD_LIGHT || mode === constants.SOFT_LIGHT || mode === constants.DODGE || mode === constants.BURN || mode === constants.ADD || mode === constants.NORMAL) { this.drawingContext.globalCompositeOperation = mode; } else { throw new Error('Mode ' + mode + ' not recognized.'); } }; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core'], amdclean['constants']); amdclean['shape2d_primitives'] = function (require, core, canvas, constants) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; var canvas = canvas; var constants = constants; p5.prototype.arc = function (x, y, width, height, start, stop, mode) { if (!this._doStroke && !this._doFill) { return; } if (this._angleMode === constants.DEGREES) { start = this.radians(start); stop = this.radians(stop); } var ctx = this.drawingContext; var vals = canvas.arcModeAdjust(x, y, width, height, this._ellipseMode); var radius = vals.h > vals.w ? vals.h / 2 : vals.w / 2, xScale = vals.h > vals.w ? vals.w / vals.h : 1, yScale = vals.h > vals.w ? 1 : vals.h / vals.w;; ctx.scale(xScale, yScale); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(vals.x, vals.y, radius, start, stop); if (this._doStroke) { ctx.stroke(); } if (mode === constants.CHORD || mode === constants.OPEN) { ctx.closePath(); } else if (mode === constants.PIE || mode === undefined) { ctx.lineTo(vals.x, vals.y); ctx.closePath(); } if (this._doFill) { ctx.fill(); } if (this._doStroke && mode !== constants.OPEN && mode !== undefined) { ctx.stroke(); } ctx.restore(); return this; }; p5.prototype.ellipse = function (x, y, w, h) { if (!this._doStroke && !this._doFill) { return; } w = Math.abs(w); h = Math.abs(h); var ctx = this.drawingContext; var vals = canvas.modeAdjust(x, y, w, h, this._ellipseMode); ctx.beginPath(); if (w === h) { ctx.arc(vals.x + vals.w / 2, vals.y + vals.w / 2, vals.w / 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); } else { var kappa = 0.5522848, ox = vals.w / 2 * kappa, oy = vals.h / 2 * kappa, xe = vals.x + vals.w, ye = vals.y + vals.h, xm = vals.x + vals.w / 2, ym = vals.y + vals.h / 2; ctx.moveTo(vals.x, ym); ctx.bezierCurveTo(vals.x, ym - oy, xm - ox, vals.y, xm, vals.y); ctx.bezierCurveTo(xm + ox, vals.y, xe, ym - oy, xe, ym); ctx.bezierCurveTo(xe, ym + oy, xm + ox, ye, xm, ye); ctx.bezierCurveTo(xm - ox, ye, vals.x, ym + oy, vals.x, ym); ctx.closePath(); } if (this._doFill) { ctx.fill(); } if (this._doStroke) { ctx.stroke(); } return this; }; p5.prototype.line = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) { if (!this._doStroke) { return; } var ctx = this.drawingContext; if (ctx.strokeStyle === 'rgba(0,0,0,0)') { return; } ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x1, y1); ctx.lineTo(x2, y2); ctx.stroke(); return this; }; p5.prototype.point = function (x, y) { if (!this._doStroke) { return; } var ctx = this.drawingContext; var s = ctx.strokeStyle; var f = ctx.fillStyle; if (s === 'rgba(0,0,0,0)') { return; } x = Math.round(x); y = Math.round(y); ctx.fillStyle = s; if (ctx.lineWidth > 1) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(x, y, ctx.lineWidth / 2, 0, constants.TWO_PI, false); ctx.fill(); } else { ctx.fillRect(x, y, 1, 1); } ctx.fillStyle = f; return this; }; p5.prototype.quad = function (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) { if (!this._doStroke && !this._doFill) { return; } var ctx = this.drawingContext; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x1, y1); ctx.lineTo(x2, y2); ctx.lineTo(x3, y3); ctx.lineTo(x4, y4); ctx.closePath(); if (this._doFill) { ctx.fill(); } if (this._doStroke) { ctx.stroke(); } return this; }; p5.prototype.rect = function (a, b, c, d) { if (!this._doStroke && !this._doFill) { return; } var vals = canvas.modeAdjust(a, b, c, d, this._rectMode); var ctx = this.drawingContext; if (this._doStroke && ctx.lineWidth % 2 === 1) { ctx.translate(0.5, 0.5); } ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(vals.x, vals.y, vals.w, vals.h); if (this._doFill) { ctx.fill(); } if (this._doStroke) { ctx.stroke(); } if (this._doStroke && ctx.lineWidth % 2 === 1) { ctx.translate(-0.5, -0.5); } return this; }; p5.prototype.triangle = function (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) { if (!this._doStroke && !this._doFill) { return; } var ctx = this.drawingContext; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x1, y1); ctx.lineTo(x2, y2); ctx.lineTo(x3, y3); ctx.closePath(); if (this._doFill) { ctx.fill(); } if (this._doStroke) { ctx.stroke(); } return this; }; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core'], amdclean['canvas'], amdclean['constants']); amdclean['shapeattributes'] = function (require, core, constants) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; var constants = constants; p5.prototype._rectMode = constants.CORNER; p5.prototype._ellipseMode = constants.CENTER; p5.prototype.ellipseMode = function (m) { if (m === constants.CORNER || m === constants.CORNERS || m === constants.RADIUS || m === constants.CENTER) { this._ellipseMode = m; } return this; }; p5.prototype.noSmooth = function () { this.drawingContext.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false; this.drawingContext.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = false; return this; }; p5.prototype.rectMode = function (m) { if (m === constants.CORNER || m === constants.CORNERS || m === constants.RADIUS || m === constants.CENTER) { this._rectMode = m; } return this; }; p5.prototype.smooth = function () { this.drawingContext.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = true; this.drawingContext.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = true; return this; }; p5.prototype.strokeCap = function (cap) { if (cap === constants.ROUND || cap === constants.SQUARE || cap === constants.PROJECT) { this.drawingContext.lineCap = cap; } return this; }; p5.prototype.strokeJoin = function (join) { if (join === constants.ROUND || join === constants.BEVEL || join === constants.MITER) { this.drawingContext.lineJoin = join; } return this; }; p5.prototype.strokeWeight = function (w) { if (typeof w === 'undefined' || w === 0) { this.drawingContext.lineWidth = 0.0001; } else { this.drawingContext.lineWidth = w; } return this; }; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core'], amdclean['constants']); amdclean['shapecurves'] = function (require, core) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; var bezierDetail = 20; var curveDetail = 20; p5.prototype._curveTightness = 0; p5.prototype.bezier = function (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) { if (!this._doStroke) { return; } this.beginShape(); this.vertex(x1, y1); this.bezierVertex(x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4); this.endShape(); this.stroke(); return this; }; p5.prototype.bezierDetail = function (d) { bezierDetail = d; return this; }; p5.prototype.bezierPoint = function (a, b, c, d, t) { var adjustedT = 1 - t; return Math.pow(adjustedT, 3) * a + 3 * Math.pow(adjustedT, 2) * t * b + 3 * adjustedT * Math.pow(t, 2) * c + Math.pow(t, 3) * d; }; p5.prototype.bezierTangent = function (a, b, c, d, t) { var adjustedT = 1 - t; return 3 * d * Math.pow(t, 2) - 3 * c * Math.pow(t, 2) + 6 * c * adjustedT * t - 6 * b * adjustedT * t + 3 * b * Math.pow(adjustedT, 2) - 3 * a * Math.pow(adjustedT, 2); }; p5.prototype.curve = function (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) { if (!this._doStroke) { return; } this.beginShape(); this.curveVertex(x1, y1); this.curveVertex(x2, y2); this.curveVertex(x3, y3); this.curveVertex(x4, y4); this.endShape(); this.stroke(); return this; }; p5.prototype.curveDetail = function (d) { curveDetail = d; return this; }; p5.prototype.curveTightness = function (t) { this._setProperty('_curveTightness', t); }; p5.prototype.curvePoint = function (a, b, c, d, t) { var t3 = t * t * t, t2 = t * t, f1 = -0.5 * t3 + t2 - 0.5 * t, f2 = 1.5 * t3 - 2.5 * t2 + 1, f3 = -1.5 * t3 + 2 * t2 + 0.5 * t, f4 = 0.5 * t3 - 0.5 * t2; return a * f1 + b * f2 + c * f3 + d * f4; }; p5.prototype.curveTangent = function (a, b, c, d, t) { var t2 = t * t, f1 = -3 * t2 / 2 + 2 * t - 0.5, f2 = 9 * t2 / 2 - 5 * t, f3 = -9 * t2 / 2 + 4 * t + 0.5, f4 = 3 * t2 / 2 - t; return a * f1 + b * f2 + c * f3 + d * f4; }; p5.prototype.curveTightness = function () { throw 'not yet implemented'; }; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core']); amdclean['shapevertex'] = function (require, core, constants) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; var constants = constants; var shapeKind = null; var vertices = []; var contourVertices = []; var isBezier = false; var isCurve = false; var isQuadratic = false; var isContour = false; p5.prototype._doFillStrokeClose = function () { if (this._doFill) { this.drawingContext.fill(); } if (this._doStroke) { this.drawingContext.stroke(); } this.drawingContext.closePath(); }; p5.prototype.beginContour = function () { contourVertices = []; isContour = true; return this; }; p5.prototype.beginShape = function (kind) { if (kind === constants.POINTS || kind === constants.LINES || kind === constants.TRIANGLES || kind === constants.TRIANGLE_FAN || kind === constants.TRIANGLE_STRIP || kind === constants.QUADS || kind === constants.QUAD_STRIP) { shapeKind = kind; } else { shapeKind = null; } vertices = []; contourVertices = []; return this; }; p5.prototype.bezierVertex = function (x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) { if (vertices.length === 0) { throw 'vertex() must be used once before calling bezierVertex()'; } else { isBezier = true; var vert = []; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { vert[i] = arguments[i]; } vert.isVert = false; if (isContour) { contourVertices.push(vert); } else { vertices.push(vert); } } return this; }; p5.prototype.curveVertex = function (x, y) { isCurve = true; this.vertex(x, y); return this; }; p5.prototype.endContour = function () { var vert = contourVertices[0].slice(); vert.isVert = contourVertices[0].isVert; vert.moveTo = false; contourVertices.push(vert); vertices.push(vertices[0]); for (var i = 0; i < contourVertices.length; i++) { vertices.push(contourVertices[i]); } return this; }; p5.prototype.endShape = function (mode) { if (vertices.length === 0) { return this; } if (!this._doStroke && !this._doFill) { return this; } var closeShape = mode === constants.CLOSE; var v; if (closeShape && !isContour) { vertices.push(vertices[0]); } var i, j; var numVerts = vertices.length; if (isCurve && (shapeKind === constants.POLYGON || shapeKind === null)) { if (numVerts > 3) { var b = [], s = 1 - this._curveTightness; this.drawingContext.beginPath(); this.drawingContext.moveTo(vertices[1][0], vertices[1][1]); for (i = 1; i + 2 < numVerts; i++) { v = vertices[i]; b[0] = [ v[0], v[1] ]; b[1] = [ v[0] + (s * vertices[i + 1][0] - s * vertices[i - 1][0]) / 6, v[1] + (s * vertices[i + 1][1] - s * vertices[i - 1][1]) / 6 ]; b[2] = [ vertices[i + 1][0] + (s * vertices[i][0] - s * vertices[i + 2][0]) / 6, vertices[i + 1][1] + (s * vertices[i][1] - s * vertices[i + 2][1]) / 6 ]; b[3] = [ vertices[i + 1][0], vertices[i + 1][1] ]; this.drawingContext.bezierCurveTo(b[1][0], b[1][1], b[2][0], b[2][1], b[3][0], b[3][1]); } if (closeShape) { this.drawingContext.lineTo(vertices[i + 1][0], vertices[i + 1][1]); } this._doFillStrokeClose(); } } else if (isBezier && (shapeKind === constants.POLYGON || shapeKind === null)) { this.drawingContext.beginPath(); for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) { if (vertices[i].isVert) { if (vertices[i].moveTo) { this.drawingContext.moveTo(vertices[i][0], vertices[i][1]); } else { this.drawingContext.lineTo(vertices[i][0], vertices[i][1]); } } else { this.drawingContext.bezierCurveTo(vertices[i][0], vertices[i][1], vertices[i][2], vertices[i][3], vertices[i][4], vertices[i][5]); } } this._doFillStrokeClose(); } else if (isQuadratic && (shapeKind === constants.POLYGON || shapeKind === null)) { this.drawingContext.beginPath(); for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) { if (vertices[i].isVert) { if (vertices[i].moveTo) { this.drawingContext.moveTo([0], vertices[i][1]); } else { this.drawingContext.lineTo(vertices[i][0], vertices[i][1]); } } else { this.drawingContext.quadraticCurveTo(vertices[i][0], vertices[i][1], vertices[i][2], vertices[i][3]); } } this._doFillStrokeClose(); } else { if (shapeKind === constants.POINTS) { for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) { v = vertices[i]; if (this._doStroke) { this.stroke(v[6]); } this.point(v[0], v[1]); } } else if (shapeKind === constants.LINES) { for (i = 0; i + 1 < numVerts; i += 2) { v = vertices[i]; if (this._doStroke) { this.stroke(vertices[i + 1][6]); } this.line(v[0], v[1], vertices[i + 1][0], vertices[i + 1][1]); } } else if (shapeKind === constants.TRIANGLES) { for (i = 0; i + 2 < numVerts; i += 3) { v = vertices[i]; this.drawingContext.beginPath(); this.drawingContext.moveTo(v[0], v[1]); this.drawingContext.lineTo(vertices[i + 1][0], vertices[i + 1][1]); this.drawingContext.lineTo(vertices[i + 2][0], vertices[i + 2][1]); this.drawingContext.lineTo(v[0], v[1]); if (this._doFill) { this.fill(vertices[i + 2][5]); this.drawingContext.fill(); } if (this._doStroke) { this.stroke(vertices[i + 2][6]); this.drawingContext.stroke(); } this.drawingContext.closePath(); } } else if (shapeKind === constants.TRIANGLE_STRIP) { for (i = 0; i + 1 < numVerts; i++) { v = vertices[i]; this.drawingContext.beginPath(); this.drawingContext.moveTo(vertices[i + 1][0], vertices[i + 1][1]); this.drawingContext.lineTo(v[0], v[1]); if (this._doStroke) { this.stroke(vertices[i + 1][6]); } if (this._doFill) { this.fill(vertices[i + 1][5]); } if (i + 2 < numVerts) { this.drawingContext.lineTo(vertices[i + 2][0], vertices[i + 2][1]); if (this._doStroke) { this.stroke(vertices[i + 2][6]); } if (this._doFill) { this.fill(vertices[i + 2][5]); } } this._doFillStrokeClose(); } } else if (shapeKind === constants.TRIANGLE_FAN) { if (numVerts > 2) { this.drawingContext.beginPath(); this.drawingContext.moveTo(vertices[0][0], vertices[0][1]); this.drawingContext.lineTo(vertices[1][0], vertices[1][1]); this.drawingContext.lineTo(vertices[2][0], vertices[2][1]); if (this._doFill) { this.fill(vertices[2][5]); } if (this._doStroke) { this.stroke(vertices[2][6]); } this._doFillStrokeClose(); for (i = 3; i < numVerts; i++) { v = vertices[i]; this.drawingContext.beginPath(); this.drawingContext.moveTo(vertices[0][0], vertices[0][1]); this.drawingContext.lineTo(vertices[i - 1][0], vertices[i - 1][1]); this.drawingContext.lineTo(v[0], v[1]); if (this._doFill) { this.fill(v[5]); } if (this._doStroke) { this.stroke(v[6]); } this._doFillStrokeClose(); } } } else if (shapeKind === constants.QUADS) { for (i = 0; i + 3 < numVerts; i += 4) { v = vertices[i]; this.drawingContext.beginPath(); this.drawingContext.moveTo(v[0], v[1]); for (j = 1; j < 4; j++) { this.drawingContext.lineTo(vertices[i + j][0], vertices[i + j][1]); } this.drawingContext.lineTo(v[0], v[1]); if (this._doFill) { this.fill(vertices[i + 3][5]); } if (this._doStroke) { this.stroke(vertices[i + 3][6]); } this._doFillStrokeClose(); } } else if (shapeKind === constants.QUAD_STRIP) { if (numVerts > 3) { for (i = 0; i + 1 < numVerts; i += 2) { v = vertices[i]; this.drawingContext.beginPath(); if (i + 3 < numVerts) { this.drawingContext.moveTo(vertices[i + 2][0], vertices[i + 2][1]); this.drawingContext.lineTo(v[0], v[1]); this.drawingContext.lineTo(vertices[i + 1][0], vertices[i + 1][1]); this.drawingContext.lineTo(vertices[i + 3][0], vertices[i + 3][1]); if (this._doFill) { this.fill(vertices[i + 3][5]); } if (this._doStroke) { this.stroke(vertices[i + 3][6]); } } else { this.drawingContext.moveTo(v[0], v[1]); this.drawingContext.lineTo(vertices[i + 1][0], vertices[i + 1][1]); } this._doFillStrokeClose(); } } } else { this.drawingContext.beginPath(); this.drawingContext.moveTo(vertices[0][0], vertices[0][1]); for (i = 1; i < numVerts; i++) { v = vertices[i]; if (v.isVert) { if (v.moveTo) { this.drawingContext.moveTo(v[0], v[1]); } else { this.drawingContext.lineTo(v[0], v[1]); } } } this._doFillStrokeClose(); } } isCurve = false; isBezier = false; isQuadratic = false; isContour = false; if (closeShape) { vertices.pop(); } return this; }; p5.prototype.quadraticVertex = function (cx, cy, x3, y3) { if (this._contourInited) { var pt = {}; pt.x = cx; pt.y = cy; pt.x3 = x3; pt.y3 = y3; pt.type = constants.QUADRATIC; this._contourVertices.push(pt); return this; } if (vertices.length > 0) { isQuadratic = true; var vert = []; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { vert[i] = arguments[i]; } vert.isVert = false; if (isContour) { contourVertices.push(vert); } else { vertices.push(vert); } } else { throw 'vertex() must be used once before calling quadraticVertex()'; } return this; }; p5.prototype.vertex = function (x, y, moveTo) { var vert = []; vert.isVert = true; vert[0] = x; vert[1] = y; vert[2] = 0; vert[3] = 0; vert[4] = 0; vert[5] = this.drawingContext.fillStyle; vert[6] = this.drawingContext.strokeStyle; if (moveTo) { vert.moveTo = moveTo; } if (isContour) { if (contourVertices.length === 0) { vert.moveTo = true; } contourVertices.push(vert); } else { vertices.push(vert); } return this; }; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core'], amdclean['constants']); amdclean['structure'] = function (require, core) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; p5.prototype.exit = function () { throw 'exit() not implemented, see remove()'; }; p5.prototype.noLoop = function () { this._loop = false; if (this._drawInterval) { clearInterval(this._drawInterval); } }; p5.prototype.loop = function () { this._loop = true; this._draw(); }; p5.prototype.push = function () {; this._styles.push({ doStroke: this._doStroke, doFill: this._doFill, tint: this._tint, imageMode: this._imageMode, rectMode: this._rectMode, ellipseMode: this._ellipseMode, colorMode: this._colorMode, textFont: this.textFont, textLeading: this.textLeading, textSize: this.textSize, textStyle: this.textStyle }); }; p5.prototype.pop = function () { this.drawingContext.restore(); var lastS = this._styles.pop(); this._doStroke = lastS.doStroke; this._doFill = lastS.doFill; this._tint = lastS.tint; this._imageMode = lastS.imageMode; this._rectMode = lastS.rectMode; this._ellipseMode = lastS.ellipseMode; this._colorMode = lastS.colorMode; this.textFont = lastS.textFont; this.textLeading = lastS.textLeading; this.textSize = lastS.textSize; this.textStyle = lastS.textStyle; }; p5.prototype.pushStyle = function () { throw new Error('pushStyle() not used, see push()'); }; p5.prototype.popStyle = function () { throw new Error('popStyle() not used, see pop()'); }; p5.prototype.redraw = function () { var userSetup = this.setup || window.setup; var userDraw = this.draw || window.draw; if (typeof userDraw === 'function') { this.push(); if (typeof userSetup === 'undefined') { this.scale(this._pixelDensity, this._pixelDensity); } this._registeredMethods.pre.forEach(function (f) {; }); userDraw(); (f) {; }); this.pop(); } }; p5.prototype.size = function () { throw 'size() not implemented, see createCanvas()'; }; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core']); amdclean['transform'] = function (require, core, constants, outputtext_area) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; var constants = constants; p5.prototype.applyMatrix = function (n00, n01, n02, n10, n11, n12) { this.drawingContext.transform(n00, n01, n02, n10, n11, n12); return this; }; p5.prototype.popMatrix = function () { throw new Error('popMatrix() not used, see pop()'); }; p5.prototype.printMatrix = function () { throw new Error('printMatrix() not implemented'); }; p5.prototype.pushMatrix = function () { throw new Error('pushMatrix() not used, see push()'); }; p5.prototype.resetMatrix = function () { this.drawingContext.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); return this; }; p5.prototype.rotate = function (r) { if (this._angleMode === constants.DEGREES) { r = this.radians(r); } this.drawingContext.rotate(r); return this; }; p5.prototype.rotateX = function () { throw 'not yet implemented'; }; p5.prototype.rotateY = function () { throw 'not yet implemented'; }; p5.prototype.scale = function () { var x = 1, y = 1; if (arguments.length === 1) { x = y = arguments[0]; } else { x = arguments[0]; y = arguments[1]; } this.drawingContext.scale(x, y); return this; }; p5.prototype.shearX = function (angle) { if (this._angleMode === constants.DEGREES) { angle = this.radians(angle); } this.drawingContext.transform(1, 0, this.tan(angle), 1, 0, 0); return this; }; p5.prototype.shearY = function (angle) { if (this._angleMode === constants.DEGREES) { angle = this.radians(angle); } this.drawingContext.transform(1, this.tan(angle), 0, 1, 0, 0); return this; }; p5.prototype.translate = function (x, y) { this.drawingContext.translate(x, y); return this; }; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core'], amdclean['constants'], amdclean['outputtext_area']); amdclean['typographyattributes'] = function (require, core, constants) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; var constants = constants; p5.prototype._textLeading = 15; p5.prototype._textFont = 'sans-serif'; p5.prototype._textSize = 12; p5.prototype._textStyle = constants.NORMAL; p5.prototype._textAscent = null; p5.prototype._textDescent = null; p5.prototype.textAlign = function (h, v) { if (h === constants.LEFT || h === constants.RIGHT || h === constants.CENTER) { this.drawingContext.textAlign = h; } if (v === constants.TOP || v === constants.BOTTOM || v === constants.CENTER || v === constants.BASELINE) { this.drawingContext.textBaseline = v; } }; p5.prototype.textLeading = function (l) { this._setProperty('_textLeading', l); }; p5.prototype.textSize = function (s) { this._setProperty('_textSize', s); this._setProperty('_textLeading', s * 1.25); this._applyTextProperties(); }; p5.prototype.textStyle = function (s) { if (s === constants.NORMAL || s === constants.ITALIC || s === constants.BOLD) { this._setProperty('_textStyle', s); this._applyTextProperties(); } }; p5.prototype.textWidth = function (s) { return this.drawingContext.measureText(s).width; }; p5.prototype.textAscent = function () { if (this._textAscent == null) { this._updateTextMetrics(); } return this._textAscent; }; p5.prototype.textDescent = function () { if (this._textDescent == null) { this._updateTextMetrics(); } return this._textDescent; }; p5.prototype._applyTextProperties = function () { this._setProperty('_textAscent', null); this._setProperty('_textDescent', null); var str = this._textStyle + ' ' + this._textSize + 'px ' + this._textFont; this.drawingContext.font = str; }; p5.prototype._updateTextMetrics = function () { var text = document.createElement('span'); = this._textFont; = this._textSize + 'px'; text.innerHTML = 'ABCjgq|'; var block = document.createElement('div'); = 'inline-block'; = '1px'; = '0px'; var container = document.createElement('div'); container.appendChild(text); container.appendChild(block); = '0px'; = 'hidden'; document.body.appendChild(container); = 'baseline'; var blockOffset = this._calculateOffset(block); var textOffset = this._calculateOffset(text); var ascent = blockOffset[1] - textOffset[1]; = 'bottom'; blockOffset = this._calculateOffset(block); textOffset = this._calculateOffset(text); var height = blockOffset[1] - textOffset[1]; var descent = height - ascent; document.body.removeChild(container); this._setProperty('_textAscent', ascent); this._setProperty('_textDescent', descent); }; p5.prototype._calculateOffset = function (object) { var currentLeft = 0, currentTop = 0; if (object.offsetParent) { do { currentLeft += object.offsetLeft; currentTop += object.offsetTop; } while (object = object.offsetParent); } else { currentLeft += object.offsetLeft; currentTop += object.offsetTop; } return [ currentLeft, currentTop ]; }; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core'], amdclean['constants']); amdclean['typographyloading_displaying'] = function (require, core) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; p5.prototype.text = function (str, x, y, maxWidth, maxHeight) { if (typeof str !== 'string') { return; } if (typeof maxWidth !== 'undefined') { y += this._textLeading; maxHeight += y; } str = str.replace(/(\t)/g, ' '); var cars = str.split('\n'); for (var ii = 0; ii < cars.length; ii++) { var line = ''; var words = cars[ii].split(' '); for (var n = 0; n < words.length; n++) { if (y + this._textLeading <= maxHeight || typeof maxHeight === 'undefined') { var testLine = line + words[n] + ' '; var metrics = this.drawingContext.measureText(testLine); var testWidth = metrics.width; if (typeof maxWidth !== 'undefined' && testWidth > maxWidth) { if (this._doFill) { this.drawingContext.fillText(line, x, y); } if (this._doStroke) { this.drawingContext.strokeText(line, x, y); } line = words[n] + ' '; y += this._textLeading; } else { line = testLine; } } } if (this._doFill) { this.drawingContext.fillText(line, x, y); } if (this._doStroke) { this.drawingContext.strokeText(line, x, y); } y += this._textLeading; } }; p5.prototype.textFont = function (str) { this._setProperty('_textFont', str); this._applyTextProperties(); }; return p5; }({}, amdclean['core']); amdclean['src_app'] = function (require, core, p5Color, p5Element, p5Graphics, p5Image, p5Vector, p5TableRow, p5Table, colorcreating_reading, colorsetting, constants, dataconversion, dataarray_functions, datastring_functions, environment, imageimage, imageloading_displaying, imagepixels, inputfiles, inputkeyboard, inputmouse, inputtime_date, inputtouch, mathmath, mathcalculation, mathrandom, mathnoise, mathtrigonometry, outputfiles, outputimage, outputtext_area, renderingrendering, shape2d_primitives, shapeattributes, shapecurves, shapevertex, structure, transform, typographyattributes, typographyloading_displaying) { 'use strict'; var p5 = core; var _globalInit = function () { if (!window.PHANTOMJS) { if (window.setup && typeof window.setup === 'function' || window.draw && typeof window.draw === 'function') { new p5(); } } }; if (document.readyState === 'complete') { _globalInit(); } else { window.addEventListener('load', _globalInit, false); } return p5; }({}, amdclean['core'], amdclean['p5Color'], amdclean['p5Element'], amdclean['p5Graphics'], amdclean['p5Image'], amdclean['p5Vector'], amdclean['p5TableRow'], amdclean['p5Table'], amdclean['colorcreating_reading'], amdclean['colorsetting'], amdclean['constants'], amdclean['dataconversion'], amdclean['dataarray_functions'], amdclean['datastring_functions'], amdclean['environment'], amdclean['imageimage'], amdclean['imageloading_displaying'], amdclean['imagepixels'], amdclean['inputfiles'], amdclean['inputkeyboard'], amdclean['inputmouse'], amdclean['inputtime_date'], amdclean['inputtouch'], amdclean['mathmath'], amdclean['mathcalculation'], amdclean['mathrandom'], amdclean['mathnoise'], amdclean['mathtrigonometry'], amdclean['outputfiles'], amdclean['outputimage'], amdclean['outputtext_area'], amdclean['renderingrendering'], amdclean['shape2d_primitives'], amdclean['shapeattributes'], amdclean['shapecurves'], amdclean['shapevertex'], amdclean['structure'], amdclean['transform'], amdclean['typographyattributes'], amdclean['typographyloading_displaying']); return amdclean['src_app']; }));