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File: run_mysql.doc.txt

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File: run_mysql.doc.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: Included also in the source code
Class: Run MySQL
Executing batch MySQL scripts
Author: By
Last change: New feature added. You may pass an additional parameter to three core methods. Value ERR_STOP /default/ causes script termination on error while ERR_IGNORE forces the class continue with execution.
Date: 20 years ago
Size: 4,360 bytes


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================================== # Name : Run MySQL # # Language : PHP # # Author : Ondrej Maly # # e-mail : [email protected] # # Creation Date : 2003-10-08 # # Last Modified : 2004-12-21 # ================================== COPYRIGHT NOTICE Copyright (c) 2003 Ondrej Maly <[email protected]> Licensed under the Artistic License (see attached file) DO WHAT THOU WILT with this piece of code as long as this copyright notice remains untouched. If you make useful changes to the code, please email a copy to me. THAT'S THE WHOLE OF LAW. CURSES WILL FOLLOW !!! DESCRIPTION Run MySQL is a powerful tool for feeding the MySQL server with large batches of SQL. The batch could be a string, a local file or a file uploaded via HTML form. INITIALISATION There are three ways how to initialise this class. 1) Default values are used for the initialisation. They are hard- coded in the class variables. Usage : $foo = new run_mysql ( defaults ); 2) An existing connection is used. Supposed you have chosen the database before. Usage : $foo = new run_sql ( $link_ID ); where the $link_ID is the resource link identifier 3) No connection is established. Usage : $foo = new run_sql (); You must then explicitly set up the properties : $foo->mysql_host, $foo->mysql_username, $foo->mysql_password and $foo->mysql_db and call the internal method $foo->connect(); before any usage of the class CLASS USAGE After the class is initialised it offers three methods how to pass the batch to the MySQL server. 1) run_script ( string script[, bool errors]); The batch is passed as string. The string is pre-parsed into separate commands. Please discuss the MySQL manual how the comments are handled by the MySQL server. 2) run_local_file ( string pathname[, bool errors]); The batch is loaded from the local file and then passed as above. 2) run_upload_file ( string name[, bool errors]); The batch is loaded from the file uploaded via HTML form. The name of the input field in the form is used as na argument. Then handled as above. Those three methods return the resource identifier of the result of the last SQL query in the batch (you can utilise the result then) or FALSE if an error occurs. 2004-12-21 New feature added. You may pass an additional parameter to thesse three methods. Value ERR_STOP /default/ causes script termination on error while ERR_IGNORE forces the class continue with execution. ERROR HANDLING If an error occurs, the error message is stored in the property error_msg and can be accessed using the error_msg() method then. If an errorneous SQL statement occurs in the batch, then everythig before it is of course executed. Be careful. SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS Thhere's one important thing when using SQL scripts posted via the HTML form. You must be 100% sure if possible, that only authenticated persons could run the php script handling the form data and calling this class. This is out of the scope of the class presented. PUBLIC METHODS string error_msg () Returns the error message if an error occures. In fact it returns the value of the internal property error_msg, it could be used instead. If no error has occured, returns FALSE. boolean run_mysql ([resource link_ID]) Constructor. Read the documentation above. resource run_local_file ( string path[, errors]) Runs a MySQL script from a local file. resource run_script ( string script[, errors]) Runs a MySQL script stored in the string script. resource run_upload_file ( string name[, errors]) Runs a MySQL script from a file uploaded via HTML form. As an argument the name of the input field is used.