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File: deferer.php

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  Classes of Matthew Daniel   PHP Action Deferer   deferer.php   Download  
File: deferer.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: deferer class
Class: PHP Action Deferer
Defer execution of actions until the script ends
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 11 years ago
Size: 2,554 bytes



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// class deferer
// This class can be used to defer action until after the user connection is closed
// Initiallize the script with deferer::initialize() prior to any outpub
// register actions to be done by using registerAction.
// Example: deferer::initialize(); registerAction(function() use($userid, $useremail) {sendUserEmail($userid, $useremail);});
// The above example will result in the user's browser closing the connection
// before the sendUserEmail is run which will cause faster client page loading
// If you have trouble with database connections closing try initializing
// with registerShutdown = false and manually calling processActions at the end of your script.
// Hint: If something needs to be registered toward the end (like closing connections) but
// you want to queue it in your main application script try it like this
// deferer::registerAction(function() { deferer::registerAction(function() {closeSqlConnections();}); });
// License MIT
class deferer
    protected static
$actions = array();
    protected static
$initialized = false;

     * Initialize the deferer (must be called before content is outputed)
     * @param bool $registerShutdown
public static function initialize($registerShutdown=true)
        if (static::

$initialized = true;


        if (

     * Register an action to be done after client connection is closed.
     * @param closure $action
public static function registerAction(closure $action)
$actions[] = $action;

     * Attempt to close the user client agent.
protected static function connectionCloser()
        while (
ob_get_level() > 2) ob_end_flush(); // flush all output buffers into the default level

$length = ob_get_length();
$html = ob_get_clean();

header("Content-Length: ".$length);
header("Connection: Close");

ob_flush(); // headers
echo $html;

     * Process all the queued actions.
public static function processActions()
        if (static::

        foreach (static::
$actions as $closure)