PHP Classes

File: src/assets/dump_r.js

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  Classes of Leon Sorokin   dump_r   src/assets/dump_r.js   Download  
File: src/assets/dump_r.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: dump_r
Display values of variables
Author: By
Last change: decode ASCII in binary strings, doubleclick to toggle full hex
truckloads of changes:

- upd: PHP >= 5.4
- upd: changed extension API
- new: binary string detection
- new: mark recordset column key visibility
- new: add examples of
- filtering nodes
- marking nodes
- selective recursion limiting
- fix: indent recordsets
- fix: IE (Trident) detection
- fix: expand/collapse arrow positioning
- fix: sparse arrays getting re-indexed
- ref: merged Rend + Type hierarchies
Date: 9 years ago
Size: 2,369 bytes



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(function(){ /*--- all this for expand/collapse arrow size consistency ---*/ function isUa(re) {return re.test(window.navigator.userAgent);} var ua = isUa(/Chrom[ei]/) ? "ch" : isUa(/Firefox\//) ? "ff" : isUa(/Safari/) ? "sf" : isUa(/Opera/) ? "op" : isUa(/; MSIE \d|Trident/) ? "ie" : "oth"; var cfg = { ff: [10,8,null,null], ch: [10,10,null,12], sf: [10,8.5,null,null], op: [11,8.5,11,11], ie: [10,13.5,null,11] }; var fn = "font-size: ", ln = "line-height: ", un = "pt", c = cfg[ua], fe = fn + c[0] + un, fc = fn + c[1] + un, le = c[2] ? ln + c[2] + un : "", lc = c[3] ? ln + c[3] + un : "", sheet = document.getElementById("dump_r").sheet; sheet.insertRule(".dump_r .expanded > .excol {" + [fe,le].join(";") + "}", 5); sheet.insertRule(".dump_r .collapsed > .excol {" + [fc,lc].join(";") + "}", 5); /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ // expandable or collapsible tester var re = /\bexpanded\b|\bcollapsed\b/; function toggle(actn, node, lvls) { if (lvls === 0 || !re.test(node.className) || /\blimited\b/.test(node.className)) return; node.className = node.className.replace(actn ? /\bcollapsed\b/ : /\bexpanded\b/, actn ? "expanded" : "collapsed"); for (var i in node.childNodes) { if (node.childNodes[i].nodeName !== "UL") continue; for (var j in node.childNodes[i].childNodes) toggle(actn, node.childNodes[i].childNodes[j], lvls - 1); } } function toggleHandler(e) { if (e.which != 1 ||"excol") == -1) return; var node =, actn = node.className.indexOf("collapsed") !== -1 ? 1 : 0, lvls = e.shiftKey ? 1000 : 1; toggle(actn, node, lvls); // toggle all following siblings if (e.ctrlKey) { while (node.nextSibling) { node = node.nextSibling; toggle(actn, node, lvls); } } } function toggleAltVal(e) { if (e.which != 1 ||"val") == -1) return; var val2 ='data-val'); if (val2 !== null) { val2 = val2.replace(/\\\\n/g, "\n"); var oldVal =\n/g, "\\\\n");"data-val", oldVal); = val2; } e.preventDefault(); } document.addEventListener("click", toggleHandler, false); document.addEventListener("dblclick", toggleAltVal, false); })();