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File: docs/CreatingaTask.txt

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File: docs/CreatingaTask.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: Creating a Task
Class: PTM
Manage PHP tasks running in parallel processes
Author: By
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Date: 12 years ago
Size: 1,412 bytes



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------------------- | Creating a Task | ------------------- The task manager is capable of handling a large number of tasks and quickly and efficiently running them all in sequence. Just placing PHP code in the tasks directory is not enough for the task manager to recognize it. All tasks follow a strict naming convention. When creating a task be sure to name the file TASKNAME.task.php and place it in the appropriate file. Please use the following template to create your own tasks: <?php class TASKNAME extends Task{ function run(){ CODE TO RUN TASK HERE } } ?> Also not that your task may have more then one function in them, however the task manager will only run the run() function, therefore it is important that this function be included in all of your tasks otherwise and exception will be thrown. Tasks may store information within the Task Manager for use in future tasks. Please refer to the Usage.txt file in the docs directory on instructions of how to accomplish this. ------------------------------------- | Resevered variables and functions | ------------------------------------- The following is a list of reserved variables and functions, tasks may NOT have variables or functions with these names, doing so may result in unintended consequences. Functions: fork() get_ids() pid() share_memory() Variables: $pid $ppid $verbose